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Ok, I've kindaaaaaaaaaaa been on a writers block for this story recently, so prepare to be bored cause this might be crappy. Oh and thank you guys SO much for giving me almost 1.K reads! I greatly appreciate it! Thanks again! ~KJ 


Two months have passed since Serena and the others found out Ash and Misty were dating. She was still devastated but she had Clemont. 'Wow' Serena thought. 'I always thought Clemont was never the one for me...but Lord Helix  I was wrong!'

"Serena, you okay?" Clemont said, putting a hand on her shoulder. They were walking to the beach and she stopped in her tracks, thinking about Clemont. Serena snapped out of her trance when Clemont put a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah! Just fine, just thinking about a few things." Clemont looked at her, relieved and continued walking, with Serena's hand in his. Then, Serena caught eye of the beach. "Come on Clemont!" She exclaimed, starting to run. "Serena! You know I can't run!" Clemont said, struggling to keep up even though he was running hand-in-hand with her. She giggled a little and stopped, making Clemont skid to a halt to avoid running into her. "This is why I'm going to do this!" She said. Serena took his glasses and struggled a little, trying to put Clemont on her back. She eventually succeeded at the task and gave him back his glasses.

"S-Serena!" He said, blushing madly. She giggled and started running to the beach, slowly because it was hard to carry the weight of Clemont.


"Come on Drew it's beach time!" May said doing a weird dance for some reason... "Whatever you want July." Drew flicked his hair, smirking. 'My name is not July, Grasshead!" May fumed. "And my name isn't Grasshead, April, But whatever you say." He smirked, flicking his hair once again.

"SHUT UP IDIOT!" She yelled, flailing her arms around. Drew  suddenly slung May over his shoulder. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" May flailed, punching him in the back multiple times. "PUT. ME. DOWN. PUTMEDOWN!!" She fumed. Drew chuckled, calm as ever. "You look cute when your mad."

May's face flushed and kept punching him in the back. She wouldn't admit it but, she loved when he said that. She kept punching him in the back so he wouldn't think she went soft. Drew sighed, getting tired of carrying May, and had an idea. He flashed a devious grin and held her bridal-style and before May knew she was being carried that way, he kissed her on the lips.

Her face flushed an even darker shade of red. They finally pulled apart and May looked away, knowing she was blushing and grinned. Drew chuckled knowing she was smiling. May ignored it and kissed him on the cheek. Now it was his turn to blush. "HA HA YOUR BLUSHING!" She yelled, pointing at Drew. Drew blushed even more, and grabbed May's hand, and walked to the beach hand-in-hand like that.


Misty immediately ran into the sand, but something stopped her. "Psy-y-y!" It said, popping out of its Pokeball, holding its head. "There's Psyduck!" Ash said, trying to keep up with Misty. "WAAAAH PSYDUCK!" Misty tripped, her face landing in the sand. She got up, sand all over her face, trying to wipe it off. Then Misty noticed her cover-up was ruined.

"Aww shit..." She said. "Well...guess it's ruined now." She said, throwing the cover up to the side. It landed in Ash's face instead. "Hey!" Ash said, taking the cover up off and throwing it on the soft yellow sand. He looked up at the beauty before him, blushing a very deep scarlet red. Misty was in a turquoise bikini top with a matching turquoise bikini bottom, both with multiple water Pokemon on it. Her long orange hair was flowing down to her knees. But the thing is, that bikini was pretty showy. It didn't show anything, but it was showed a LOT of skin.

Misty turned away from Ash. The bikini was pretty tight, and she only wore it to make Ash blush. The bikini hugged her curves, especially her breasts and butt. "Psy!" Psyduck said, knowing why Misty did that. She secretly smirked and high-fived Psyduck. Misty turned back around with a little smirk on her face. "What is it Ash? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ash kept examining her, up and down, her curves. especially her curves. Pikachu gave a thumbs-up to Misty signaling that he meant 'Good Job!' Ash didn't hear what she said, still blushing.

"Ash? Ash! ASH!" Misty yelled, waving her hands in front of him. "OH UM...u-u-uh...y-y-you...loo-look...v-very sexy- NO NO I MEAN-" He got cut off by Misty kissing him on the lips. "All I needed to hear honey~..." She said.  Misty blushed a little this time. "Can you put m-me on your shoulders?" She said. Ash's blush turned a bit darker, but slung Misty over his shoulder and put her on his shoulders with ease. "Ash!" She blushed.

Ash turned his head around (as far as he could) and flashed her a goofy grin and ran to the beach.

"Ash your gonna Kill me!" She faked. Well, she felt like he was gonna kill her, it felt like she was gonna fall off any second.


Bonnie and Max walked side-by-side on the far left of Serena and Clemont. After all, Bonnie wanted to because Clemont and Serena was her OTP. Oh Bonnie, you fanfic writer in the making. Well, they  were walking right beside them until Serena started running towards the beach.

Bonnie yelled to Clemont. "RUN AFTER HER BIG BROTHER!" Clemont pretended not to hear his little sister, which was a bad idea, but Bonnie let this slide because she wanted to make a good impression on Max.

"S-So Max...," She stuttered. This was weird. Bonnie stuttering? Max didn't think anything of her stuttering and just replied with a simple "Hm?" The funny thing was, Bonnie was just going to ask what his favorite Pokémon was and why. Why was it so hard talking about such a simple thing around your crush?

"W-Well...I was wondering..." Ok, now this sounds like she's going to ask him out, even though their already technically dating. "What's your favorite Pokemon?" She asks, fumbling with her hands while walking. "And why is it your favorite Pokemon?" She calmed down by then. She told herself that she was only talking to Max and there was nothing she had to worry about.

"Oh that's easy," Max cheerfully said while grabbing Bonnie's hand. She blushed of course. "Ralts! It's my favorite because I met a hurt Ralts in the forest one day and tried taking care of it. It didn't work. But one day the Ralts came back and I caught it and now it's my best friend!" Bonnie realized how much he cared for his Pokémon, smiled and nodded.

She suddenly started running, still holding Max's hand. "Bonnie! Hey slow down!" She chuckled and said, "C'mon Max! I wanna be the first ones there!" 

But, Bonnie's plan failed when she found that everyone else was there.


IMPORTANT!!! i guess

Oh my Lord! Finally! I'm done with writers block and finally got this chapter done with slow updates. Thanks everyone for waiting patiently while I had very slow updates. I realize this is probably someone's favorite book here and I try to update. So anyway, thanks for waiting patiently and I'll cya later!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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