Truth of Lies

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*Includes mentions of Drinking/ Alcohol Abuse, Abandonment, Child Abuse, and Bullying*

These can be very sensitive topics, if you don't want to hear about it, I would not recommend you continue reading

(A/N This One Shot is what I think Maka's childhood was really like, It's a lot like mine so it's kinda a combination of mine and her's. It's kinda fucked up, but then again so am I. I kinda took inspiration from 13 Reasons Why, either imagine a letter form or a cassette tape form, Enjoy My Disturbingness :D)

[AMV] Sad Anime Moments (Original); I don't know much else about the video, but I think it sets the mood quite nicely

Lies. I've been lied to all my life.

"I'll never leave you"

"I won't cheat ever again"

"I love you and mama"

"I promise, I'll never hurt you"

I've also told a lot of lies myself.

"I'm fine"

"Don't worry about me"

My biggest lie?

My past.

I've lied to everyone about that, I couldn't tell anyone. I doubt anyone would believe me, anyway.

I'll tell you what everyone thinks happened:

Young, happy Weapon and Meister couple gets married at such a young age, mama gives birth to me maybe a few years later. Little happy family, but then papa starts drinking and can't keep his hands off other women. Eventually, mama had enough; She left us both.

Now everyone has that part correct, but they don't know what happened afterward. What I had to go through while they were together. The yelling, screaming... constant fighting. The abandonment from both of them. The name calling at school. It was like leading two lives; both equally pathetic and miserable.

At home, I was ignored...; forgotten. I would try to break up their fights by pushing them in opposite directions, it was all futile.

At school, all the attention was on me... in the worst way. Hair-pulling, chair kicking, insults, rumors, whispers, beatings... etcetera.

Then after mama left, papa took his anger on the only thing that couldn't run away. His own daughter. All attention on me in both lives...

Not only would he beat me, the women he brought over... One time he even sold me to a woman for one night, She was especially cruel. I don't think I'll ever be able to talk about the things she did to me for those twelve hours. But I'll give you this;

Why do you think I never wear anything that shows my back? Or that shows very much of any part of my body?

I hope that now that I'm finally gone... the truth will prevail.

*Sorry, for the short and somewhat fucked up chapter, but hey I guess it works :)*

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