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(I've always liked the idea of Maka being afraid of thunderstorms and Soul afraid of clowns *I am also fucking terrified of clowns. I don't get how people can think they're funny, it's like NO! They're frickin' creepy!* Anyway, whatever...

Song: Safe and Sound By Taylor Swift and Civil Wars (I couldn't pick a song to go with this Oneshot so, eh, I tried)


The small blonde haired scythe meister slowly looks up from the book she's reading, that wasn't-

Boom! Flash

Yup, it was thunder and lightning. Maka could face countless kishin eggs, Hell she could defeat Kishin Asura, but she had one weakness. Yes, Maka Albarn was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms.

She screams as thunder rolls through the darkened rain-filled sky, followed by a streak of white lighting it up. The small apartment darkens as Maka races for her safe place, making her trip in her doorway. The howling, unforgiving winds must have knocked out the power.

With much difficulty, Maka makes it to her safe spot, her closet. She throws open the door and climbs inside shutting it behind her. She could make it through this, as long as she stayed in the closet. It had always worked when she was a child, the habit had not changed since then.

Soul didn't know, they rarely ever got thunderstorms, so he never had the chance to find out. And he never would. There was no way that Maka was going to tell him about this; he would just make fun of her. The couple of time they had gotten thunderstorms, Soul, was either asleep or he was out.

Tonight he was out. Earlier they had gotten into a fight; Soul felt like Maka wouldn't rely on anybody. She always tries to do thing herself even if she gets hurt doing them. Like that stunt she pulled on the London bridge while they were fighting the Immortal Wolfman; Free. Tossing him aside as she tackled Free herself and pushed him over the edge, almost, if it wasn't for Soul, going down into the water below.

Half of her prayed he wouldn't come back until tomorrow. The other half hoped so badly that he would come back tonight so she could feel safe. She always felt safe with Soul no matter what. Though she knew it was only because he had to, they were weapon/meister partners after all.

I'm not someone worth protecting... He says he's willing to die for his meister, he shouldn't, not for me at least...

Maka thought in the darkness. This was another reason she hated thunderstorms; it opened the door to negative thoughts, wide open.

Tears spilled over her cheeks like miniature waterfalls as those kinds of thoughts weeded themselves into her brain, lowering her self-esteem drastically. Though they're broken away when she hears the opening of the front door, just as another boom of thunder sounds through the apartment causing her to cry out involuntarily.

"I'm home!" Soul pauses as he thinks he hears someone crying. "Maka? You okay?"

From her spot in the closet, she freezes and covers her mouth with her hand, attempting to muffle her whimpers of terror.

Footsteps shuffle from the front door to her doorway and pause.

"Maka?" Soul pauses again. "Where are you?"

Realizing she can't hide forever, and if she hid any longer she might start to freak out Soul.

"I'm in here.." Her voice is laced with fear, which makes it sound like one of a frightened child.

"Maka? What're you doing... in the closet?" He ends his question with a confused tone at the end. Maka could practically see him tilting his head.

"N-nothi-" She's cut off by another clap of thunder. Scooting further back into the wardrobe with a whimper, she awaits Soul's reaction to her weak response.

"...Maka... are you afraid of thunderstorms?" He finally asks after a long silence.

"... ... I- I can't tell you..." She says quietly.




"... because..."

"Because why?"

"... you'll make fun of me..."

"No I won't, I wouldn't make fun of you for what you're scared of."


"Maka, c'mon don't be silly, you can talk to me about these kinds of things, you can rely on me. So come on out." Sou goes to pull on the closed door.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I've always gotten through it like this."

With those words, Soul freezes and stares at the door. "...I've always gotten through it like this..." it makes all makes so much more sense now. Maka's never been able to rely on people. Her mom left and Spirit was always gone too. She never learned, she never could rely on people.

He opens the door steadily and sees Maka sitting curled up with her knees to her chest. She looks up at him with wide tear stained eyes full of fear. He gives her a reassuring smile, the same time that a round of thunder and lightning rings out, causing Maka to jump from her place in the wardrobe and leap into Soul's chest hugging him tightly. Returning the embrace, Soul strokes her hair soothingly.

"You're absolutely adorable, Bookworm,"

Maka continues to cry silently into his shirt, but with that comment she allows a small smile to play her lips.

"A-Alright, cool guy, w-what are you s-scared o-of?" She tries a cocky tone but fails miserably with all of her stutterings.

When he pauses for a long time she thinks he's not going to answer, but surprisingly he does.

"Clowns. Definitely. Clowns scare the shit outta me,"

"Well, g-good t-to know." Maka giggles wobbly.

"Here follow me," Soul goes to move, but, Maka doesn't. She just stands in her place clutching onto him, shaking and trembling like a leaf trapped in a windstorm. He waits a couple seconds to see if she'll move, she won't.

"Alright," Soul chuckles a bit, before scooping her up bridal style. He carries her to his room and stops by his closet.

Digging through it, he retrieves a black winter headband and drops it around her head so it's covering her ears.

"How is that?" Soul asks securing the cloth over her ears.

"What?" Maka tilts her head.

Soul says nothing just smiles and covers her with the blanket from his bed. They sit in the dark room in silence for a little while before Maka scoots closer to Soul covering him with the blanket too. After some adjusting, and failed attempts to share it side by side, Soul lifts her up and puts her in front of him so his legs are on both sides of her and her back is to him, then wraps it around both of them.

Soon both of them start to doze off with Maka's head resting on Soul's chest, and Soul's head snuggled in her hair.

Afraid of thunderstorms... Not afraid of kishin's, but thunder...

Soul smiles.

"Just another reason why I love you"

(also, I know not many people are even gonna care about this but if you guys have any recommendations or request, let me know. C:)

(I have NO social life whatsoever, so I will see your requests and recommendations if you have any 0~0) *if wished you will be credited for your idea's I would just put them into writing*

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