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A/N: I hate to say this, but this is the last chapter until Infinity War part 2 drops ! Sorry it's so sudden, but I feel this is the best place to end it. I will continue part 2 on THIS BOOK, so keep it in your library ! Thank you so much for absolutely everything. I wholeheartedly love all of you. Let me know what you think :) Any predictions ?


        The Mad Titan looked down to the man who was slumped before him, his golden gauntlet covered hand was resting on his head. Blood dripped from his quivering lips. An immense amount of pain washed through his body, nearly blinding him because of the piercing sensation. He hadn't felt pain like this in a long time. His brown eyes slowly looked up to the monster "You have my respect, Stark" Thanos told him gently "When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive"

        Thanos backed away from the Iron Man, almost sounding sympathetic with the man. Doctor Strange was off to the side, regaining his consciousness. He shook his head, blood staining his temple "I hope they remember you" Strange heard the Titan tell Tony. He blinked, looking out across the battlefield. Thanos was prepared to blast Tony out of existence with his acquired stones.

         Strange found himself protesting. He couldn't let this happen to him, he won't "Stop!" Strange yelled before he even knew what he was doing. Tony weakly turned his head, blood oozing from his lips. The stab wound in his gut burned like fire within him. Strange pulled himself up into a sitting position, he was completely out of breath "Spare his life" he pleaded.

         Tony's eyes widened at his words. The sorcerer has captured Thanos's attention now "and... I will give you the stone" he said numbly, his eyes low.

"No tricks" Thanos warned.

        Strange shook his head, assuring him that this was not a trick. Thanos raised his gauntlet up to the sorcerer, prepared to accept the new stone "Don't!" Tony objected "D-don't do it, Strange!" He told him, shaking his head back and fourth.

        Thanos was growing impatient now, his eyes darkening as his gauntlet waited "Where's the stone" the Titan demanded.

       "Stark, I'm sorry. It's not here" Strange said in a defeated tone. He looked down to the ground beneath him. Back in New York, with Jessi. The only person who had the capability of keeping the stone safe, the capability of keeping the secret. The one whose destiny revolves around the six infinity stones. It was with her.

        Thanos's blue eyes widened slightly in shock, his hand lowering "I don't have the time stone" Strange continued breathlessly "It's back on Earth. Stark, I'm sorry" he repeated to Tony "The stone, it's with her" he finally admitted with a heavy heart "It's with her" his eyes closed. It pained him beyond belief to throw her into the lions den like this, but this was the only way and he knew it.


       Tony wondered why the hell he'd be apologizing to him. Her? What is that suppose to mean? The wheels in the Iron man's head began to spin, as pieces of the puzzle started to take shape. Her. Who else could it possibly be "No" he hissed, the pain in his gut momentarily disappeared. All he could feel was the utter horror coursing through his body "You couldn't have, n-not her. Anyone but her!"

        Thanos was certainly caught off guard by these turn in events. He was intrigued by the identity of this girl, and her significance to them "God damnit" Tony cursed with his voice cracking as he looked away and out into the distance of the alien planet. She flashed across his mind, his whole entire world "Anyone else, anyone else" he murmured to himself "not my baby, not her. God please" tears threatened to escape from his brown eyes.

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