Chapter 6

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I watched as Percy ran into battle, not that I'll ever admit but i respect him. For standing up to Ares and not falling at Aphrodite's feet.

And that his faster than me.

Nope. Never.

I will never ever admit that. I'd rather die. Literally.

I expected a few hellhounds, a empousa and maybe maybe a fury. What i didn't except was a 20 foot something Robot looking down at us with nasty metallic eyes. So naturally i tripped over myself in shock.

Even during these moments Percy had the audacity to laugh at me. Jerk.

I threw him one of my glares before flipping him off. "GUYS!" Annabeth screeched. "NOT NOW"

That seemed to snap Percy out his jerkiness as he completely changed his demanor. Right now standing in front of us was a natural born leader, he stood taller more confident. Gone was the slouch i was so used to seeing on him. And his face talked buisness. "Who took something?" He yelled.

The robot was walking slowly towards us. "Hurry! It's a minature Talon! He guards the junk yard of the gods!" Zoë exclaimed desperately.

Phoebe slowly pulled something out her duffle bag. A bow and quiver, it was silver and it shone against the moon. Now that i noticed it. It looked a lot like lady Artemis' when we saw her at Maine a few days ago. Phoebe remained vigilant, not flinching as Percy glared at her.

"Why would you take it?" Percy hissed pulling out his sword and almost everyone mirrored his actions pulling out their own weapons.

"I wanted to surprise Lady Artemis! She lost her favourite bow centuries ago. And had Hestphaetus remake it! I wanted her to be proud." She whispered the last part.

And just that last sentence Percy lost his cold demeanour and placed a hand on her shoulder. He whispered something to her which made her nod in understanding. She made her way towards the now frozen robot and carefully put the bow down. "Im sorry. I don't want it"

At first Talon didn't do anything, and as if a switch was flicked Talon swung his hand down onto the huntress. My throat hitched as Phoebe was able to duck and roll just in time.

Bianca and Zoë started to fire arrows at a rapid pace all of which seemed to bounce effortlessly off of tincan's body. In fact the robot let out a grunt, as if it's annoying him and his eyes seemed to glow a more vivid red, it's eyes just like coals in a fire. Annabeth was set off in the the corner muttering to herself and not once did she ever remove her eyes from the metallic robot.

And as if she switched on a flick her eyes lit up eagerly, she caught my eyes first than Percy's. "We have to get in the robot and switch it off from there!"

I nodded to myself and searched for an entry anywhere as i jabbed Talon but still i couldn't find one. "The foot!" Percy yelled "we get in from it's feet."

And just as Percy was going in from the hatchet, a dark figure came running into him pushing him away a few feet.  I blinked once, twice until it dawned on me. "Phoebe!" The dark haired girl for the first time smiled softly at me, abd as the robots foot came camping down on her the was the last time i saw her.

We ended up looking at Talon as it went out of control, twitching and tripping over its feet. As it went barrelling into a few power lines. Sparks emitted off the robot, as it got electrocuted. And it's once red eyes were now an empty carven of black.  I watched with slight fascination as the creation dropped to the floor lifless, what i didn't notice was the peice of metal, flying towards me and when i did it was too late. The scrap was almost as big as me, and when it hit me it threw me back a few feet. Black dots danced around in my vision as my brain pounded against my skull. I gasped as i lifted myself into a sitting position.

Percy and Annabeth were by my side immediately, Annabeth gasped as soon as she saw me, her caculating grey eyes once again going in over drive. "Go help them" Percy ordered.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him, offense clearly shown. "What?"

"I have this. Go help them look for Phoebe"

With a huff of defeat Annabeth turned on her heels and stomped off to the couple of girls who were trying to het into the hatchet Phoebe went in. Percy chuckled at her antics nefore facing me once again, and ever so, his golden eyes once again scared me. His eyes matched those in my dream but in the same time i couldn't help but look for those different shades of gold hidden in them.

Was there in anyway he knew the enemy? A possibility, did i have proof? No.

I cleared my throat before turning away. I looked anywhere but him, i felt my cheeks heat up as he trenderly touched my face. And when he pulled away his hand was touched in a crimson red, blood. "What's the problem doc?" I joked around, trying to forget the stinging sensation on my face.

He looked up with a frown, and hushed me. He passed me ambrosia. "Eat this"

Normally i would've attacked him for ignoring me or even bossing me around but back then i remained silent and followed his every word. I watched with slight weariness as his eyes searched my face and as he let out a sigh. "Sorry" he whispered. I frowned as i caught his eyes. I used his eyes as a mirror, and a gasp left my lips as soon as i saw it.

Starting above my left side of my forehead, a scar was curved down the side of my face right down to my left cheek. No i wasn't going to cry, I'm a demigod. It was natural for a lot of us to get scars, it was natural for us to die before 20 aswell.

"S'okay" i whispered, i forced myself to ignore the saddness in his eyes and stand up. I didn't look at him as i walked towards the group of girls leaving him to him self.

As soon as i met the three girls i got the same reaction. Gasps.

"Where are we again?"  Thalia asked no one in particular, her eyes were trained in on the prototype that killed her friend.

"Arizona" Bianca answered with a shake of her head, she looked uo before continuing. "I saw a sign before coming in here"

We looked at each other in realisation. "I should've known"  Annabeth hissed.

"It's a desert!" Bianca yelled loudly, i winced but nodded there was no use.
One lost in a land with no rain.

"What about deserts?" We all turned to Percy, that's when i realised that he didn't know the prophecy.

"Well Percy, here's what you missed out on"

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