Chapter 17: Let's Find Jungkook

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Authors POV

Jungkook looks frightened by what he saw. He kneeled by my mother's lifeless form. "M-mom. Please wake up." He whispered barely audible.

He placed her in his lap. He pulled my phone and called the ambulance. "Please get here quickly!!" He shouted to the person in line.

He told them the address and 3 minutes later the ambulance came. They quickly took Jungkook's mom to the hospital.

When they arrived they hurried to the emergency room but Jungkook wasn't allowed inside.

"Sir, can we ask yoy some questions?" Jungkook looked up only to see a police officer. He nodded his head gently.

"When did you see your mother?" He asked and pulled out a notebook out of nowhere.

"A-around 9 P.M." Jungkook answered weakly. "Do you suspect someone?" He asked jolting the clues he got from Jungkook.

Jungkook thought hard.and thought of two people. "Yes. Two people." Jungkook said and pulles out a sharp object from his hoodie carefully handing it to the officer.

"I came across a suspicious person near my house. He suddenly ran so I ran after him. He pulled a knife and almost stabbed me. The reason I disn't let his knife anywhere was because he might come back after me." Jungkook explained.

The police officer scribbled the clues. "And the other?" He asked. "It might also be possible that it was my f-father."

"Why?" The police ifficer questioned. "I accidently cross paths with him a couple months back and he said he will make our lives a living hell." Jungkook said clenching his fist. White color already visible on his knuckles.

"Thank you for the information, Mr. Jeon. We'll find the culprit." The police officer stand and pats Jungkook in the shoulder.

Jungkook half-smiled towarda the police officer.

=1 Hour Later=

He was pacing infront of the Emergency Room for the past 30 minutes waiting for the doctors to come out.

He was tapping his foot along the concrete floor rapidly obviously scared and frightened of what's taking so long to get out the of the Emergency Room.

Jungkook sat back down the fiven chairs and put his hand against his head, elbows against his knee.

A doctor suddenly went of the Emergency Room and Jungkook hurriedly stand up infront of the doctor.

"Doc, how's my mother? Is she okay?" Jungkook asked. Praying to God that his mother is okay. But God has other plans.

The doctor shakes his head slowly. "We couldn't save her. She lost too much blood." The doctor said.

Jungkook POV

When I heard what the doctor said, I couldn't contain my tears anymore and let it all out. The doctor hugged me tightly and pats me in the back before proceeding to leave.

I sat back down the chair and silently sobbed. 'It should have been me' I thought.

Mom wanted only the best for me. She was always by my side, now I can't imagine if she wasn't anymore.

I went inside the Emergency Room and saw a person under a blanket. With shaky hands I uncover it and saw my mother peacefully sleeping forever.

I couldn't help myself but sob. I held her hands with both of my hands. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't the kind of son you can brag to your friends. I d-didn't do anything you can be proud of. I d-didn't cherish you that much. P-please don't leave me, mom. You know how much I'm gonna miss you. I-if you don't wake up, I'm gonna eat all your favorite Strawberry Jams. M-mom, stop joking around. You got me, now please stop pranking me." I said along with my sobs hoping it was actually a prank and she wakes up okay. But she didn't.

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