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A/N: It's strange reading y'alls comments because I know how this is all going to end... and I'm a tad bit afraid of what your reaction will be... 😂 All I can say is have an open mind, read chapters carefully (because I do a lot of hinting...) and remember to forget everything you think you know, and in time, it'll all make sense. Again, as always, thank you for reading. This program in part is brought to you by viewers like you, thank you.


"Alright, we have a plan. 6 stones, 3 teams, 1 shot"

      The neck of the suit was hugging a bit tight around her neck, but it was not uncomfortable. She adjusted it gently between her fingers while standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom. Not a cell in her body was calm, they were alive and burning with apprehension at the thought. In mere ten minutes, the Avengers would be falling back in time, and it would not be pretend. All of the time travel shows and books that she read would become her reality. The only thing that brought her a hint of comfort was that she'd be going back with her Father.

Growing up, aside from his crazy moments, he had always brought her a sense of peace. That whenever he was home, or around, nothing would ever dare harm her because he'd always be there in his suit of armor, ready to protect. She still saw him in that way at times, especially now. Even though she's an adult now, she's still her fathers daughter. She dropped her arms down to her side and took a deep breath, her eyes glancing over the pictures that were taped along the border of the mirror.

"Five years ago, we lost"

      Thor had erupted from a blinding flash of light, flying at the speed of a shooting star and impaling the mad titan through the chest. It had appeared that they all won, but that certainly wasn't the case. Thanos snapped his fingers, plunging the world and the universe and encompassing it into darkness.

"All of us. We lost friends..."

      People that she grew up with, people that she knew, her friends, all gone. From school, from the Avengers, everyone. There wasn't even a moment to say goodbye. If she had only been stronger way back then, braver. If she only would have done as Strange had wanted, and kept the Time Stone safe. She looked away from her reflection, bringing her hands up to rub them along her face.

"We lost family..."

She looked over to her desk, eyeing the cluttered mess filled with notes on time travel and quantum physics textbooks that piled over one another in a disorderly fashion. Resting up against the wall was the old, brown leather coated book that Strange had let her keep from the Sanctum Santorum.

"We lost a part of ourselves"

      And that she did. She lost a part of herself that she didn't even know was apart of her until it went away in a blinding flash of light. She was left to feel the ramifications of what once was, and what could have been. A sad smile crept up on her lips as the utter loneliness of the past five years resurfaced. This whole time, she had the remaining Avengers on her side, but the heaviness in her heart at refused to let her be happy, to actually live. She pushed a lot of the people that she cared about to the back burner.

"Today, we have a chance to take it all back"

Not anymore. Today was a new day, a brand new start as Natasha said. Jessi tied her hair into a high ponytail and left the room to join the others.

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