Chapter Seven

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I watched Percy with a careful expression, ever since they explained to him the prophecy he kept silent. His eyes remained downcast and his shoulders were slumped. After finding out that yet another one of them were going to die, it scared him. He kept away from the group of us girls either 6 feet in front or behind.

He was afraid of getting close to us, he was afraid to lose yet another one of his friends. If the death of Phoebe had hurt Percy the same way it hurt me then I didn't blame him.

I couldn't get the sombre look out my head, i couldn't forget how he caressed my face and how he smiled at me, that smile promising that wasn't okay but will be in all due time. I tried to act natural as heat rised up my neck and ever so casually I tried to cover her face from the rest of the group. And thankfully they were too engrossed in their own thoughts they didn't notice the blue eyed me, now lobster.

I crossed my arms and slowed my pace, so I can fall in step by Percy. Hopefully he was a lot like me, I liked to talk about random things to forget my problems and worries. Likes to get my mind off things, you know. We were side by side as we walked with silence, Percy's eyes still glazed over like mist at sea.

The silence was killing me, Zoë was super depressed. Bianca looked like a ghost and Annabeth had this caculating look in her eyes, and ever so slighty her eyes would shift from one person to another. Looking like a thunderstorm. As if she was comprehending who would die next. They would linger on me the most. And i didn't judge her, i was 16 in a couple of days.

So far only i had a reason so my father can kill me. He was scared of what i can do. Of how i could fate Olympus to raze, even though i still haven't heard of the prophecy i know it was that bad. "So" I started off with a frown. "The weather pretty nice huh?"

Percy gave her a small look. "S'okay" he mumbled, he kept on playing with a bracelet which had a bunch of charms on it. I lifted a brow and looked at him curiously as i spotted a dagger, scythe and sun.

"Nice bracelet?" It came out more like a question.

Percy chuckled. "Thanks, a gift from my father" he held it up higher. "My father was a demigod, this is made from imperial gold"

I couldn't help but ogle at the bracelet. It was beautiful glimmering in the light and such. "It's beautiful"

Percy cracked a grin at that and turned to face me. "I dunno, if you want i can totally get you one"

A stupid smile graced my features at the thought of getting the same bracelet, It was beautiful and badass at the same time. "I dunno" i repeated his wording. "If you wanna"

He laughed and threw his arm around my shoulder. "I think we're going to be good friends Miss Thalia"

I grinned at him. "I agree sir Percy, good friends indeed."

Bianca slowed to a stop besides us, she had a sad smile plastered on her face. Her dark chocolate eyes ran over us. "That's the first sound of laughter i heard in like ages. Ever since she died."

Percy clenched his jaw and nodded. "She was a good person. A great huntress and maybe even a better warrior."

"Phoebe was all of that" Zoë agreed.

Annabeth smiled. "She was so sure of herself."

I nodded as well, even if i wasn't that close with Phoebe i still admired her strength and loyalty. "A great friend"

We walked in silence all of us remembering the proud daughter of Ares. One of the eldest hunters, and a friend of everyone.

It felt like forever until we made it to a civilised place again. Hoover dam. I realised, well more like Annabeth realised. As soon as Annabeth saw the sign she started to blabber non-stop about the history of the damn. She was tugging my arm excitedly, all her words were rushed and she was using hand gestures to emit what she felt.

I didn't hear anything, all that i was focused on was Percy. He was oddly silent after that little conversation about the fallen huntress. He didn't even try to offend or tease me in anyway.

He had this far away look in his eyes, they were misty and unfocused. And everytime they landed on me, a shiver would travel up my spine reminding me of those horrid golden eyes i see everytime i close my eyes.

"Thalia?" Bianca asked me, her eyes were tired. Bags were under her eyes and she was slumping as she walked. "Are you alright?"

Zoë nodded in agreement. "Yes, you have gotten a little pale"

"Im fine" I lied through clenched teeth.

"Is thee sure?" Zoë lifted a brow and i numbly nodded my head. "Okay im going to find the dam snackbar"

"Dam snackbar?" I snickered her, mood taking a 360 turn.

"Yes dam snackbar"

"I want to go to the dam gift shop" i laughed.

"To buy a dam shirt" Percy laughed along with me.

Annabeth rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, Bianca was laughing into her palm. But it was just Zoë who didn't understand, she was frowing at us four her arms crossed against her chest. "What's so funny?"

Bianca couldn't help it anymore, she snorted making the rest of us burst into laughter. I had to lean on Percy for support and even Annabeth who is usually level headed was crying with laughter. "Nothing" Percy was the only one who managed to talk, a goofy smile was plastered on his face and i couldn't help but melt a little.

He was gorgeous. What? Shut up Thalia! You are not meant to think of uim that way. You like him as a friend and nothing more. I ressured myself. I looked away with a blush, that liked him only as a friend.

Almost instantly his smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "Excuse me, I'll catch up with you guys later"

Where was he going?

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