Chapter 16

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Lindsay forced me into the shower and made sure I looked amazing before we left. "Dress to kill," was her advice and I followed it in a black leather jacket with some blue jeans.

"I'm not dressing up for him," I said. "He who must not be named."

We both laughed at the Harry Potter reference, but Lindsay shook her head. "You're not," she agreed. "You're dressing for yourself."

It was true, even though I had never thought about it before like that.

I stood in front of the mirror for a while before we left, listening as Lindsay yelled that we were going to be late. I wasn't even doing anything important. Just... looking at myself.

It was hard to see the boy who'd been broken down by his ex boyfriend. If a stranger saw me, they would not know what I had been through.

As I stood there, I realized that seeing Alex wasn't what I was worried about. I was more worried that I would forgive him and go back to the same way we were before. I never wanted to do that again. Alex wasn't going to change and we all knew it.

"This is a bad idea," I said in the car. "I shouldn't be doing this."

Lindsay tried to deny it but I talked over her. "I know that the minute I see him my heart will race and I'll get butterflies. Because that always happens when I see him. He hurt me twice but I still care about him. It hurts to love him, but it also hurts not to."

There was silence for a moment, broken only by the commercials playing on the radio. Then, "It'll all work out Scotty. Just trust me."

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