2 Years Later

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Song: Just A Dream; Nelly

I think this one I might explain, just in case... So this is a OneShot where (After making Soul a death scythe, Maka is forcefully shipped off to Japan for training and to work with other death scythe meisters, which during that time she is allowed no contact with Soul or her other friends. What happens when she finally comes back after 2 years?)

Three figures stood at the bottom of the mile-long Shibusen staircase; one in army gear, one in a stitched up lab coat and one in a flowing white trench coat, over a uniform.

The male figures in the lab coat and army gear march up the steps, while the younger female figure falls behind.

"Alright Maka, you gonna say what's wrong or what?" the lab coat donned professor call back boredly.

"Wha-" the viridian eyed girl lifts her head up to face him. "Oh don't worry Stein, I'm-"

"Don't say you're 'fine', I know you, I can tell when something is wrong," Stein stares down at her worriedly. ", I've spent the past two years training you... with Sid's help of course." He adds the last part when the blue-skinned zombie gives him a look.

"That's exactly the problem; Two years..." Her voice cracks on the last part. ", I've been gone for two years without a single word-"

"Maka," Sid starts sympathetically. "You know that you couldn't, and Shinigami-Sama explained it to them."

"Still doesn't make me feel any better about this," Maka grumbles under her breath. ", does anyone even know we're coming back today?"

"Nope, Shinigami-Sama is gonna call them all to the death room after we've arrived and it'll be like a fun surprise, so the sooner you wanna see them, the faster you should move your feet," Stein says nonchalantly as he walks down by Maka's side and pulls her along.

Two years ago, Shinigami-Sama sent Maka, along with Professor Stein and Sid to Japan to train. The reasoning; Shinigami-Sama had realized when weapons became Death Scythes they could fight on their own, but most meisters could not -hence why not many are still around-. During that time, Maka and Stein had become much closer, especially knowing that she spent a lot of time with him when she was little. Maka had even gotten to know Sid better too.

Also during that time, Maka had grown up quite a bit. She had dropped the pig-tails, now she usually wore her hair down so it reaches her butt, but sometimes she put it up in a ponytail. She exchanged her old black cloak and skirt for a white button-up trench coat and official white and pastel blue color based uniform that complemented her newfound curves, she kept her clunky black and white boots.

As much as she had been grateful for the training, Maka couldn't help but feel a little resentful. After all, Shinigami-Sama had called her to the death room alone in the middle of class, next thing she's being forced to Japan, without a goodbye to her friends. Although Maka didn't know; it was the same for Stein and Sid.

Even though it only took a couple seconds to reach the top, it might as well have been centuries to Maka. As they walked into the building, Maka subconsciously pulls her hood over her head hiding her face. Stein chuckles at her shyness and pats her head.

Finally, they push open the door to the death room and walk down the guillotine lined walkway.

"HIYA! HI! HI!" Shinigami-Sama greets as he appears from his mirror. ", Welcome Back Everyone!"

Maka stands straight, pulling down her hood and salutes. "It's nice to see you again, Shinigami-Sama."

"Come now Maka-Chan no need to be so formal," Shinigami-Sama reaches out a large gloved hand and ruffles her hair.

Maka giggles sheepishly as a slight blush dusts over her features.

"I presume we should be expecting guests." it was more of a statement but inside Stein was hoping to see Marie, just as Sid hoping to see Nygus.

"Yup, right about-" almost as if on cue, Shinigami-Sama is cut off b-


(A/N if you can't figure this out... I'll have no words)

Maka's heart leapt at the sounds of her old friends, she wanted nothing more than to run down the hallway, jumping up and down like a little girl. But she kept her cool and faced the mirror, away from everyone else.

"STEIN! YOUR BACK!" Marie shouts childishly running into Stein's open arms.

Numerous murmurs of excitement ring out as Kid, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, Black*Star, and Soul gather around him.



The two undead, mummified partners embrace lovingly. Everyone enjoys their reunion, until Soul's deep baritone voice mumbles;

"Who's your new friend?" he points to Maka's turned figure, the room falls into a prompt silence.

Without making any move to turn around, Maka laughs. "Have you forgotten me after all these years Soul Eater?"

Soul's, along with everyone else's, widens and lights up with recognition.

"...M-Maka..." Soul stutters.

Maka chuckles quietly to herself, then swiftly twirls around with a huge smile etched on her face.

"Yeah..." She whispers on the verge of tears.

(A/N all the characters are wearing their Spartoi uniforms, so not gonna do too much detail :3)

Soul stood tall almost six feet (along with all the other boys). Wearing a white long sleeved button up with a black tie and blue jeans. But his signature smirk never faded.

Death the Kid, wore a perfectly symmetrical white suit jacket with his collar pulled up and fitted blue pants.

Liz had on a loose but curve defining blouse and a blue mid-thigh length skirt. Over that she had a white collared jean jacket.

Patty's outfit is exactly the same as Liz's except a cute floppy blue hat rested on her head.

Black*Star traded his previous ninja/assassin outfit for a sleeveless white shirt, boyish blue joggers. A white scarf covered the bottom half of his face and had bandages wrapped around his arms.

Tsubaki wore something similar to what her partner had on, a white short sleeve with stitch-looking buttons running down the torso, blue shorts, and black long socks; one up to her thigh and the other circling up her leg reaching her thigh. The same fingerless glove bandages running up her arms.

The sound of a single footstep is heard as Soul tears across the platform and crushes into Maka. he lowers his head into her hair, smiling widely, and squeezes her closer to him because no way in hell was he ever gonna let her go.

The day Shinigami-Sama had told them he had Maka sent to Japan to train, he cracked. Kid was the only one who had the courage to ask how long they'd be gone. Hearing Shinigami-Sama's voice for the words Two years; It broke Soul's soul. Shattered him.

"You...," Soul took a deep breath, before continuing. ", You were gone for way too long, don't go anywhere else, cause you belong here, Bookworm." he continued muttering nonsense into her hair as she hid her tear-stained face in his chest.

"Don't worry, baka, I'm not," she rose her arms to curl around his neck, not moving her face from his chest. ", This is where I belong."

"Damn right,"

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