Chapter One

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Percy's POV

I smirked as i dodged another one of Luke's attempts to punch me, Krios wasn't lying when he said that he needs to work on hand to hand combat. Luke let out a loud grunt as punched him.

I laughed "your getting your ass kicked my a boy 4 years younger than you"

He threw me a deadly glare while spitting blood besides him "your so -"

"Gorgeous? Amazing? Funny? Sassy? Yeah you could say that." I shrugged playfully while throwing a lopsided smirk.

"Your growing cocky nephew" i craned my neck to see my uncles, Krios, Hyperion and my fave Oceanus. Yup his my favorite because...he hates my guts. Yup just plain out hates me. At first i thought he was joking around until he sent the sea monster, the kraken after me, that was at my 10th birthday 4 years back.

"You cant disagree though" i snapped back playfully. They all rolled their eyes while i smirked in triumph. They didn't deny it.

"Why were we here again? Hyperion?" Krios asked impatiently, Oceanus rolled his eyes and massaged his head while Hyperion looked lost.

I threw Luke a look that said how are people scared of them?

"You imbeciles! Kronos wishes to speak with the brat!" Oceanus yelled, his blue eyes blazing with annoyance. I froze in shock, the last time he talked me was 2 years ago when he asked me to sabotage the quest to find zues' lightning bolt, which i might've failed at doing, so being angry is the understatment of the year...or past two.

"Why?" I asked quietly, kinda scared of the outcomes.

"Not to kill you obviously, your his son. More importantly our weapon and key to destroying the Olympians" Oceanus grunted and gestured for me to follow him. We live in Mount Tam in San Francisco, not going to lie, a pretty boring and gloomy place. There was only monsters who i can kill for training and turned demigods who are so serious all the time and who are scared of me.

So yeah, pretty boring.

I had to jog to keep up with Oceanus' long and powerful stride, guess thats what you get for being 5'8 while oceanus is like 7'2. I feel like an ant compared to him, the only thing in common was our hair, both black though his hair is slicked back while mine is very very messy. Something which they all hated. But i can't control my hair. And they cant control me.

I pursed my lips while my father's chamber came into view. You see Kronos has risen a long time ago but he stayed in secret, he wants the Olympians to think his using Luke for a new host when in reality Luke will just help command the army besides me.

I lifted my hand and hastily knocked on the door a few times. "You may enter", his gruff voice. Gods i haven't heard that in two years, honestly the best years of my life.

No "Your such a disgrace" no "Kill Nathan Green his an horrible asset" or "Go make me a sandwich"... yeah he once made me make a sandwich for him. I somehow ended up setting the kitchen on fire. Honestly dont know how.

There he was standing back to me, looking out of the wall sized window. I sadly look just like him, golden eyes and shape, black untamed hair though his is a little curly from the bottom and the same skin tone. Some people *cough* Oceanus*cough, says that we fight the same as well, him better but i still cant seem to make him proud.

"Father" i bowed my head in respect, looking at the ground.

"You are my son, you can nod your head in respect and look at me in my eyes. After all i cant have you quivering at that sight of me? Can i now? You are my heir" came his gruff response, "what will my brothers think?" i stayed silence and pursed my lips waiting for him to continue, "Good news son, you have another mission."

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