26. Ord Gimmel

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AN: That Andor show sneak peak kills me every time I think about it. In like, the best way though! I'm bouncing all over the place and can't help but smile when I think about it. It got me excited enough to finish this chapter I've been sitting on for a while!

"Do you really think we can find her?"

Cassian took a moment to himself, unable to tear his eyes off of the scene below them. His mind worked through the steps of the plan until he threw them completely out the window. No plan could counter this. They were supposed to get in, ask some questions, and get out. It was supposed to be a nice starter mission since they had been laying low for what felt like forever. Instead, a battle raged below full of blaster fire and screaming. Dust and smoke mingled in the air, hanging over the battlefield like a veil. The putrid aroma of charred skin hung around, causing Cassian to gag a little. The battle had cut a huge hole in the green forest around them. Giant tree stumps covered the ground, providing cover to soldiers in need.

Ord Gimmel had been at war since the Empire took over all those years ago. Rebellion strongholds have helped build up the civilians of the major city Geharr into soldiers, but with so few far between, it was not much. General Draven had mentioned that the planet had been used to export a lot of huge technology and he had been trying to get his hands on a deal for years. With the Queen missing, Ord Gimmel, along with the smaller planets nearby, would not be of assistance to the Rebellion while it focused on its own independence.

The mystery message Fulcrum sent to Draven only had a picture of a tower and a theory that the main computer system had information of crucial Imperial documents. Strongholds, defenses, supply run times, and correspondence with the fleets nearby. Cassian's stare drifted upwards on the battlefield, right passed enemy lines until he reached the tower from the picture. Geharran soldiers had pushed up to it, but could not get through the front entrance. Nothing is ever easy.

He turned to Talia, who awaited his answer. She stood with her arms folded, creasing the green puffy jacket she wore. Her head was cocked to the side as her brown eyes locked onto his. Her brown hair had been braided into a bun, and the loose parts framed her cute face. Cute? Ugh, stop it and focus. Cassian shrugged. "I can only hope."

"So, what's the plan, Captain?" Talia questioned, a bit of teasing slicing her tone.

"Sounds to me like you have an idea."

She dropped her arms to her sides. "I do, but I know you don't like my ideas."

Cassian's eyes widened and he blurted out, "For good reason!"

Talia shrugged his comment off. "Which is why I was asking you if you had one."

Cassian looked at her for the longest moment, digesting the possibilities. A frown settled over his lips before said in defeat, "No. What's your plan?"

"You see that over there?" She handed him the macrobinoculars and pointed in the far right direction.

He guided his line of sight to where she had been pointing. He tensed up immediately. Numerous large Imperial vehicles made their way through the debris and slowly headed towards the battle. "They don't see the Empire flanking them."

"Exactly. That's where we come in. We help them with a part of the battle, they help us with information."

"I'm impressed. This idea is a lot more tame than I thought," Cassian nearly laughed, but held his composure. Talia's idea tame? He'd never see that again. He set down the macrobinocs before he motioned Kay-Tuesso over.

Talia huffed, "You're lucky it's the only possible one. All the others would surely get us killed."

Cassian flinched, his memory tugging at the nightmare he recently had. Without a second thought on that dreadful subject, he started moving down the sloped hill. "Let's get started."

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