10.same old same old

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What was mom talking about?!

I thought things were going to be normal now. I thought it was all gonna change. I thought life was gonna be happier. I thought ties the end of the pain. The end of the abuse. End of the cries. But this is just the beginning. The beginning. The beginning of the pain. It's not gonna end. It's not gonna end...


I laid there clueless. I was confused and hurt. What did mom mean "she had a chance".

Why am I alive.

Maybe me being alive is the reason of everyone's miseries. I was no use to anyone. I'm just a big mistake. A waste of space. A piece of dirt.



My alarm clock pounded through my bedroom walls. I got up and dressed myself. I looked in the mirror.

"You're an ugly piece of shit. No one likes you. You're never gonna get anywhere in life. You're a waste of space. Why don't you kill yourself so that someone else can be useful instead of you. You are wasting time by living."

I left the house with a bottle of water in my hand. Urg. How I loathed school. I looked I'm the direction of school and then the direction of my special place. I looked left and right. Left and then right left or right.....

I chose right. I walked

To my special place with a big grin on my face. Mom wasn't home so she wouldn't be getting a home phone call that I'm not at school. So things were going great.

I sat down to find that Adam was back. OMG. My face flushed red as I looked at him.

Me: so you're back here again.

Adam: of course. I wanted to see your beautiful face.

Me: pervert much.

I scoffed and turned the other way. I felt his eyes look at me. He giggled and shifted closer to me. This time I didn't move. I liked the feeling that someone felt comfortable around me. I liked the feeling that people didn't want to run away from me. I loved it.

Adam: You're beautiful. Don't think otherwise.

Me: yeah right. Prove it.

What is this dude on.

Adam: I will.

He moved in closer and glared at my lips. I stepped back.

Me: sorry I can't do this right now. I've gone through too much to know that this gonna end bad.

Adam: I'm sorry I.....

Me: I can't be here right now.

I got up and started to run.

Adam: wait sami! please come back. I didn't mean no harm.

I stopped in the middle of the field. I took a sip of my water. I felt dizzy. I couldn't see clearly. My whole body weakened and I fell to the ground.


Adam's POV

OMG! what just happened?!

I ran to her and realised she had fainted. I don't know what to do. I took her water bottle and sprinkled some water on her face. "Sami please wake up." I was starting to get worried. "Sami, please". I shook her slightly.

I saw her head move and knew that everything is gonna be okay. "Sami?" she opened her eyes. "Adam, what happened?" sami started to sit up and quickly pushed her down "no no lay down for a bit you need to rest your head.

Sami's POV

He is so sweet. His hand brushed through my hair so that it was out if the way. "You fainted but everything's okay now" he said in a husky voice.

I sat up. We were so close to each other. I leaned in and gave him a hug. "Thank you." he hugged back and said "what to me being a pervert" he grinned and then stepped back.

Me:I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.

Adam: Don't be sorry hon.

Me: I best me going now.

Adam: I'll walk you home. You need to be safe.

We walked together back home. We didn't talk much. It was a comfortable silence.

Me: so this is where I live.

Adam: Keep a smile on that beautiful face hon.

He winked at me and hugged me goodbye.

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