Chapter 15

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*Not Edited*


The Wheeler Siblings, Mr. Carlyle, and the Barnum Family made their way back to the circus, passing by a few glances. They knew everyone in the city grew curious as to why there aren't any recent shows, making them ask questions.

They passed by a theater, the one where she and Phillip were supposed to see a play. They continued on when they heard someone call the ringmaster's name.

"Phillip!" They turned, surprised to see his parents.  Anne tensed, her brother pushing her behind her.

"Mother, Father," Phillip greeted them. "Pleasure to see you again,"

It wasn't a pleasure. He rarely saw his parents since he joined the circus. He knew what they thought of about those of color, what they thought of Anne and W.D. When he was in the hospital, they didn't come. The circus only visited, while the trapeze woman never left his side.

"Still parading around with the circus? I can see you're still with the help," his father said to him. Anne remembered the first time she saw his parents. It was at the same theater and the same words.

"They aren't the help," Phillip said in anger.

"Every one of them is nothing more than that,"

"Anne and W.D. are more than you will ever be,"

"Please!" Phillip's mother scoffed. "They don't deserve to be anything,"

"They are so much more than the two of you. They may not be rich in money, but they are rich in their talent and kindness. That is something you will never be able to buy,"

His parent stood there in shock. Phillip turned around and stormed off without another word. The Barnum Family followed him, while the Wheeler's looked at the man's parents. They looked at the siblings in disgust, but Anne noticed they show fear when they saw her brother.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," The tall man greeted.

He held out his hand, but the rich couple hesitated. Phillip's father shook the black man's hand, and when they let go, the wealthy man slightly wiped his hand on his coat. W.D. never met Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle but from he heard, he knew they hurt Anne when she was supposed to go to the theater. They made her feel like nothing more than a worker.

"You are?" Mr. Carlyle asked.

"I'm W.D., Anne's older brother," He responded. "I know we may not meet your interest, because of what we look like on the outside. I know about what you said to my little sister that night, at the theater,"


"Let me tell you this. She has always dreamed of going to the theater. We both have dreams waiting to come true,"

"Fantasies will get you nowhere in life. You two will be nothing more than a nigga,"

Anne squeezed W.D.'s hand, shaking when she heard the rude comment. Her brother did flinch, but he knew that that word always bothered Anne.

"I believe dreams will give hope when their darkness," W.D. said to them. "Dreams are what give people feelings and kindness, and that's something you will never have,"

The brother and sister turned away, leaving Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle in shock. The rich couple, who still hated what their son does for a living and what the two trapeze artist said to them, went into the carriage and left.

"I can't believe you said that," Anne said to her brother as they walk back down the street.

"I couldn't let them hurt you again," He replied. "I wasn't there when they did it the first time, and you never got to live your dream,"

"Thank you for keeping me safe," She smiled. "I don't know where I would be if I lost you,"

"Me too,"

A/N:  I would first off like to apologize for taking forever to update, I had writers block. I finally finished my finals and officially graduated high school(You can read more about it in my News book). My next update should hopefully be up by next week.

I am also thinking about making a group/page on Facebook. If you're interested, please let me know in the comments.

!!!Thanks For Reading!!!

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