Burlesque Love

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(A/N I Freakin' love the movie Burlesque, and I was listening to the songs and somehow this came to mind. If you've seen Burlesque... You are now one of my favorite people C:)

(Also, media, is just perfect for Welcome to Burlesque, it's literally just like one of the costumes in that scene)

Song: Express; Christina Aguilera, Burlesque

The sky over Death City was sulky and gloomy. For most a perfect day to do absolutely nothing; which was exactly what a certain weapon/meister pair was doing.

Soul currently resided in his room listening to music and just generally lazing around.

Maka was doing pretty much the same thing except reading until she finished all of her new books she needed to read. And she felt restless; So being bored out of her mind she went into the kitchen.

Maybe she would make dinner early,

Maka shrugged, why not. Without removing the large skull adorned headphones, she makes her way over to the kitchen area and looks through the cabinets. Noodles. Lots of noodles.

"Well, something with noodles it is," Maka mumbles to herself.

She grabs a pot fills it with water and waits for it to boil. About a couple minutes of waiting, Maka suddenly perks up. On her playlist, it had gotten to 'Express' from Burlesque. She silently cheered to herself; She had seen Burlesque a couple week ago and she was freaking obsessed. She loved the music, the costumes, the dancing, the feel of it. Maka had actually watched the movie so many times, she had memorized the routines like Ali did in the movie.

Without even knowing it she had started to sing along. She started out quietly and swaying her hips.

It's a cold and crazy world that's ragin' outside

Well baby me and all my girls are bringin' on the fire

Show a little leg, gotta shimmy your chest

It's a life, it's a style, it's a need, it's Burlesque

E-X-P-R-E-S-S, love, sex

Ladies no regrets

E-X-P-R-E-S-S, love, sex

Ladies no regrets

Been holdin' back for quite some time and finally, the moment's right

I love to make the people stare

They know I got that certain savoir-faire

Fasten up

Can you imagine what would happen if I let you close enough to touch?

Step into the fantasy

You'll never want to leave, baby its guarantee


She paused with the song, then she let loose, Singing louder with the music and dancing some of the moves, almost all of them.

It's a passion, and emotion, it's a fashion, Burlesque

It'll move you, goin' through you, so do what I do, Burlesque

All ladies come put your grown up, boys throw it up if you want it

Can you feel me, can you feel it? It's Burlesque.

I tease 'em 'til they're on the edge

They screamin' more for more and more they beg

I know it's me they come to see

My pleasure brings them to their knees

Fasten up

Can you imagine what would happen if I let you close enough to touch?

Step into the fantasy

You'll never want to leave, baby let's give it to you


It's a passion, and emotion, it's a fashion, Burlesque

It'll move you, goin' through you, so do what I do, Burlesque

All ladies, confident, flaunt it

Boys throw it up if you want it

Can you feel me, can you feel it? It's Burlesque.

It's a passion, and emotion, it's a fashion, Burlesque

It'll move you, goin' through you, so do what I do, Burlesque

All ladies come put your grown up, boys throw it up if you want it

Can you feel me, can you feel it? It's Burlesque.

On the final note of the last lyric, Maka strikes a pose with both of her hands in the air above her head. She jumps about two feet in the air when she hears clapping behind her. Dread fills her stomach as she whips around and sees Soul standing in his doorway with an impressed smirk, his crimson eyes held a playful shine.

"Burlesque?" Soul asks with such a shit-eating grin.

Maka blushes from embarrassment. "Aaa... y-yeah." She rubs the back of her head and looks down at the floor.

"That was pretty cool and...." He mumbled something afterward that Maka didn't catch.



The roles were instantly reversed; Maka with the grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame and Soul with the cutest blush.

"Like what you see?" She mocks, wiggling her shoulders and chest.

In an instant, Soul pins Maka to the wall.

"Yeah, I have for a long time," Soul whispers in her ear huskily, making her shiver.

"Good," Maka pauses and swings her arms over Soul's neck, bringing him into a kiss.

When they finally break away for panting for breath.

Now both of them were smirking. Who knew one song was all it took. And Burlesque for that matter.

(*Sorry for all the lyrical song Oneshots, Can't help it, be prepared for many more*)

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