Girl In The Little Black Dress

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(This is just a flirty bar AU, I wrote when I was bored, My friend dragged me to a bar for Friday fish fry, then totally ditched me to go flirt with some girls, and I thought of this :D NOT depressing or sad :3)

(I know it's pretty short, but I'm workin' on the longer ones; Thank you for being patient)

Song: Closer; Chainsmokers

Soul releases a long sigh as he plops down onto a dark leather barstool. Earlier he had gotten a phone call from Black*Star for a guys night out. At first, he was psyched, a night of drinking, laughing and hanging out with Black*Star and Kid. only to find out he was the designated driver... Great...

Truthfully Soul only liked drunk people when he himself was drunk. Being tipsy makes everything a lot more fun.

Well, guess soda it is...

He flagged down the bartender and ordered a coke, just as a girl in a black dress sat down next to him, repeating his previous actions. Then he changed his order to two cokes. Just because he couldn't drink, didn't mean he couldn't meet somebody.

"Looks like you're havin' fun tonight," Soul told the girl sarcastically.

She turned to face him, showing bright green eyes and pale features. Her dusty blonde hair was pulled back into a messy bun, with her bangs swept off to the side with an X shaped pin.

"Really? What gave me away?" She remarked, with Soul laughing at her bored expression.

He held out a hand to her. "Soul; Designated driver."

"Maka; Also designated driver." she smiled and took his hand.

"No way, you're too dolled up to be a designated driver." he looked her up and down, she was absolutely beautifully mysterious. Her lacy black dress reached just above her knees, black flats with a small butterfly on each adored her feet.

"You checkin' me out?" She smirked

"If I am...?" Soul asked matching her expression.

Maka stared right into his crimson eyes, flirtatiously. "First a few questions,"





"How so?"

She merely smiled knowing he was toying with her, so she would flatter him. But she knew how to play games too.


"Rarely. Interested?"

"Perhaps." She turned away to sip on the soda that had come a while ago. She turned to face him again, when she did his face was much closer to hers. Both of their hearts beating faster with excitement. Their eyes gazed into each other. Red to green. Crimson rubies to jade emeralds.


The moment was broken by a blue haired guy swinging an arm around Soul's neck and a couple of blondes and a black haired girl around Maka's.

The girls started to drag Maka to the door, but before she left she slid a napkin from the bar towards Soul.

After wrestling free of Black*Star, he reached for the napkin and unfolded it.


42-42-564 <3

~the girl in the little black dress~

Soul smiled after her baring his sinfully sharp teeth. She looked back one last time and gave a little wave. Cool, a date with the girl in the little black dress.

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