New Beginning?

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"Let's go home Keiji."

This guy standing infront of me is carrying Sato on a bridal style. A height around 184 cm and weight of 72 kg. Wait... I FORGOT THAT HE'S TAKING SATO AWAY!!!

I grab his shoulders and forced him to face me.

"Uhm... who are you? And where are you taking him?"

"Ah! Sorry about my manners. I'm Oikawa Tooru. Keiji texted me earlier that he got accepted on the restaurant he was applying and his boss invited him to a drink. Are you his boss?"

"No. I also work in the restaurant so---"

Somebody grabbed me on my shoulders and when I peek on who was it, it was an angry Kuroo.

"You, where are you taking him?"

"To our house"

Our.... house?

"I don't like your shitty face. You're too pretty for a guy"

I glanced at Kenma and I saw him raising a vodka. What the hell? Did he drink all of that? But it was just a few minutes when I stood up. This is not good. Kuroo is drunk.

"Kuroo, you're drunk. Please head back to your seat."

I look at the guy carrying Sato and bowed down to apologize.

"I'm sorry about that. He's the boss in the restaurant and I think he's a little bit drunk. Please take care of Aka--- Sato."

I grabbed Kuroo's arm but he was taking off my hand.

"Hey you! I'm still not done with you! Where do you think you're taking Akaashi, huh? Oi Bokuto! You're not fine with this, right?! You've waited for Akaashi for three years and now you're doing nothing? So lame."

"Akaashi?" said Oikawa.

"Yeah. You don't know? That guy you are carrying is Bokuto's boyfriend. So fuck off."

Kuroo was about to grab Sato away from Oikawa but I stopped him half way.

"I'm really really sorry about this. You can go now."

I drag Kuroo away from Oikawa and smacked him on the head.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing? You're making a scene. My customers are getting scared."


"What did you say?"

"You're a stupid dumbass"

I gritted my teeth hearing this shit from Kuroo. I feel angry and frustrated at the same time. I want to punch him right now but I deserve those words coming from him. I can't believe that Akaashi already has someone. I haven't consider and thought about this situation before. All I wanted before was just to see him back. But now that I saw everything with my own eyes, I can't accept the fact that he already loves someone other than me.

"I'm sorry Bokuto. We're done for tonight. I'll just drop him home so don't worry about him."

Kenma held Kuroo's hand and stormed out of my bar. I went into my office and lie on the couch. I raise my arm and looked at the bracelet that he gave me.

"Everything between the two of us is really done, huh?"

I remove the bracelet off of my hand and throw it on the trash can in my office.


December 8
8:37 AM

It's already Monday again. I need to say sorry after what I did on Bokuto-san's bar. Tooru told me everything that happened last friday.


"Tooru, did you saw my bracelet? It's missing."

"Eh? What bracelet? Just forget about it. Let's hurry up cause you'll be late for your class"

I roam my eyes for the last time and saw it on top of the drawer near the bookshelves. I wore it and hurriedly ride Tooru's car.

"Oh? You're wearing that again?"

"Yeah I don't know why. I wore it for a long time already and it left a lot of marks in my arms."

"You still can't remember anything?"


"Do you ever wonder why you have a volleyball bracelet with an initial of A?"

"I'm curious too. When I came back here in Japan, most of the people I meet calls me Akaashi. I know that I am just an adopted son of Sato-san but I really wanted to know what happened to me four years ago. Do you know anything about me?"

"Nah. We just met a year ago so I don't know anything."

"Should I ask Sato-san again?"

"No good. He's in Australia right now and I always try my luck to call him but it's not connecting"

Tooru stopped the car infront of the entrance gate and grabbed my bag at the back seat.

"Want me to visit you at the resto later? It's your first day working, right?"

"No thanks. Don't wait for me for dinner and eat ahead of me."

"Okay~ Take care Keiji!"

I closed the door and waved him a goodbye. Our building is kinda far from the entrance gate so I need to calculate my time arriving at the university.

"Hey, did you saw that guy on the boulevard just now? Isn't he cool?!"

"I know right! You won't see a guy like that who wants to be a doctor. He's just too hot for that job!"

"Let's go and see him again?!"

"Sure! Let's hurry up!"

Eh? What's with the commotion in here? I looked at my clock and I only have three minutes before my class starts. I run as fast as I can to reach my room and I just arrive on time. I sat at the back and notice that Bokuto-san still haven't arrived. That's weird. I thought he's the type of guy who's dedicated with studying.

"Okay class, please go back to your seat and we'll start the lecture."

It's already past thirty minutes and he's not yet coming. Is he sick? But I still need to apologize for what happened last friday.

"The heart receives its own supply of blood from the coronary arteries. Two major coronary arteries branch off from the aorta near the point whe----"

A guy suddenly appeared infront of the door, panting. He wears a sweater, a mask on his face and  wears earings on his ears. And his hair down.

"Excuse me? Are you in this class?"


"Don't you know what time is it?"

"Hey, that guy was the guy you're talking about, right? He's so cool!"

"I know right? That was the guy sitting at the back. He rarely talks so we haven't notice him before."

"I wonder if he has girlfriend?"

"Let's ask him later?!"


Girls in our room are giggling right now. So he's the guy that was in the boulevard?

Wait....? He's..... familiar. Don't tell me he is....

"I need to talk to you in the office later. What's your name?"


Bokuto..... san?

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