Chapter Eight

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Percy's POV

I bit back a hiss as the bracelet on my wrist burned, out of all the times now he wanted to talk? I bit my bottom lip and wriggled away from the talking group careful not to talk.

And into the bathroom where none of the demigods could see me. And as soon as i was put of sight, i pulled the scythe charm hanging loosely on my bracelet.

And automatically i was met with the face of my father. I bowed my head in respect, nodding my head at the other titans lounging around the main hall.

"Persesus what is the report?" Kronos drawed out.

I clenched my jaw at the use of my full name but said nothing. "So far one part of the prophecy has been fufiled, Phoebe daughter of Ares and huntress of Artemis has perished at the hands of Talon"

"Really?" He drawed out, his hand was curled sround his scythe. A bull was sleeping soundlessly at the foot of his throne, and I bit my lip trying not to say anything. "What Prophecy?"

Realisation hit me like a thunderstorm. I didn't tell him about the prophecy. I cleared my throat and nodded my head. "You know the prophecy"

"I know of no prophecy" He grumbled.

Time to role play. "You know! The prophecy the one that includes those demigods! What other prophecy is there?" I laughed nervously.

He lifted a brow. "Well Perseus it looks to me that you forgot to tell me of the prophecy" 

I feigned shock. "Me! I would never!" I rolled my eyes. "Forgetting my homework is believable but why would I ever forget to tell you the prophecy?"

Kronos scoffed. "Tell me the prophecy now and I'll forget this ever happened."

I blushed a little and repeated the prophecy. "Thalia believes that she will be the one to perish at the hands of her father"

"Don't blame her" Atlas muttered. "He's cowardly"

"But I believe that Zoë will be the one to die"

Atlas perked up at the name of his daughter. Behind his volacanic eyes, all the rage that he kept locked up was begging to be let out, he wanted to get his revenge on the girl that broke his heart along with the rest of his daughters.

I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the look he's giving me. "Tell Zoë that if she continues on with this quest I will personally run her through with a spear!"

"Sorry I can't"

"You will you runt!"

I weighed my options. "Still can't"

"I'll talk to you in a few days for an update and I expect an actual report" Kronos ignored the few titans who whispered between each other.

I nodded at my father with a frown. No matter how much i wanted to impress Kronos, i couldn't get my mind off the fact that someone else might die. I couldn't bare if Bianca, Annabeth, Thalia or Zoë got hurt. Unfortunately, i may have created a connection between us that continues to strengthen every minute.

I dragged my hand across my face. I have to get back before they got suspicious.


I jumped back and I automatically pulled out my sword.

Instead of being faced with a monster, i stood face to face with a mortal girl. Her green eyes were wide in shock, her nose red and mouth agape. But what caught my attention the most was the curtain of frizzy red hair that fell past her shoulders.

"You have a freaking sword!" She exclaimed in shock.

I laughed nervously. " This? Nah this is a bat, used to hitting things. Annoying people included."

The green eyes girl rolled her eyes. "I'm not blind or dumb! But that hitting annoying people thing sounds pretty illegal" she stated.

I grinned. "What can i say? Im a bad boy"

The green eyed girl smiled slightly.


I turned to see Thalia. "Hey whats up?"

She didnt answer me, instead she eyed out the mortal as if she was a piece of trash. "Rachel" She intoduced herself.

"Yeah. Those skeleton things are coming"

I tried to act surprised. "Oh gods we have to leave."

"Gods? Who are you guys-"

"No one important." I answered  with a grin, walking back I grabbed Thalia's elbow leading her away from the redheaded girl.

"Wait!" Thalia and I turned around questioningly. "I can uh help you guys."

"...sure?" I muttered in confusion, or seeing how a mortal could help us.

"Go back into the restroom, I'll handle it from here."

Thalia narrowed her eyes on her but didn't argue instead she looped her arm through mine and slipped into one of the bathroom stalls.

I cleared my throat feeling my cheeks heat up. Thalia didn't even glance at me, her eyes trained on the little gap in the wall exposing us to the door.

"Oh thank god you're here!" The redheaded girl exclaimed. "There were two really weird people here just a second ago-" well she wasn't wrong about weird part. "One has a sword a-and he threatened to kill me. They went that way."

The skeletons clattered in response, their bones creaking as they went whatever direction she sent them on. Thalia looked almost impressed, she threw me a quick glance probably now realising the close approximately between us and my pink cheeks. "Uh..."

"Let's go." She cut me off grabbing my shirt dragging me out of the bathroom. The redheaded girl was long gone, probably freaked out from the skeletons.

"Finally you guys are here!" Bianca exclaimed, as soon as we met up with them. "Where did you two go?"

"I was in the bathroom."

"Snack bar"

Zoë pursed her lips but remained silent, glaring daggers at me. "We need to leave."

"Yes but how." Annabeth piped up.

As if the wind started to pick up its pace I was shook back into reality, the skeleton warriors were still in the Hoover dam, and they were no way safe just standing there. With a sigh I gave them a small signal and started to walk.

"Any ideas" I muttered and when no one answered I continued to lead them to the two statues, both angel and completely golden.

"Why are they rubbing their feet?" Bianca muttered in confusion, watching as the mortals rubbed the feet of the angels.

"They think it's good luck." Annabeth answered automatically.

"Maybe we should rub it's feet too?"

"Definitely not." Zoë scoffed rolling her eyes before freezing completely. "Maybe this was what lady Athena was speaking about?"

"Who?" I asked before blushing as they all looked at me. "Oh, her."

How much more oblivious can I get.

Boom, this has been sitting in my drafts for months lmao but I was able to finish it.

Now I'm not sure when I can finish the next chapter cause I got a couple assignments due this week but you can expect it in a week or two. Sorry for taking long.

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