chapter two

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Thalia's POV

I scowled as the hunters of artemis cheered with their flag. They won once again and i feel nothing but pure anger. There's a 80% chance Annabeth will resent me for not going with her plan while the other 20% is the cabin with alliances to me will also hate me for a short period of time before getting over it , the rest of the week is going to be one with yelling, curses and resentment. That's us halfbloods to you, we're very competitve.

"Thalia!" speaking of the devil...Annabeth came stomping up to me, her blonde hair like a birds net, and her californian tan smudged in dirt. Thanks to the Hestphaetus cabin and their amazing non-fatal bombs. NOB's as they call it, which accidentally hit one of our ranks instead. I wanted laugh at her face, cause thats what bestfriends do when the other looks like an angry princess. "We lost!"

I gave an innocent look "We did? What? How! I swear the flag was in my hand-" I lifted up my hands for dramatic effect "But it just disapeared. Like poof" I clapped my hands together and shrugged like it didn't matter. But in reality im freaking furious.

"It's all your fault!" This time Murdoch yelled, his a son of Posiedon and a total ass. He doesn't even know how to wield a sword and his name fully means protector of the sea, he can't even protect his own ego. "You stupid airheaded moron!"

I felt my blood boil in complete utter anger. "Watch water boy-" i was cut short by Annabeth who tried to step between us. "Stay out of this Annie!"

"Or what you'll zap us?" Murdoch hissed, calling on a little baby wave from the river. It splashed me in the face, it felt like someone decided to splash me with water in the the pools. I heard the hunters snicker in the side.

Some may call the little amount of water refreshing, but i infact found it very annoying. "Listen ass wipe" Annabeth let out a strangled gasp at my language "I am pretty freaking pissed right now, so if you mind. I'll be leaving right now." I heard him mutter something about me being thick-headed as i turned around. No matter how true that was, no one and i mean no one can talk about me behind my back with out me knowing. I turned around and let out a yell of rage, letting out all the anger i was feeling onto him. Lightning fell from above and sent him flying 10 feet back.

A bunch of gasps were let out from the crowd and oooh's. He stood up and i couldn't help but scowl at the trimph look on his face. Only then did i notice the wall of water building up fom behind me. But stopped.

He was looking right behind me face appalled and pale as he looked in sheer fear.

[I am delphi, speaker of the prophecies, approach seeker and ask] No body moved. every one rooted in shock as the large python made out of green mist slithered aroung her body, those socketless eyes like deep caverns with neon pits. No one approached her for a couple of minutes.

All but Zoe Nightshade. My number one enemy. She walked towards the mommy who still floated mid-air. "Tell me how to save mi'lady"

[Five shall go to the goddes in chains

One shall be lost in the land without rain

The bane of Olypmus shows the trail

Hunters and Campers combined prevail

A son of old

Will help the quest unfold

The titans curse one shall withstand

And shall perish by a parents hand]

An involuntarily shiver travelled up my spine and i tried to keep my panic at bay. I can't have the camp thinking that a daughter of Zeus is weak. Chiron looked down at us, the shadows portrayed his face to look like a corpse, something he would be if the olympians refused to give him immortality. "We need a councillor meeting. Now"

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