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"Eeeeey I want bunny apples! Don't just peel it!"

"You're such a pain in the ass"

"Give me the knife Kenma"

Kuroo started peeling the apples and cut them into bunnies. My favorite!

"I've finish ten apples already so eat those before it turns brown."

"Aaaahh... I think the team missed me so much because I didn't attend practice yesterday. I'm the team captain so I should apologize to them."

I laughed knowing how the third years will be mad at me thinking that I just skip and play video games all day.

I looked at Kuroo and Kenma but there's something wrong with them. It seems like they're hiding something to me.

"I'll be going to the convenience store. What do you want to eat?"

"Uhm.... steak, hamburger, fries, pizza, pork cutlet, tamagoyaki, onigiri, cheesesti---"

"I said convenience store and not on my resto, Bokuto"

"Just buy me anything and I'll eat it."

Kuroo grab his bag and left the room leaving Kenma behind.

"Kenma, do you know how did I lose this too much weight? I think not eating for a day is not really good for the body"

"You're stupid"

"Eh? What?"

"Nothing. I'll just go to the bathroom"

"Oh... okay..."

Those two are hiding something from me. But damn thinking about it, I am one hell of a lucky bastard surviving an accident. Kuroo told me that I was bumped by a truck and luckily I survived.

But that guy.... that guy beside me on the ICU room...


"K-kenma... K-kenma!!!! Call the doctors right now!"

I slightly open my eyes and saw Kuroo panicking. Where am I? Why is he wearing a face mask and a lab coat? Am I in the hospital?

I saw him pressing the emergency button many times and heard Kenma calling out for doctors.

"B-bokuto.... BOKUTO??!!!"

I averted my gaze to him and saw him looking worried.



Alive? What the hell is he saying?

"Excuse me Kuroo-kun I need to examine him first"

The doctor put a stethoscope on my left chest and pulled out a small flashlight up to my eyes.

"Bokuto-kun, do you feel dizzy? Does any part of your body hurts?"


Ah.. my throat hurts too. It feels like I didn't spoke for a decade.

I roam my eyes around me and saw a guy lying next to me.

Wow... he looks so beautiful....

"Kuroo-kun, we need to examine him first for further observation"

"Yes please."

"We'll prepare for the machines so please wait in here"

Examine? Did I hit my head damn hard that's why I don't know why I'm here?

"Oi Bokuto? You're okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need water"

He quickly grabbed the glass next to me and helped me stand up.

Oh I remember. I need to ask him what really happened to me.

"Dude, why am I in the hospital? The members of the club will be worried about me for not attending the morning practice yesterday"

"W-what? What the hell... are you saying?"

"Eh? I think I slept for a whole day and my back really hurts right now just lying in this bed"



"You don't remember?"

"Will I ask you if I remember? Don't be stupid Kuroo"

"Uh... well.... I'll ask the... doctors... about it! Yeah... ha... ha..."

He was laughing awkwardly and I know he's so nervous right now. I acted as if I don't know why is he laughing like that and just joked about it.

"What?! You don't know?! Did you just arrive right now?! Dude why didn't you visited me yesterday then?"

"Uh... ha.... ha... ha... I'll... just... ask something... to the doctor..."

He hurriedly went outside and I think he will ask the doctor what really happened to me.

I looked at the guy lying next to me. He has a lot of bandages on his body and on his head same with me. He has a lot of bruisses specially on his arms and thankfully he didn't have a scratch on his face.

I stood up and was about to touch his face but

"This is amazing Bokuto-kun. You can stand up too!"

I think this is the doctor in charge of me.

"Yeah of course. I just slept for a while I'm sorry. I need to go back to my school because my members will scold me"

"No you still can't. You need to stay for a week more."

"What?! Did I hit my head that hard?! I'm really okay now!"

"No you really can't. Kuroo-kun will go to your school later and inform your club members. Don't worry. I think they'll visit you tomorrow."


"Sit on this wheelchair because we're going on another room"

"Hey doc, this guy... is he fine?"

"Let's... let's hurry up. My nurse will scold me too if the examination will be delayed"

I giggled hearing this from the doctor.

"Doc are you scared of your nurses?"

*flashback ends*

It's been three days already after I woke up. And it's been three days going everyday on the ICU room. I don't know why but I can't stop myself looking at the guy and feel something squeezing on my chest.

I stared at him and touched the windows separating us.

"Hey buddy, I woke up three days ago. You need to wake up too. I'm sure you're feeling the pain on your back right now. Too bad you need to eat a lot because you're so thin. And you need to exercise too because you look so pale and white like a dea..."

I paused. Why the hell am I talking like this? He's not going to die, right? I don't know why but my tears started falling. Everytime I joke about this kind of things I feel like breaking down and wanting to cry so hard and scream so loud.

Why the hell am I feeling this things? Why the hell am I crying right now. Do I know you?

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