Day at the Beach; Bikini Shopping?

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(A/N So I wrote this based off of my excitement for summer and all things beachy and pool, Not too thrilled for the heat, but the beach makes it all worth it)

Song: Exotic (Priyanka Chopra)

(Also the picture in the media, is what everyone's ~except Maka's~ swimsuits look like. Why did I make Maka's different? Because I can and I like the one I designed better :P)

"BeReadyInFifteenMinutesYouAreComingSwimSuitShoppingWithMe,Patty,andTsubaki! NoBackingOut! OkayBye!"

Maka hangs up the phone slowly, still trying to process what the hell just happened. One minute, she's sitting comfortably ~well as comfortable as you can be in 120' degree weather~ with her partner in the boiling Nevada heat. Then their phone starts ringing, when she picks up, there's a hyperactive fast forward Liz chattering on the other end.

"Who was that?"

Maka looks to her white-haired weapon partner on the couch and replies reluctantly. "Liz."

He tenses hearing the eldest Thompson sister's name, remembering what happened last time she called, he visibly shudders. That was a story for another time.

"Relax Soul, She's coming for me this time." She sighs flopping back onto her spot on the couch, with her head resting on Soul's leg.

"Poor bookworm. When? You may still have time to run," Soul jokes.

"15 minutes, Swimsuit shopping. I'm a goner for sure unless I break my legs and run away to Japan." Maka laughs tiredly and cringes.

"That's quite a plan there," Soul says while playing with one of her pigtails. She merely shrugs.

The few moments of peace and quiet are interrupted when none other than Liz bursting through the door, Tsubaki and Patty following in close pursuit. Liz looks around the apartment, spots the meister and pounces. The blonde weapons ~Liz and Patty~ grab Maka's feet and yank her off the couch, where Tsubaki is waiting to catch her upper half, by hooking her arms under Maka's.

"WHAT THE!" Maka yelps.

And within a minute the group had cleared out, taking Maka with them, leaving an absolutely speechless and dumbfounded Soul staring at the now closed door.

Meanwhile, Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki were all laughing like madmen while still carrying the protesting scythe meister.

"Put Me Down, Put Me Down! Put. Me. Down!" Maka yells trying to wiggle out of their grasp.

"No way, Maka-Chan!" Patty giggles maniacally.

"Sorry, Maka-Chan" Tsubaki apologizes.

Maka gives them all a death glare as they continue to carry her to death-knows-where, just hoping that they don't drop her on the hard concrete. When they got there, she wished they had dropped her. In front of them stood a mall, The one place where Maka refused to go unless it was for book shopping. Placing Maka on her feet, putting an iron grip on each of her wrists; Liz and Patty pulled her inside the building, with Tsubaki pushing on her back to force her in.

Realising her efforts were for not, she gave up and let them drag her to wherever. Although, 'wherever' was actually a swimsuit shop. Maka looks at the racks of colorful material with distaste and a hint of fear sparking in her emerald eyes. Shaking off the latter she turns to the group of energetic girls.

"Really, swimsuit shopping." She grimaces.

Simultaneously exchanging grinning glances. "Yup."

With that Maka is whisked into the store, and to the dressing rooms.

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