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Song: I Wouldn't Mind; He Is We

 (Yes, I know the AMV is not Soul Eater, it's Fairy Tail, but it's done by my favorite YouTuber of all time; Anime Safe Haven, If you haven't heard of her, go check out some of her videos! :3)

*This one-shot is pure fluff, sad poem and romantic poems included*


Soul looks around their small apartment with a bored expression haunting his face. Maka was gone today and that left him with nothing to do.

C'mon Soul, think... Think...!

He continued to let his eyes laze around the apartment layout...


His gaze landed on Maka's door.

I wonder...

He thought back to a couple weeks ago, when Maka spent the day showing Crona around the school; how Maka told Crona to write a poem when he was nervous about being there. How she said she wrote poems when something was bothering her.

Does she really write poems about stuff like that...


He thought as he crept to her door; I'll just take a look...

Seeing as her door was unlocked he just walked right in and made a beeline to her bookshelf.

There was a row of notebooks, he didn't think he would find the right one until he noticed a thicker, worn out looking black notebook, ornamented with purple roses.

That's it

He pulls it out and flips to a random page;

I learned that people leave. Even if they 'promised' a thousand times that they won't.

I wish I could bring you back, to see you one last time. To hug you close, to hear your voice and then the world would be fine.

I can't control my feelings. But I hate how my feelings can control me.

You said you loved me, you said you cared. But once you were gone, I was so very scared.

I killed someone, you see. I killed the girl who used to be me. I'd done this long ago.

Our death is in the cool of night, our life is in the pool of day. The darkness glows, I'm drowning, the day has tired me with light. Over my head with the leaves grown deep, sings the young nightingale, it only sings of love there.     I hear it in my sleep.

The girl who seemed unbreakable; broke. She dropped her fake smile and whispered: "I can't do this anymore."

I feel like everyone hates me, but don't worry I hate me too.

It's sad when you feel alone in a room full of people.

The scars that you'll never see, some were made by me. And my tears have turned red, with the blood that I've shed. People think that I'm lost to the madness when really I'm cloaked in sadness. I could use a rope or I could use a knife. Looking back on my whole life, I see the pain and I see the hurt. I feel my heart about to burst. The blood will flow. Why can't they see, that all my life I've been afraid of me.

"SOUL!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" A voice screeches.

He wheels around on the heels of his feet and sees Maka standing in the doorway looking horrified, covering her face with her hands.

Oh No, nononononononono!" Maka peeks at Soul through her hands. "Soul... did you read any of that?" she whimpered.

Soul stayed silent, just staring at Maka. Not knowing what he should do.

"Maka... I..."

Maka starts chuckling nervously. "Hehe... well, I guess I'll be leaving now..."

She turns to start walking away, but a hand grabs her wrist, halting her.

"Maka, you know you can tell me when something's wrong, right?"

She gives him a saddened look. "You didn't tell me when you were having nightmares..."

The breath catches in his throat, how did she know about those. Soul grimaced as he thought of the answer immediately... Medusa.

Soul pulled softly on her wrist, which because of a slightly awkward position, made her fall backward, twirl around and land face first into Soul's chest. She promptly righted her balance, and looked Soul right in his beautiful crimson eyes.

"Okay, then let's not have any more secrets," he whispers, gazing into Maka's enchanting emerald hued eyes.

"I like that..."

"Though I do have one more thing I want to tell you, but..." Soul gulped audibly, and hold her tiny hands in his. They fit perfectly. ", can you close your eyes, when I do."

She looked at him questioningly but obliges.

He leaned in closer to her face so that his bangs were tickling her forehead, and she could feel his warm breath hovering near her lips. Finally, their lips connect, for both of them, it was like a breath of fresh air... something they had both wanted so badly.

Soul pulls away, face alight with a red tint that matched his eyes and Maka's cheeks dusted rosily. She rested her forehead against his and breathed;

"I fell in love with the cracked and broken pieces of you, So when you showed me your good side I fell more deeper and deeper, that I do not know if I would ever survive the landing."

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