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She lifted the helmet off from her head, allowing for her fingers to run through her short strands of hair before she set the helmet down on the handles of the motorcycle. It had a classic appeal to it, previously ridden by Steve Rogers but he had gifted it to her quite some time ago. This type of ride was never her style, but it belonged to the great Captain so she couldn't bring herself to say no. She swung her leg off from the bike and landed on the grass.

Looming before her was the wooden lake house which sat pretty under the sun on the edge of the shimmering water. Green leaves rustled in the wind, making it seem as if this place is a paradise, or at least somewhere close to it. A warm, loving home that housed her family, and yet, it's all so foreign to her. The ones that she loves the most live inside, but they almost feel as if they're nothing more than trinquetes from her past. Old members of her closest circle who have moved on with their lives, leaving her behind to dwell in all she lost.

As soon as her father and Pepper said I do at the alter, they jetted off across the state to this secluded lake front home in order to be away from the rest of the world. Jessi knew that she couldn't stay with them even though Tony had wanted her to, even though it would have been a lot easier if she had. Her drive, her determination, and her lost loved ones kept her away. It kept her from living in the present.

      Jessi strolled around the side of the house, her fingers brushing against the lilies that grew in the garden. Her feet maneuvered around the toys and dismantled tea set that had been set up by the youngest member of the Stark family. A wooden play table was littered with sheets of paper, clearly showing that someone has been coloring on them with an array of crayons. She sighed slowly, turning away from the play area and coming to stand before the small dock that stretched out into the water. It was utterly breathtaking.

      The wood creaked beneath her weight as she walked to the edge and stood, her hands shoved in her jacket pockets. This place could be her home if she allowed for it to be. First, it had been with her mom in Washington D.C, following that was Malibu where she met her Father. Then New York City and the Headquarters upstate. But, whenever she closed her eyes and pictured home, the sunny waters crashing up against the rock cliffs of Malibu always filled her mind. Back then, life seemed simple despite the circumstances. It was just her, Tony, and Pepper, somehow managing to all be together.

"Your hair got shorter" a voice broke the silence.

"And yours got grayer" She looked over her shoulder, a small smile present on her lips. He stood a few feet away from her, opening and closing the palms of his hands "the silver fox look isn't all that bad" she added lightly, then turned slowly to face him  "I'm uh, I'm sorry for being away for so long. It wasn't my intention- there were a group of poachers that we were tracking in the Gulf, and-"

      "No no no, no problem, really" he assured quickly, waving his hands "I mean, maybe a call or two would have been nice, you know" he shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets "just so I can be kept in your loop. Voice mail is not a fun way to end a phone call, not to make you feel bad or anything but- I, I feel like I'm annoying you, I'm annoying you aren't I?"

      She was watching him as he talked to her, but her eyes seemed to be a million miles away. She noticed the wrinkles, the grey in his hair, the loose skin around his neck and under his eyes. It scared her to see this, to remember that nothing is permanent. It wasn't so long ago that he returned home sick and hallow from space after Thanos. His physical bounce back took mere weeks, mentally, she wasn't sure. He had buried himself in this peaceful life. He doesn't ask about the rest of the Avengers, doesn't mention them. She can't recall the last time he even referenced anything related to Thanos or what happened five years ago.

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