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"Need a ride?"


"Hop in~!"

I rode Tooru's car and grab my phone out. I tried dialing Bokuto-san's number but it's not connecting.

"So where do you want to go Keiji?"

"I remember everything!"

"Really? That's great! How did it happen?"

"Long story but I need to go to Amagi Amusement Park right now!"

"Eh? But it's past 12 midnight already. Why do you want to go there?"

"I need to meet someone."

"Okay. But promise me to explain everything after we arrive in there, okay?"

I nodded in response. I tried to dial Bokuto-san's number again but it's still not connecting. After a few minutes ride, me and Tooru arrived.

"So why do you want to go in here?"

"I need to go to the park"

"Eh? But it's already closed."

I roam my eyes to look for a way in and found a wall not too tall for me to climb.


"You in for an adventure?" I looked back at him and grin.

"You bastard! You'll pay for my shirt if this'll rip because of those wirings."

I climbed first then I helped Tooru to get down from the wall.

"You shit! You know I'm afraid of heights! Why am I even doing this at the first place?!" He nag while clinging on the wall.

"It's just a six feet tall wall, dumbass." I said while pulling his feet down.

After a long negotiation, he finally jump off the wall. We walked quietly across the main park knowing there are guards roaming around.

"Keiji! I don't want to end up in jail! Let's get out of here!"

"Then go climb the wall again and jump"

He paused and stood still.

"You know, this is not really a bad idea. Let's go."

He walked pass through me and tiptoed to get at the park.

He suddenly pushed me back from the trees and covered my lips.

"There's someone in there!" He whispered.

I glanced and wonder who was he pertaining to and then I saw Bokuto-san sitting on the bench. I quietly walk near him and hid on one of the trees. I signaled Tooru to stay quiet and stay still.

"Aaah... this is such a pain in the ass."

I was surprised that he was talking to himself and wondered what was he up to.

"I changed my hairstyle, the way I look and even pierced my ears again. My face is starting to itch because of my hair is down.  I also lost my bracelet, dammit."

He kick some rocks and cursed over and over.

"Now, Akaashi will be so mad at me. I even said 'Stop calling me Bokuto-san, it irritates me'. What the hell was I thinking that time!"

He pulled his hair out of frustration.

"I'm just really thankful that he came back. After three years, of course he'll find someone better than me. That guy is even good looking and his body built is also good. Damn, it fucking irritates me how handsome the guys Akaashi had a relationship with."

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