Gym Battles (Part 2)

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Serena walked up to Misty, her face still blotchy from crying. Misty stopped embracing Ash in a hug, and smiled at her. "I'm sorry Serena," She said, "I'm sure Ash likes you, just as a friend..." Serena fell to the ground, starting to cry again. Misty got down to Serena's level and whispered in her ear, "Besides...I think someone else likes you." Serena wiped her tears and looked at Clemont, knowing who liked her.

Clemont straightened up, his face all red, and his glasses all white (Like when he does "The Future Is Now! Thanks to Science!" thing) Bonnie fan-girled of course! Serena walked up to him, blushing. "S-So..." She said, looking down at her feet. "I heard y-you like me..." The gap got a little smaller in between them. Serena had changed her mind about Clemont. He was definitely the one for her. He wasn't dense, like Ash, and was cute when he blushed. He took care of his sister, probably better than his own mom and dad! Hell, and he was just plain old cute to Serena now! "Y-Y-Yeah..." Clemont said voice-cracking a little. Serena closed the gap by grabbing his hands and kissing him on the lips. Clemont blushed like crazy, and put his arms around her waist, while Serena put her arms around his neck. They deepened the kiss and sparks flew as Misty pecked Ash on the cheek. (No pun intended XD)

Clemont and Serena broke apart and smiled, blushing. "Congratulations!" May said, taking Serena's hands. She smiled. "Thanks May." She walked up to Misty. "About that gym battle?" She chuckled. "Of course." Misty stuck her arm out. Serena took it and shook her hand.

"May the best one, win!"


"This battle will be 6 vs. 6, only the challenger can switch Pokemon, battle begin!" Clemont yelled, as he, was the referee.  

(Ok, Serena is going to have Pokemon she doesn't have in this battle, like she doesn't have in the games OR anime, Misty will also have a few Pokemon she doesn't have either)

"Staryu! Let's go!" Misty said, sending out a star with a gem in the middle. "Go Gothitelle!" Serena yelled confidently, as a goth Pokemon in a dress was sent out. "Staryu! Bubble Beam!" Her Staryu used a Bubble Beam, and did a little bit of damage to Gothitelle. "Gothitelle use Psychic!" Serena said. Gothitelle used the Psychic attack, which got Staryu to red HP. Gothitelle got hit by the next attack, a Hydro Pump, and fainted.

"Return Gothitelle, and go Mismagius!" A witch-looking Pokemon popped out of its Pokeball. Serena was surprised that Staryu was faster. Staryu used a Psychic attack and did barely any damage to Mismagius. "Mismagius! Shadow Sneak!" Serena yelled, as Mismagius did what she said and used Shadow Sneak. Staryu fainted. "Staryu Return! you did great, take a good rest." Misty said. "Corsola your up!" A Coral-Looking Pokemon popped out of its Pokeball.

"Mismagius use Toxic!" Mismagius obeyed, and used Toxic on Corsala. "Corsala! Spike Cannon!" Spike Cannon hit Mismagius and Mismagius was at almost yellow HP. Corsola lost a little bit of HP because of Toxic. "Mismagius, use Sucker Punch!" It failed, because Corsola used Toxic and poisoned Mismagius. They both were at yellow HP now.

"Mismagius! Sucker Punch!" The move went first and knocked Corsola into the water, now at red HP. "Recover!" Misty yelled, as Corsola splashed back out of the water on the platform where they were battling, now at almost full HP, but in the green. "Incredible..." Serena whispered.

Corsola and Mismagius lost more HP because of Toxic. "Mismagius use Destiny Bond!" It used Destiny Bond, just as Misty was telling Corsola to use Bubble Beam, It knocked Mismagius out, taking Corsola with it. "Great strategy Serena!" Misty said, giving her a thumbs up. "Thanks Misty, now go Aromatisse!" A Pink Bird-like Pokemon popped out of its Pokeball.

