Chapter Four

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Percy Jackson does not belong to me but to uncle Rick.

"Fear has two meanings, forget everything and run or face everything and rise. The choice is yours"

Thalia's POV


My eye twitched a little. The golden eyed boy sat besides me in the little van we stole outside the museum, and somehow convinced us so he can come with us.

Do i like him?

I despise him. Like on a whole new level. Why? I honestly don't know, it's just that something about him drives me crazy. I don't know if it's good or bad, all i know is that i won't rest until i fond out.

I scowled at him and tried not to groan as he took another long slurp from his slurpee.


"Shut it" i finally snapped completely and utterly pissed off.

He looked at me with those golden eyes, with mock innocence. "But I'm not talking"

"Just shut up" i hissed crossing my arms and looking out the window, trying to ignore him. Trying.

"I dont even know what im doing"  he grumbled taking another annoying sip from his colored drink. I casually opened the window and took a deep breath before snatching the drink from his hand and throwing it out.

But what i didn't ponder was that Zoë was driving to fast and that the wind was blowing to hard in the oppisite direction.

Long story short, the frozen substance was splattered all over me. Phoebe and Bianca let out a startled gasp, Annabeth rolled her eyes. And Zoë didn't even react.

And he had the  nerve to laugh. Laugh. "Fates a bitch." He muttered with a smile of triumph, fishing out a packet of tissues from one our supply bags. "Care for a wet wipe?"

"Listen Peter" i hissed.

"Percy"  he corrected.

I threw my hands up in fustration. "I don't care!" I yelled in anger giving him one of my famous death glares. Something he didn't even flinch on.

"You think you look scary? Darling you look so cute" Percy pinched my cheek and leaned back into his chair.

My face felt hot. Literally scorching. From embarrassment and anger. Im not cute. I-Im just Thalia. Yeah. Just Thalia.

He turned to look at me with those eyes. Those golden eyes of his, like pools of honey. They reminded me of those eyes in my dream. But unlike his, dream eyes were harsh and cold. His eyes seemed to calm me down, like he's the light in the dark.

His eyes squinched up a little like he was thinking of something important. Or trying to figure something out. "Thalia"

I hummed in response shaking my head from thise thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry lining his voice and ultimately looking for the first time in the trip a friend who cares.

I shuddered from the cold "Oh like you care" i was sticky and cold. Not something im happy about.

"There's police officers over there" Zoë announced out of the blue, i craned my neck to see them properly and indeed they were pulling over cars.

"What should we do?" Bianca asked.

"Abandon the car" Both Percy and Annabeth answered, he payed no mind to it, but Annabeth looked at him with adoring eyes turning a bit red.

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously, does she really like him. Does she not want to join the hunters no more.

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