Chapter 12

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*Not Edited*

"Was that the day you two left?" Phillip asked.

Anne nodded, trying to hold back her tears. She squeezed her brother's hand and reached her collar. She could remember the feeling of nearly choking, the day she truly felt trapped.

"That was the last day we ever entered the plantation,"


**Flashback, 1835**

The wagon ride to the plantation was complete silence. Anne looked at Night from time to time, curious about where she came from. Charlotte looked back at Anne, only to be told to not to look at them. Anne frowned, seeing the birds flying and twittering above them. She wished she'd have wings, able to be free forever.

They finally made it to the land owned by the Wheeler's. Anne looked around the fields nearby, seeing a few of the slaves picking cotton. They glanced at the approaching wagon, quickly going back to work. She saw her brother with two other men, who were trying to fix the water pump, and her mother was hanging up the laundry.

The carriage came to halt, and the pale pair got off. Mistress Margaret came out of the house with her son close behind her. Anne and Night got off the back of the carriage while Jonathon stood behind them.

Margaret looked up and down at her daughter, seeing the dirt on her nightgown and scratches on her arms and legs. She looked at Anne, who kept her head down. The mistress walked up to the two slaves, while Daniel held onto Charlotte.

"Whatever you want with my daughter," She told to Anne, her Southern accent thick as wood. She stopped, trying to find the right words, or trying to ignore the filth on the girl. "You stay away. This has gone on long enough."

"Mother," Charlotte said, her voice so innocent and calm." she's just a friend,"

"Well, this will the last time you'll see her," Anne shot her head up, confused and worried about what the mistress meant.

Margarete went back into her home, roughly pulling her daughter by the arm with her husband followed her. Daniel stayed behind, while Jonathan led Night to the cotton fields, explaining what needs to be done.

Anne ran to her mother, who winced when her daughter hugged her. She seemed to notice and stepped back.

"It's alright Annie," Her mother gently to her, trying to be strong for her daughter.

"Your hurt, mama," Anne whispered.

"I'm alright," she repeated. She gave her daughter a sad smile and ushered her to help with the laundry. Anne grabbed a few clothes, taking them with her further down the rope that the clothing hung from. As she hung the wet clothes, Night came by them along with Master Jonathan.

"Teach her how to work here," he commanded. He left them alone, going back to watching the few slaves in the fields. Anne's mother greeted Night, telling her the basic rules they have. Anne continued with her part of the job, trying to forget what Mistress Margaret said to her.

"She's leaving this place," Anne heard. She turned her head and saw Daniel standing by her but not too close.

"What're you talking about, Young Master Daniel?" She asked.

"My parents made the choice of sending her to finishing school," Anne, who was holding a bed sheet, dropped it back in the basket.

"What?" She stuttered.

"Next week, she'll be on a train to Georgia,"

Anne looked at the window of her friend's room, where she saw Charlotte. She didn't see Charlotte's usual smile. Daniel noticed Charlotte, making her leave the window.

"You're just a worthless little slave. You're filthy, like a pig," Daniel continued. Anne went back to her work, trying to not let out her anger. Daniel didn't stop, still taunting her. She finished with the laundry, so she decided to help her brother with the water pump. Daniel continues to follow her, now throwing small pebbles.

"You're just here to work, you will never be free,"

Anne couldn't take it. She grabbed a handful of the soft dirt and threw it at the Master's son. He yelped with the small pieces of earth went in his eye. Anne didn't stop. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him on the ground.She heard her family telling her to stop, but she didn't. She sat on Daniel, nearly choking him.

She felt someone pull her off, and a sharp pain in her arms. Anne let Daniel go, but more strike of pain was felt on her arms, legs, and back. She collapsed to the ground, the whip continuing to hit her skin. It soon stopped, but she felt something strap around her neck.

Anne reached for her neck, feeling the leather collar was nearly choking her. She felt a small lock that kept anyone, except for the one with the key, from removing it. The girl looked up, seeing W.D. and her parent watching. She noticed Charlotte and her mother standing on the porch.

Daniel brushed off the dirt that was on his clothes, while his father walked him back to their house. Anne, still weak from her punishment, pushed herself up. She took one last look at Charlotte, who was pulled back inside by her mother.

She sat there for a moment while her mother comforted her. For the first time in a long time, Anne felt like someone's property. She truly felt trapped.


Anne touched her neck again, almost feeling the rough leather that kept her in place.

"That strap," She shuddered. "It was like a weight was added on me. A weight that I can sometimes feel today,"

"It was kept in place with a lock," W.D. explained. "So no slave could take it off. That strap of leather had a bell on it, to make sure they knew where the slave was,"

"I spent the rest of the day with that on," Anne said sadly. "But then I was freed,"

"They let you go?" Phillip asked.

"Of course not. Whenever the slave wears the collar, they'll have it on for well over a month or two,"

"Then who freed you?"

Anne gave them a sad smile. "The one who freed me had just experienced her freedom that morning. I gave her some freedom, now Charlotte helped freed me,"

Author's Note-- I might not be able to update for a while, since I am dealing with a lot right now. I need focus on school and try to keep my grades up. I'll start my college classes next week, and I'm still in high school.

I need to focus on all that for now and once it all gets settled, I'll try to update once a week again.

Hope you all understand.

!!!Thanks For Reading!!!

Blinded By The Past-- The Greatest Showman/Anne Wheeler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now