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         My hands were shoved in my light blue jean pockets, the ends of the pant legs were rolled up to reveal my ankles. I wore one of my dads old shirts as I strolled aimlessly around the compound that next morning. Walk on Memories was playing from my headphones that hung loosely in my ear. Not much was going on around here these days.

        I paused by the window that overlooked the green grounds of the compound. It was quiet here. Two years ago it would have been bustling with life. Two years ago, Steve would have been here, Sam, Vision, Wanda, Natasha, all of them. But they're gone. Last time I saw Steve was in Wakanda before his friend Bucky was put back under the ice.

       He gave me his shield there. It feels like such a long time ago, decades almost. I walked back down the hallway and pushed open the door to my bedroom. My room was neat, well organized, and nicely decorated thanks to Pepper. I went to my closet and pulled the white door open. Hidden under boxes and dozens of disorganized clothes was the red, white, and blue shield. I got on my knees and pulled it out into the light.

        Three claw marks from King T'Challa were imbedded into the vibranium. I ran my fingers over them, remembering the battle at the airport in Germany, the battle where I betrayed my own Father. That was two whole years ago, although it doesn't feel like it. Two years ago I was sixteen, and now I'm eighteen. Ten years ago I moved in with my Father with nothing but a book bag. Time has gone by so quick, I wish it would've slowed down just a little bit.

       I don't want to be eighteen, I shouldn't have even reached this age. With all of the life-threatening situations I've been in, I shouldn't be here. Somehow I've survived to sit here, the circular shield in my hands, and with music playing subtly from my headphones. My life for the past two years has been pretty much normal, or as normal as this life can get. Of course, there is no way that it can last.

      Being Iron Man's daughter and Spider-Mans girlfriend will never exactly be normal. I drive to school, sit in class, text my friends, spend time with Peter, work on homework in my room, Dad and I sometimes go out to dinner or run errands in the city. I rarely use my Iron Man suit, and my boots and gloves have recently only been used for flight. The super hero business has been put on the back burner for now.

      Everyday I hide my extremis from the world. At first it was hard to keep the orange glow down and out of sight, but with practice and concentration it works. The only person who knows of my ability is family, and close friends such a Rhodey, or Peter. I'm already seen has Iron Man's Daughter, so I don't want to be seen as a mutant as well. I suddenly remembered the time in Pennsylvania back when Ames was alive.

      I was to meet Ames at a diner that night in town, he stepped out onto the street as a car was heading straight for him. I stopped the car without thinking, completely destroying the vehicle as it came in contact with my body. The power of the extremis saved Ames, saved me, and took out the car. I hadn't thought about that moment in a long time. Ames Justice seems like a dream that I've almost forgotten.

      The sound of my bedroom door swinging open brought me back to the present. I jumped, shoving the shield back into the closet. I pretended to be sorting clothes as she approached "Which color of Napkins do you like, white or cream?" Pepper asked as she strolled into my room, holding two napkins in her manicured hands.

I stood up and closed my closet before turning to my future Step-Mother. Her strawberry hair was held in a loose bun "I feel like you've asked me this question already" I replied, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

      "No, that was table clothes" Pepper said and placed the napkins in my hands. I looked at both of them "And you chose white table clothes by the way" she added.

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