His EX

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-Bokuto's POV-

It's been a month since me and Akaashi started dating. Thinking about how we go on a date, being with him everyday and loving him, makes my heart beat faster. I really am a lucky guy having a boyfriend like him.

But I still don't know anything about him. I didn't knew he was the top 1 student of the first years too! Why is he so smart and talented?! He knows everything!

Here I am right now. Looking at Akaashi through the window. I hate how we're not on the same year cause we can't see each other during classes. Right now, they're playing tennis for their P.E. class.

Oh! It's his turn right now!! Wait... his opponent.... why is his opponent so handsome??!!! What if Akaashi falls inlove with this guy then dumped me then they'll get married then have lots of children then lo-

"Bokuto... Bokuto! Read the next chapter! Bokuto Kōtarō!!!!!"

Bokuto: I'm sorry sir.... uh... eh... what chapter are we again? hehehe

Aaaah... This gives me so much stress. Why is my boyfriend so handsome? He can easily attract girls and guys because he's perfect and gorgeous.


Fuck. What's happening? Did he injured himself? Wait... I know why. They're playing tennis of course his elbow will get hurt from this.

"Akaashi-chan wanna go to the clinic? I will escort you there."

Akaashi: Oh thank you.

That fucking handsome opponent of Akaashi!!!! Why is he holding my Akaashi?!! I stand up so loud not knowing the whole class and my prof are looking at me.

"Bokuto is there any problem?"

Bokuto: My boyfriend hurt hisself! I need to go to the clinic!!

"What? Did you heard it right?"
"I heard it's boyfriend!"
"Dude so Bokuto really is gay hahaha"
"Waaaaah~~ who's the lucky guy?!"
"Maybe the first year of the volleyball club?"
"I bet so too!!"
"I ship them kyaaah~"
"What a waste. I was hoping on dating him tho."
"Dude it's gross. Let's not get close to him anymore."

Bokuto: Please excuse me.

Damn. I don't have time for this! I run as fast as I can and went to the clinic.

Bokuto: Akaashi!!

Fuck... what am I seeing right now.....

-Akaashi's POV-

Of all the games I have played, what I hated the most is playing tennis. And what's worst is playing tennis with my ex boyfriend.

Playing tennis was easy for me but since I had a surgery on my elbow I need to lie low on this.

I was about to hit my winning shot but suddenly I hurt my elbow and the pain stings.

Akaashi: Ah... shit..


Ah... the pain is unbearable. I can't move my arm it hurts so much. Shit.

"Akaashi-chan wanna go to the clinic? I will escort you there"

Kodama Seiya. My ex boyriend. The last guy I broke up with.

Akaashi: Oh thank you.

I hope Bokuto-san will not see this. I'm 101% sure that he'll get jealous.

When we arrived at the clinic, a nurse assisted me and put elbow support so that it won't hurt that much. They also allowed me to rest on one of the beds on the clinic.

Seiya: Akaashi-chan, are you okay now?

Akaashi: Yeah thanks for helping me out.

Seiya: I'm s-sorry on w-what happened b-before. It was a mistake Akaashi-chan. I regreted it. Please let's be back together I beg you...

Akaashi: Seiya-kun... I already forgave you. I just didn't accept the fact that you left me because you were embarrass that your dating a guy like me and people call you gay almost everyday. I know it's really weird seeing a guy dating another guy. No wonder you got really embarrass hahaha

Seiya: Please give me one more chance Akaashi-chan. I did all my best to pass on this school because I waned to be with you. To be together again. Please I beg you...

He kneeled down infront of me. He was crying really hard and I can feel his pain on every words he says.

Akaashi: Seiya-kun I'm sorry but I need to reject you. I'm uh.... you know.... in a relationship right now..

Aaaaaah!! Why am i blushing so hard just thinking of I'm the boyfriend of bokuto!

Seiya: What? Who is it?

Bokuto: It's me you dumbass. Thanks for helping MY boyfriend. You can go now and get back to your class.

Seiya: Tsk. You made the wrong decision Akaashi-chan. I'll make sure that you'll regret rejecting me because of this guy!

Bokuto: What the fuck did you just said?!!

Akaashi: I will never regret loving him. I will never think of this is as a bad decision. So please leave us alone now.

*sigh* what a relief. He finally left.

Akaashi: Uh... bokuto-san... EH?! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!

Bokuto: I don't know... I am just so happy that I have a boyfriend like you. I am really a lucky guy having you.

Akaashi: What are you saying? I'm the lucky guy here you know hahahaha stop crying your face is a mess right now. Come here and I'll wipe your tears.

Bokuto: Akaashi are your ex boyfriends look all handsome?

Akaashi: Hmmmm.... I guess they all are.

Bokuto: WHAT?! Wait are you seeing some of them? Don't look at them okay?! Don't go near them!! Don't talk to them too!!

Akaashi: Okay I promise hahaha so how did you know I was here?
Bokuto: Uh.... that... I.... uh...

Akaashi: You're peaking on the window arent you?

Bokuto: Yes.... I was really worried that's why i run here so fast.

Akaashi: So you excuse yourself to pee?

Bokuto: What? No. I said my boyfriend hurt hisself.

Akaashi: WHAT?!!

Oh no. Trouble is coming between the two of us.

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