Chapter Three

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Percy's POV

I frowned as Atlas lazed around on throne way too small for him, somwthing which didn't bother him. He decided to install in the small room in the museum since he was the "leader" of this division.

He was a big built man with a small brutal face that promised blood. I was afraid that if he lounged any longer the throne will crumble thanks to his weight.

I smirked as the mortal men walked around like mindless zombies, and usually colliding heads when the other isn't looking or paying attention. So yeah, lifes pretty great. All for the fact that I, Percy freakin Jackson is supposed to make some girl fall for me.
And a daughter of Zeus as well, and if she's any more thickheaded than her father then the titans might as well bloody send me to seduce a brick.

Smirking a little i jumped down from my spot on the high stool and straightened myself. "They're outside. Bye cousin." I waved mockingly and walked out the small door, wincing as i heard the brutal laugh of Atlas. Promising nothing but bloodshed. A little hit of sympathy rushed through me like a river as i thought on what Atlas would do if he ever gets his hands on them. If he had the permission to terrorize them.

When my father had said that my uncles and cousins will teach me about talking to girls he honestly didn't know what he was thinking. They kept on telling me pick up lines and how to flirt 101. Lets just say I'm scared of the outcomes if i ever do flirt. I ended up residing on my Aunt Theia, who squealed in delight and ended up telling me that girls like perspective and honest guys, who's a good listener.... Im pretty sure im none of those things. Im blunt, well...I am honest but i usually zone out most of the time so, i dont think the mission's going to end up well.

"Look at that spaceship!" A blonde haired girl squealed in delight "The structure of it is amazing, even though its built so poorly and probably couldnt handle leaving the world's atmosp-"

"Annabeth. Shut up" a black haired girl snapped "We've been here for literally 5 minutes and i already have a freaking headache" She rolled her eyes, her blue eyes looking almost electric against the sunlight.

Almost immediately i knew this was Thalia Grace.

"It's not her fault your brain can't handle that much information" Another girl who looks like a Persian princess smirked, her nose was up turnt like royalty and had this atmosphere of confidence. My cousin Zoë Nightshade, someone I've never met but heard a lot about. From her father Atlas.

Their relationship is a lot like Kronos' and mine. They both despise each other, the father is odly powerful and the child can't do anything. At least Zoë was able to leave.

The two other girls looked unfamiliar as they continued to bicker with each other. The blonde smirking smugly and the other two brown haired girls rolling their eyes.

"Honestly," one of them rolled her eyes "If you guys keep arguing you're going to attract attention"

"Sorry Bianca" "Sorry B"

I decided this was the perfect time to intervene "You know what? She's right" i agreed with Bianca.

Zoë glared at me along with her hunter friend, Bianca and Annabeth blushed slightly while Thalia just looked blankly at me.

"And you are?" Thalia asked with a stiff tone.

"Doesn't matter his a male" Zoë sniffed in distaste.

"What? No, I'm female but look like a guy" they looked at me blankly "Gosh okay im a dude, but it's not like i invented the idea or something" i grumbled under my breath.

"Of course men dont have enough brain cells to-" The hunter girl sneered but was cut off by a loud roar.

"Oh look at that. We have company" I smirked.

As soon as those words left my mouth, a huge golden animal, bounced up from behind one of the spaceships and let out another roar.

"Is that the-" the blonde started off.

"The nemion lion? Yes it is" i answered "one point for you"

The ropes holding the spaceshift up started to snap slowly, tilting the space shift off balance. If the lion knew if the spaceship was going to fall it would've jumped off. But instead both the lion and the craft just collapsed.

I was the least surprised, I rolled my eyes at the stupidity at the lion. Honestly if Atlas wanted to test them he could've sent something with a little intellect."Is the it dead?" Bianca asked voicing our thoughts.

"I don't think s-" The lion let put another roar and jumped up from beneath the iron parts lf the ship.

"Phoebe and i will distract it, Bianca ,Zoë shoot arrows from a high distance. Thalia look for a weak spot."

The five girls all nodded at each other and went to their positions, I smiled slightly as Thalia and I stood side by side, me in a defensive stance and her offensive. "Look dude. Let us handle this"

I smirked as i pulled out my hidden sword. "You were saying?" She threw a glare at me and gestured me to follow her.

Thalia let out a yell of anger and ran into battle. If you've never seen Thalia in battle, you've truly never been scared. She carries her shield Aegis, a copy of Athena's shield and weilds a spear she's not afraid to use. She blocks and parries every attack sent her way. Ducking under the the huge paw the nemion lion swiped.

"I say its mouth!" I yelled after running into battle alongside Thalia. She nods in agreement after a few minutes of silence pondering my idea. Well if you count the mortals screaming and lions roaring silence, then yeah silence.
The mist never cease to amaze me. You'd never know what the mortals see through it. Do they see a monstrous lion? Or a very angry kitty? Or both....?

"Zoë! Bianca!" The archers looked down at Thalia questionly. "Shoot the inside of its mouth! I'll get it to open it's mouth!"

"Annie any ideas?" She asked the daughter of athena currently running from one spot to another.

"One. Don't call me that" Annabeth shot "Two. Do you have that paste from the gift store?"

"B- but i wanted to try that!"

Trust me, your taste buds will be saved if you don't. Poor mine were taken hostage for a whole five minutes.


The daughter of Zeus grumbled something about picky blondes and threw the the silver bag of paste into the lions mouth. The roar it gave out was stopped short as he choked on the sticky substance.

And just then silver arrows fell from the stands like glowing raindrops, beautiful in the latest.

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