Punishment Game and Sweater Town

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(A/N This is just some sad, but fluffy stuff I came up with, enjoy)(Odd title I know)

Song: Tired (Alan Walker; feat Gavin James)

"You guys don't have to wait here with me the entire time you know." Maka chuckled at all her friends sitting around her, while she waited for someone she was meeting.

"Well, we gotta make sure you go through with the punishment, otherwise what's the point" Black*Star babbles insensitivity as everyone, but Maka gives him a glare.

Today was actually an exciting day for her and nothing could ruin it. It was a forced game of basketball and captains had to play the punishment game, somehow she was forced into the position of captain once again. Though when she asked for them to be able to talk together; Spirit had promised her that he was going to get sober and at least try to stop his womanizing ways. Right now, Maka was practically on cloud nine. This was all she ever wanted; was her father to try and make an effort to make amends. Sincerely, soberly. It may seem to most people that Maka hated her father, but that wasn't the case at all. Sure maybe she resented him a little bit, but she could never hate him. Ever since he had said that he would take her to a place where he and Maka's mother had gone in the early years of their relationship and talk. she didn't mind this punishment.

She had even dressed up a bit nicer for the occasion, with a black top, navy green shorts and her usual clunky black and white boots.

"Oh c'mon Maks, you're not supposed to be happy about the punishment game" Soul commented poking her cheeks. It was true she had been happy knowing Spirit wanted to make an effort to try and make up for being a drunken pervert all these years.

Maka simply nods, grins, and checks the time, he said he'd be here at about 11:00 and it was 10:55, about five more minutes.

Eventually, everyone had dispersed and started up a game of basketball while Maka waited.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

Until she spotted the familiar stumbling figure. A bottle of booze in one hand and a woman in the other. She checked the time; 11:51.

She stood up and walked over, cautiously, to her unsteady father. She approached and stood in front of him. She could smell the booze from a mile away. He didn't even notice her as she stood right in front of him, he and the woman he was with were still laughing about something, or just from being tipsy.

"Papa... ...?" Maka asks with a quiet wavering tone, She swallows audibly before continuing. "You're drunk..."

"Wha... oh 'hic' hi there... 'hic' uh... Mari or somethin' like that..." Spirit slurs before taking another swig from his bottle.

"You... " Maka stops to stare at the ground, letting her bangs cover her eyes she tries to hide the tears sprouting at the corners of her eyes.

The others have stopped their game to watch the scene unfold, wondering why Spirit was so- then they realized; he was drunk. He broke his promise. They look at Maka with sympathy and heartbreak written all over their faces.

"Um... Mako... er, Mari, 'hic' whatever your name is... I'll meet you 'hic' some other time.... I'm a little busy..." Spirit stutters once again. "Is that 'hic' alright with you?"

"Sure," Maka's quiet voice mumbles.

"Good girl," Spirit drunkenly pats her head and stumbles away, like he always does, with some random woman who is apparently worth more than his relationship with his wife or daughter. She stands there for a couple minutes afterward, when slowly it starts raining. She gives a grateful smile and lets the tears roll down her face. Why would he ever change, he never will.

"You... you lied..." Maka cries under her breath.

She turns to the others standing in the rain along with her, showing them tears running down her reddened cheeks in the saddest marathon ever.

The other can only look in shock... Maka Albarn did not cry. She always tried to hide her emotions, but here she was crying in the rain.

"Guess this really is the punishment game, huh?" She offers a wobbly smile and races away.

"MAKA! WAIT!" Soul shouts dashing after her.

The rest of them stand there with guilt flooding their eyes. Especially Black*Star, His high and mighty godly flame had extinguished. He came up with the punishment, he had forced her to do it, he caused Maka Albarn, his little sister to cry. Gods don't make the people they care about cry.

Meanwhile, Maka continued to slip and slide through the now seemly empty streets. There was a voice calling for her, but it all seemed to echo. The rain had already made it hard to see, but with tear-filled eyes, it might as well been damn near impossible.

About to cross the street to where her's and Soul's building lie diagonally, not checking for incoming vehicles when a pair of strong arms yanked her back just a truck went by.

"Dear Death Maka! Be careful would ya?" Maka was turned around to stare into the worry-filled crimson eyes of her partner. "You... okay?

She brought up a hand to wipe away any trace of leftover tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine." But her voice betrayed her words with a quivering tone, and traitorous tears slipped through her eyes.

"Maka..." Soul looked into her bloodshot emerald orbs. Even when she cried she looked beautiful, but it made his heart hurt when she did. Like when Tsubaki had told him how torn up Maka was when he had gotten hurt by Crona.

He hated to see her like this. She looked so vulnerable when she's the strongest most courageous person he knows.

The longer he stared at her the closer Maka was to breaking down again. She didn't want to cry in front of him, but when Soul wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close she couldn't help the sniffles and small whimpers that passed through her lips. Soul murmured sweet nothings in her wet hair.

Eventually knowing they should get out of the rain, Soul picks Maka up, bridal style earning a surprised yelp from said girl, and carries her to their apartment.

Drying off any remaining water, the weapon and meister pair change into warm dry clothes. Soul waits for Maka to emerge from her room, when she doesn't he walks up to her semi-open door and pushes it open further. He spots her sitting on her bed in an oversized navy blue sweatshirt. It used to be Soul's before she kept stealing it, eventually, he just let her have it. Soul walks over with a sad smile and kneels on the front of her bed. She had the sweatshirt pulled over her head and knees, with her arms tucked inside, so she looked like a big blue blob of dense fabric.


"Maka's not here right now."

Soul raises an eyebrow at her statement.

"Oh really? Where did she go?"

"She went to Sweater Town,"

"Is she coming back from Sweater Town?"

"Mmnh" Maka shakes her head from inside the sweatshirt.

"Well that's too bad, I guess I'll just have to go to Sweater Town myself."

And with that Soul scoots up next to Maka and slips in with her. Even in the darkness of the shirt, he can see she's still crying silently. He looks at her with sympathy and leans his forehead against hers and puts an arm around her shoulders.

"Why did he have to lie...?" Maka cries looking into Soul's eyes.

"I don't know," He mumbles, closing his eyes and pressing his lips to her forehead. " I don't know."

Maka leans into his chest, listening to his heartbeat and closes her eyes. Soon the two fall into a comforting dreamless sleep.

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