Suddenly, Ash yelled from the stands. "Come on Misty! You can beat her!" That got Serena even more pumped. "Serena you can do it!" Clemont yelled. They both giggled and Misty sent out Kingdra. Serena sent out her Aromatisse, cause she knew how to beat a Kingdra.

"Kingdra! Brine!" The Kingdra was faster than Aromatisse, which was good for Misty, because it could attack first. Serena's Aromatisse wasn't trained well, and Kingdra was, so Kingdra had the advantage in this battle even though it was a dragon-type.

Kingdra's attack hit first and sent Aromatisse flying with red HP. "Aromatisse are you okay!?" Serena yelled, worriedly. It nodded confidently and got back up, ready for the next attack. Serena knew what to do now. "Aromatisse, you ready?" They both nodded at each other. Misty was ready for what they were about to do next.

"Aromatisse...Time for Fairium Z! Twinkle Tackle now!" Serena said, as confident as ever. Misty gasped and Kingdra went wide eyed. "Yeah that's it Serena!" Clemont said. She did the dance for Fairium Z, in sync with Aromatisse all the way. It hit Kingdra, then one-hit K.O.ed it. "Kingdra!" Misty yelled. It looked pretty bad. She returned it, sadly. "Thanks Kingdra, Return!" She said, sadly, but looked up at Serena, ready for the next round. "Starmie! Go!" Misty called. Her Starmie came out of the Pokeball and made its cry, ready for battle.

Aromatisse was no match for Starmie, it wasn't trained very well. Its speed was incredibly low, along with its defense and HP, So, Starmie had the advantage. "Starmie use Ice Beam!" Misty ordered, knowing that she was going to win. "Aromatisse, Dodge and use Fairy Wind!" Serena yelled confidently, it dodged, but barely missed the attack. It used a Fairy Wind attack that did barely any damage to it. "Thunderbolt!" Misty ordered, as Starmie used the Thunderbolt Attack. Aromatisse fainted.

"Aromatisse! Return!" Serena said, knowing that it was going to faint sooner or later. "Go Electrivire!" She said. She had the type advantage this time, in type and speed. Electric versus Water doesn't work out very well, and Electrivire's speed and defense was astounding! "Electrivire! Electro Ball!" Well, Starmie was out. It fainted. "Return! did great Starmie, take a good rest." Misty said while returning it. "Come on Misty! Your Stronger than that! Beat her to a pulp!" Ash said, obviously hooked on watching the Pokemon battle. "Yeah Serena! You can do it!" Clemont said, hooked on the battle also. Serena and Misty both giggled and continued their battle.

"Lapras, Let's go!" Misty said, throwing Lapras' Pokeball in the air. "Electrive, Thunder!" Serena ordered as Electrive did what she said. Lapras was at yellow HP. Misty was even more pumped up, ready for anything that came at Lapras. "Perish Song!" Misty ordered her Lapras. Electrivire heard the song, so Lapras AND Electrivire will faint in 3 turns. "Electrivire use Superpower!" It was super effective on Lapras and she was down to red HP. "Bulldoze!" Misty ordered her Lapras. Electrivire hung on with 8 HP. "Electrivire! Use Flash Cannon!" Serena ordered. Lapras hung on with 1 HP, and clung to it. "Ice Beam!" Misty said, pointing at Electrivire. Electrivire clung to one HP, trying not to make Serena sad. They both fainted because it was the third turn.

They both returned their Pokemon. "Get ready for this!" They both said confidently, sending out their next Pokemon. Misty sent out Gyarados and Serena sent out Loppuny. "Mega Evolve!" They both said as they Mega Evolved. "Loppuny, High Jump Kick!" It was super-effective because Gyarados was a dark-type. "Gyarados! HYdro Pump!" Misty said, and sent Loppuny flying into the wall with red HP. "Loppuny! Jump and use Superpower!" Serena said, and fainted Gyarados.


Longest chapter yet

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