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"Okay! Let's stop for today and don't be late for tomorrow's practice!"

"Yes Captain!"

It's been a year already. Now, I'm a 3rd year high school student and the volleyball captain here in Nekoma High School.

"Kuroo you're going today?"

Oh it's Kenma. Same grade as I am. The setter and the brain of our team.

"Yeah I'm going today. How about you?"

"Nah. I can't. Today's the big sale on the game city. I need to buy the game that I'm waiting for."

"Want me to help you?"

"No it's fine. You better go cause there's no one who can't visit today."

"Ah right. Aunt and Uncle are in Hokkaido right now and Hide-san has upcoming exams."

I packed my things and went to the club room to change my clothes. I was about to leave but a paper dropped from my bag. A familiar paper that I've been holding for a year.

"Yeah... it's been a year already.... a year of waiting..... one year of hoping.... one year of wishing... and one year of believing on a fucking miracle... please let this end already God. I can't take it anymore..."


I turn my back from him and hurriedly wipe my tears.

"Oh Kenma! You surprised me! Why are you here?"

I flashed a smile to hide my sadness on my face. I don't want Kenma to worry anymore.

"You look stupid when you're smiling like that."

"Hehehe really?"

"It's been a year already, isn't it?"


I don't really like this kind of conversations. I always feel the guilt and the memories from the accident always come into my mind haunting me.

"I think I should go now. They're waiting for me."



"It's not your fault. Don't be guilty about this."

I clenched my fist hearing this from Kenma. Everytime we talk about this things we always end up fighting. I don't want to worry Kenma anymore. I don't want him to leave a stubborn guy like me.

"I'll be going now"

I quickly closed the door and ignored Kenma even if I heard him shouting my name.

Bokuto and Akaashi are here in Tokyo Medical Hospital. Their relatives and mine decided to put them on the same room knowing that it will make the both of them happy.

Aunt and Uncle knew about their relationship and they really like Bokuto so much. I heard that Hotaro was really fond of him ever since they hang out on a zoo.

I put on a mask and a lab coat and went inside the ICU room. I sat on the middle of them and wet a towel to wipe them.

"Hey guys. It's been a year already. You won't look manly just by resting in this hospital. You both got thinner and pale. Bokuto, I'm already the team captain of Nekoma and our setter is Kenma. If you won't wake up right now then we'll go to the nationals without the both of you and be the number one team in Japan."

I paused for a while to hold back my tears.

"Well that won't be fulfilling right? Nationals won't be fun without Fukurodani. The training camp will start soon and there will be a new team joining us. I think you'll like the chibi on that team, Bokuto. The setter too is a genius so I think he'll be sticking with you forever and asking you tons of questions, Akaashi."

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