Control Tower

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-Bokuto's POV-

Bokuto: Excuse me. Do you want to join the volleyball club?

I look into his eyes and saw calmness and innocence. This type of guy can be a setter. The control tower of the team.

Bokuto: Hey are you listening? I said wanna join the volleyball club?

He just looks at me like I'm a monster who came out of nowhere. He's weird.

Akaashi: No.
Bokuto: What the fuck?! Why did you rejected me?! Are you on a club already?!
Akaashi: No.
Bokuto: Then why?!
Akaashi: Calm down.

Fuck. What was that? He just said that two words and my mind automatically calmed down. What's with this aura around him? I'm not scared but it eases my anger easily.

Bokuto: Can I ask why don't you want to join?
Akaashi: You're the next team captain right? If that's how you act after I rejected you and you don't have enough perseverance and patience, I won't join the club. Besides, I don't want to babysit an owl like you. Please excuse me.

I was dumbfounded. He fucking said he doesn't want to babysit an owl like me. DO I EVEN LOOK LIKE AN OWL!!! I followed him and saw him buying milk.

Bokuto: Hey, isn't it rude for calling me an owl earlier?
Akaashi: Well, you really look like one. But if that hurt you then I'm sorry on what I said.
Bokuto: Join the volleyball club.
Akaashi: You're ordering me? I said I don't want to.
Bokuto: Can I ask why?
Akaashi: I'm done with it already.

Done with it already? Wait... wait...

Bokuto: Something happened before?
Akaashi: Yeah. I had a surgery in my elbow and legs before. I was a setter on junior high but I already stopped when I can't control the ball the way I wanted to.

I hold both of his shoulder and come closer to him.

Bokuto: I can help you! Let's practise together so that you can play the way you played before. Please join the club and be my setter!
Akaashi: I.... I---

-Akaashi's POV-

This dude is scary. I don't want to be with him. The way he acts and the way he talks, he definetely lacks manners.

Bokuto: Join the club and be my setter!

MY setter huh? What a joke. I've stopped playing for 2 years already. I don't know how to reject this guy over and over again.

Bokuto: I know my personality sucks but I can see talent and your ability as a setter. Even if you had surgery and decided not to play anymore, you haven't forget how to take care of your body, right? It's obvious on your body figure.

He's right. I'm still hoping of playing volleyball and yet I doubt about my abilities. But this guy in front of me is saying that I still had the talent to play.

Bokuto: I believe in you!

Aaah.... those words. It's been a long time since I heard those words.

Akaashi: When will I start then?

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