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-Kuroo's POV-

After Bokuto safely arrived at his house, I remember that I left Kenma on our resto. Ah... he'll definetely kill me right now.

I was about to open the back door but then....

Kenma: Kuroo...

Kuroo: Ehehehe it's been a while! I was uhm... getting foo---

Kenma: *sigh* A lot of customers went in here. More like two times more than the usual.

Kuroo: Really? Then you should visit mor---

Kenma: Shut up! Where the hell did you go? I was worried about you. You were in a hurry. Did something bad happen?

Kuroo: Hahaha nothing. Let's eat stea---

Kenma: You're lying.

Kuroo: You really can see through me huh?

Kenma: Spill it out.

Kuroo: Okay fine. It's kinda complicted so...

Kenma: Say it before I get bored.

Kuroo: Remember my chidhood friend Bokuto? His parents died on a car accident and he's the only one who survived. But.... it was the other car's fault. The stop light was still red but the other car started to cross the road. It was a collision between two cars. The first car was Bokuto and his parents while the other car was a family of three. Because of that accident, Bokuto lose his control. He became a delinquent that everybody is scared of. I don't know why but that accident caused Bokuto to lose all of his memories. He forgot about me and everybody. I did all my best to make him back to his old self. It took me a year tho. It was a hard and difficult path but it was all worth it. But now, he met a guy. A guy that he loves so much. Funny how manly Bokuto is but he fell inlove with a guy hahaha. But destiny can be playful sometimes. The guy that he loves right now was the kid who also survived the car accident that Bokuto was also into. Maybe when they had a date at Amagi ticked Bokuto's memory back that's why he's back on being delinquent right now.

Kenma: Eh? Hmmm... it's complicated.

Kuroo: Right now, I should find Akaashi and talk to him on what really happen! But I don't know how! AAAAAH! SO STRESS!!

Kenma: Akaashi? You mean Akaashi Keiji?

Kuroo: How do you know him?!!!

Kenma: We're childhood friends.

Oya oya oya. This is a great opportunity for me. Just wait for me Bokuto! Everything's gonna be alright! I promise!

-Akaashi's POV-

I'm dizzy right now. After our last date, I barely sleep at night. I don't know what to do. He's still not replying and answering me!

"Oh! Look his back!"
"What is this scary aura around him?"
"Impossible. Is he back again?"
"Scary. We should not get closer to him!"

Eh? What's with the commotion happening? Too bad I can't see.

I made my way through those people to see what's going on and what are they up to. And then I saw him! Finally! I miss him so bad right now! Thank God he's back!

Akaashi: Bokuto-san!!

Bokuto: Huh?

I quickly hugged him. I don't care what other people will think. I just missed Bokuto so bad. I'm so happy right now.

Bokuto: What the fuck are you doing?! Get away from me shithead!!

He... he.... pushed... me...away.

Akaashi: Bokuto-san are you okay? Are you still not feeling well? What are these bruisses? Did you slip again? Did yo---

Bokuto: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP CALLING ME BOKUTO! Look shithead, you should know me and be afraid of me! You should call me Kōtarō and not Bokuto or Bokuto-san or whatever the fuck you like! Get away from me!

Akaashi: Why... why are you being like this? Did I do something wrong? Tell me please I beg you...

Bokuto: What the fuck are you saying? It's my first time seeing you! So stop messing around with me! What a pain in the ass right from the morning tsk.

First.... time.... seeing... me? What does he mean by that?

"Eh? Why did he said that?"
"Aren't they in a relationship?"
"So it was just a lie?"
"Embarrassing. If they really are in a relationship, he wouldn't say those kinds of words."

What is happening right now? My mind.... my mind.... went blank. I don't know what to do anymore.....

"Giving up already? Stand up and let's get out of here."

Akaashi: Sei.... seiya?

-Seiya's POV-

I've been following Akaashi since that incident on the clinic. I was really planning to win back Akaashi. But seeing how he really loves Bokuto, I'm doubting myself if I can do it.

I've been researching about Bokuto. It was easy for me since my family has a lot of connection.

Seiya: Oh... his parents died in a car accident last December 5, 2015? Wait in Amagi?! Shit... impossible!

I didn't know that what I watch on dramas can happen in real life. What a bad fate they have.

Akaashi: Seiya where are we going?

Seiya: You need to know something.

Akaashi: About what?

Seiya: About Bokuto.

We stopped by at the rooftop and signal him to seat infront of me. He needs to know it. He needs to know everything.

Seiya: Listen, remember when you had a car accident on the day of your birthday? The other car also has a family of three riding it right?

Akaashi: Yes you're right. Why are you opening up this agai----

Seiya: The child that survived on the other car was Bokuto. His parents also died and luckily he survived.

Akaashi: Ha...ha...ha...ha... you're lying! Is this how desperate you are?! You're making up stories just to have me back?! Stop saying stupid things Seiya! There are a lot of people in this world you know? It's not Bokuto. That kid is not Bokuto!

Seiya: Why don't you believe me? I'm telling the truth right now! I know I've been a bad person before but please believe me right now. I'm begging you..... I'm doing this to save you! Start avoiding Bokuto! If you'll just continue loving him, it'll just hurt you!

Akaashi: You saving me?! What a lame joke. Do you think I will believe you?!

Seiya: I told you I'm telling the truth!!

Akaashi: Then how do you explain his behaviour right now?! Why did he forgot about me?! Is he avoiding me? Did he fell out of love?! Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enought for him?! Why.... why... is.... this... happening... to the both... of us.... I'm so tired already. I miss him so bad I just want to hug and kiss him. Is that too much to ask for?

I hugged him. This is the only thing I can do right now. It sucks that after all he knew about the accident, he still chose Bokuto over me. It's Game Over.

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