xiii. you really are soft, caleb

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[ xiii. you really are soft, caleb ]

CALEB SMILED AS the screen soon became Parker's face, who was eating a pizza slice with her hair in her face like she just woke up. "Wow, very attractive," the boy joked as he sat down in his trailer. She giggled, nodding as she took another bite.

"I know," she said with a mouthful full of food. "I've been wanting all these guys to come hit me up since I look so great." Caleb chuckled sheepishly at the girl, not being able to stop smiling. "How's filming?" Parker asked, getting off her bed.

"It's fun I really enjoy it," he explained, making her nod as she sat down at her vanity.

"How's being slept on?" She asked chuckling, looking over at the screen. Caleb licked his lips, making Parker laugh.

"I'm getting somewhere!" He exclaimed in defense. "I'm getting closer and closer to becoming to not being slept on." Parker looked over at him, knowing he was lying.

"You sure about that?" She asked, making him sigh and shake his head. "Thought so. But it's okay, you can be my mattress. Maybe you can upgrade to a king size?"

"Wow," Caleb chuckled, shaking his head jokingly. "You're something else, you know that?"

"I guess," Parker sheepishly shrugged as she combed her hair, staring at her mirror not the phone. However, Caleb continued to stare at her, grinning. "When are you gonna come back to LA?" Caleb snapped out of his trance, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Um . . . I'm not sure," he stated softly, making the girl nod.

"Wouldn't it be so cool if I just come up there?" Parker exclaimed, her mouth dropping in excitement. "I mean, just think about it!" Caleb smiled and laughed at the girl's excitement. "Stop laughing at me, I'm serious," the girl whined, looking back over at the phone.

"Yeah, it would be really cool," he agreed, still having the wide smile on his face. She grinned, astatic about the idea. "Just don't trip and get food over everything." Her smile dropped, turning into a glare making the boy burst out laughing.

"One time, Caleb. One time!" Parker exclaimed, holding up a finger resembling 'one'.

"It's fair game after you keep making mattress jokes about me," he fired back, making her sigh knowing he was right. "That's what I thought."

"We fight like a married couple," Parker halfheartedly giggled, loosely applying makeup her attention away from the phone. Caleb lied down on the couch, holding the phone up in front of his face.

"I like it, though," he added, making Parker grin like an idiot. "We haven't seen each other in like . . . three days and you already wanna meet up again?" Parker shrugged, screwing the cap to her mascara back on and placing it back in it's place.

"I mean, yea. It's nice to hang out with people other than the Girdies," Parker said, confusing Caleb.


"Yeah. It was me, Esther, and Dawn until Andi came along," the girl explained, applying lipgloss to her lips. "It's like our squad name or whatever you call it."

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