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-Akaashi's POV-

It's been a week since the last time I saw Bokuto. I tried calling and texting him but he's not answering and replying. I always wait for him on our meeting place where we eat lunch but he's not coming. I tried to go to his classroom but his classmates told me that he's not attending his classes. I asked my older brother if Bokuto still practises on the club but he's not. Bokuto-san, where are you right now? I need you. Please come back.

-Narrator's POV-

Akaashi has no idea what Bokuto is doing right now. After their date on their birthday, Bokuto was kinda off. He doesn't know what he is feeling after he knew something about Akaashi. It's been a week since Bokuto isn't attending his classes and the club. He's always involve on a gang fights on different places and different schools. Even if he's just alone, he wins every fight that he's into.

"So what do we have here? It's been a while Kōtarō. Want to fight again, huh?"

Bokuto: Shut your fucking disgusting mouth up you son of a bitch.

"What the fuck did you just said?! Beat this kid up and kill him!"

Seven guys approached Bokuto trying to knocked him down but it's not working. Bokuto is fast and strong. Fighting with just seven guys won't shake him.


Bokuto: What now old man? Want to have a game?

"No please! I beg you! Please spare my life. I promise I won't disturb you again!"

Bokuto: Oya oya. What do we have here? Trying to beg for your life? Don't worry I won't kill you.

"Thank you! Kōtarō-sama--"

Bokuto: I want to break your legs instead...

Bokuto is back. Back with his bad side. He's not Bokuto anymore. He definetely is Kōtarō the delinquent side of Bokuto.

-Kuroo's POV-

It's been a week since I heard rumors about Bokuto being involve on gang fights. What happened? I just saw him being happy with that guy on Amagi but..... wait... Amagi?! It's impossible.... did his memories came back already?!

Kuroo: Kenma! Please take over for a while. I need to go somewhere!

Kenma: Eh? But I'm--

Kuroo: Thank you!

I know where I can find him. I'm definetely sure he's in there. On the cemetery where his parents are.

Kuroo: It's been a while Kōtarō.

Bokuto: Tetsurou...

Fuck. He's back. He's not calling me Kuroo anymore.

Kuroo: Are you hungry? Want me to treat you steak? I have a lot of money today! Let's eat more and more!

Bokuto: Tetsurou...

Kuroo: Y-yes Boku--- shit.

Bokuto: Tetsurou I want to transfer to Nekoma High School.

Kuroo: What?!

Bokuto: You heard me right? I don't want to go back to that shitty school. Your mother is the principal so it would be easy for you to let me in. I'm asking you a favor so... DO IT.

My hands are sweating so bad right now. I'm nervous knowing that this is the side of Bokuto that I don't want to see. I want to ask him. Ask him what happened between him and that guy.

Kuroo: Kōtarō uh... can I ask about you and.... uhm... Akaashi?

Bokuto: A...aka...akaashi?

Kuroo: Y-yes... do you remember him?

Bokuto: Who is he?

Shit. It's happening again. After that accident, Bokuto was like this. He was a delinquent who fight every single person who blocks his way. He doesn't care if that person is man or even a women. I tried to stop him before but....

Kuroo: Bokuto stop! You're hurting her! The police will arrest you!

Bokuto: Huh? Who the hell are you? Wanna fight?

Kuroo: B-but where childhood friends! Don't you remember me?! It's me Kuroo!! Please stop this!

It was no use. I didn't convince him to stop. He punched and kicked me but I didn't let him dominate me. We fought more like an hour nonstop. I can see anger on his eyes and I know his planning to kill me.

A punch landed on my stomach. I sat on the floor feeling the impact from Bokuto's punch. I was trying to stand but my legs were really shaking. I think it's time. He'll definetely kill me.

Bokuto: You're a good fighter. No wonder I chose you as my childhood friend. Can I know what's your name?

Kuroo: K-kuroo.... T-tetsurou.

Bokuto: Tetsurou huh?

Kuroo: B-but i like being called Kuroo...

Bokuto: Shut up. That's what I want so don't fucking oppose with it.

It was hard at first. I always follow him wherever he goes just to stop him. I tried everything that I can to make him go back to his old self. It took me a year to fulfill this. He slowly gained his memory back and he finally stopped fighting.

Bokuto: Tetsurou! What the hell are you daydreaming?! I said let me in to Nekoma. I'll be transfering after the semester ends so fix everything for me.

He was like this before. To be able to be with him before, I need to do everything that he says even if I'm against with it.

Kuroo: Okay I'll tell it to my mom. I'll just text you for the details.

Eh? What was that? Something is sparkling on his hands.

Kuroo: Kōtarō where did you get that?

Bokuto: This p-piece o-of t-trash bracelet? I don't know. I just noticed that it was on my hand. Do you want it? I don't need it so I can just give it to you.

Kuroo: Keep it.

Bokuto: Tsk I need to go now.

Kuroo: Where are you going again? You look pale and you have a lot of bruisses right now!

Bokuto: Shut up. I know that I'm not in good condition. I just want to go home and take a rest.

Kuroo: I'll walk you home then!

Bokuto: I'm not a kid dumbass. I can go home alone.

Even if Bokuto told me that he doesn't need me, I still followed him on his way home. I need to make sure that he arrives safely and no other gangsters will take their chance with Bokuto' state.

How should I know what really happened on that day? I need someone's help.

-Narrator's POV-

After taking a shower, Bokuto treated his wounds. He fought all day and it's not a surprise for him that he looks pale and weak right now.

Lying on his bed, Bokuto looks at the bracelet that he is wearing on his hand.

Bokuto: Who is it? Why am I even wearing this? Who the hell gave me this?! And why can't i stop myself from wearing it?!

Confusion. Anger. Sadness. These are what Bokuto is feeling right now.

While holding his bracelet, he fell asleep with tears falling down on his cheeks.

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