22. The Fall

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All eyes fell onto Starkiller as he stood over fallen Vader. The Emperor's yellow eyes watched intensely, etching the moment into his mind. His pale, wrinkled face curled up into a cracked smile. With sinister enthusiasm, the Emperor ordered, "Yes! Kill him! He was weak, broken! Kill him and you can take your rightful place at my side."

With a slight of hand, Master Kota used the Force to steal the Emperor's lightsaber. It buzzed as it activated, revealing a fiery red saber. Kota cried out in fear of what his new apprentice might become, "No!" He leapt towards the Emperor, aiming to chop off his head. In a flash, force lightning struck Kota, sending him straight to the ground in agony. The Emperor stood up and used his power to focus more on the Jedi.

Talia jerked forward, ready to help out in any way she could. Cassian quickly held her back inside the turbolift; his hand curled around her arm and pulled her closer, away from the view of the hall. Kota's screaming boomed against the walls of the chamber. Talia glanced at him, then back at the scene, heart sinking in her chest. When against a force user, it makes someone feel so miniscule. Weak.


"Help him!" Senator Organa yelled to Galen, fear clear across his features.

Starkiller's dark eyes shot over to Kota's position, taking in the scene as his good friend curled into a ball and yelped in pain. Starkiller glanced back down at Vader, only to see the shell of a broken man. His previous master's eyes were devoid of emotions. Vader remained completely still, not even moving to motion for mercy. Marek's pissed off expression fell, allowing his eyebrows to knit together, unsure of what he should do.

"We have to help him," Talia whispered as her brown eyes widened in urgency. If the Emperor influences him enough...that's it. It's over. Just like when her husband turned. She peered around at the team, who all didn't budge.

Halron asked, almost stuttering out of fear, "A-and risk having the Senators caught in the middle?"

Anything and everything could go wrong. Talia glanced at Cassian; it seems he read her mind. They were counting on things going horribly wrong. She grabbed the blaster pistol holstered on her leg and brought it close to her chest. Chills ran up her spine, and a cold sweat began to form on her forehead. Calmly, she took in a few breaths to strangle her on-end nerves. "It's better than having him turn on us."

In one quick snap, Talia shot her arm out and aimed at the closest stormtrooper. The blaster bolt propelled itself out of the gun, and hit the trooper square in the chest. He gasped and attempted to grab a hold of something as he fell off of the platform. One ounce of bravery inspired the rest. One after the other, each rebel rained fire down on stormtroopers left and right, knocking them off of their feet. The others shot back, hitting the middle of the open turbolift.

The Imperial Guards joined the fray. Each one pulled out a heavy blaster pistol from underneath their blood red robes and began to form around the Emperor. The scarlet masks only instilled more fear of the unknown into Talia; with near deadly accuracy, one of them nearly shot a bolt through her shoulder.

Cassian held onto Talia's arm to keep her inside the turbolift. His voice, calm and steady, uttered an order, "Distract the Imperial Guards! Their steadiness is going to get us killed." The BlasTech blaster held steady in his sweaty gloved hand, allowing him to make the first shot at the guards. Then, the real battle began.

The Emperor stopped his onslaught on Master Kota. With interest peaked, he raised a wrinkly eyebrow as his vibrant yellow eyes fell onto the reign of oncoming fire originating from the end of the hall. His apprentice lay on the floor useless, just like the wretched Jedi that Starkiller once called Master. Now, Galen would have to watch his rebel friends die as well.

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