A/N 300 Views!! Thank You!

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Song: Gangnam Style; PSY (AMV Fairy Tail, because I liked this AMV better than the Soul Eater one)

okay guys, 300 views, Dear Death that's a lot! Thank you, thank you so, so much!

So after this author's note, I will post a couple chapters; like two that I have completed. Then I'm gonna put it in third fricking gear and pull an all-nighter to get you guys the chapters you have been waiting so patiently for... thank you again for being so patient with me and my lack of writing motivation.


I'm going to use this as a preview for the future fanfics I'll post:

(titles in underline, Summaries in Italics)

Amputee Club;

(A pianist missing a hand, and a bookworm in pieces; both out of place in their worlds, flee to Shibusen where they'll finally meet people just like them)

Souls of Graylock;

(Maka seems like a completely normal teenage girl, but... she's not what she seems; Maka has the ability to see souls and spirits... most are not friendly. Maka's parents after years of abuse and neglect, abandon Maka at Graylock Hall; Asylum For Troubled Youth. There she'll meet people with every different mental disorder in the book; schizophrenia, anxiety, OCD, Personality Disorder... but after being there for a while... she starts to see the souls of previous patients... and something is wrong... terribly wrong.)

Maka Albarn... The Girl You Murdered;

(this the story of Maka Albarn and the people who drove her to suicide; a story of love, trauma, and betrayal)

A Runaway;

(Maka Albarn has always been ignored in her home, but after her mother leaves without a trace, her father starts t turn his attention to her, in a very bad way... so finally she's had enough and runs away from her abusive home in Japan to the United States in Nevada, Death City were she also changes her name to Mary Alberona

Soul Evans once a pianist prodigy to the famous line of musicians, though he is sick of living in his elder brother's, Wes, shadow... so on a snowy night he disguises himself as Soul Eater and finds a flight from the United Kingdom to the United States. To be more specific Nevada, Death City.)

Life As We Know It;

(Years and years after the gang has graduated from Shibusen, Soul, and Maka are still living together as partners, but their world is shaken to the core when they get a phone call saying their best friends Black*Star and Tsubaki have died in a car accident, leaving the care of their young daughter in Soul and Maka's hands.)

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