What If... The Black Blood Didn't Work?

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Major Manga Spoilers

~You Have Been Warned~

Song: Comatose by Skillet (i thought the video and song would be a nice add on)

When I first read the manga and I got to Vol. 25 chapter 110, I freaked at the end. Being alone of course I allowed myself to freak out to my own extent and yelled "NOOO! MAKA! DON'T DIE, DON'T DIE!! DAMN YOU KISHIN ASURA!"

But then I got to the next chapter and found out about the black blood and then I was all "HELL YEA! BADASS BLACK BLOOD MAKA! THANK SHINIGAMI (may he rest in peace) YOU'RE NOT DEAD!"

Anyways after I reread the manga (for the hundred millionth time) and I started to wonder what would have happened if the black blood hadn't activated in time and the Kishin's attack worked.

Well, onto the death and tragedy

"THIS IS MY PIANO, YOU KISHIN BASTARD!" Soul yells at the top of his lungs as he pounds out his hauntingly beautiful melody, increasing their power drastically.

The Kishin turns his head to Maka and Soul.

"I'll start with you," Asura says in a dangerously calm voice, diving towards them. Maka lets out a small noise of alarm before dodging Asura's scarf. Asura wastes no time before attacking again giving Maka no time to recover.

"LIKE I'D LET YOU!!" Two voices shout in unison.

Kid and Black*Star storm in and begin their relentless ambush, giving Maka the chance to fly up, on Soul's scythe form, and out of range of The Kishin.

The Kishin clasps his hands together creating a large portal, with his signature madness eye symbol shrouding the edges. Silently, his attack charges up, forming a dark electrical mass of madness. The beam fires, and hits dead on with no time for neither Kid nor Black*Star to dodge. As the duo is blasted against the moon. Maka races to their aid, but before she can reach them The Kishin appears right in her path.

He mutters, "Die,"

Time seems to move in slow motion as Asura winds his arm back, sending his attack straight through Maka's chest; where her soul is. Red blood flies from the wound, dripping from The Kishin's hand where it still resides in her body. From inside his weapon form, Soul realizes the black blood had failed, it didn't activate. Panic floods through his system and his stomach turns to ice as he realizes this truth.

"MAKAAA!!" he screams in vain.






Meanwhile, in Maka's soul she finds herself floating in a strange darkness; madness maybe?

(A/N imagine the episode where Maka uses the black blood to fight Crona and she sees Soul's and Crona's soul; for those who don't know it's episode 21 "May My Soul Reach You - A Dry Heart Inside Unbearable Isolation?")

After observing the area she see's many other souls, taking a closer look she recognizes them; Kid... Liz, Patty... Black*Star... Tsubaki, Soul... ...The Kishin, but inside The Kishin was the one soul wavelength she had been searching so long and desperately for... Crona. She wants to reach out to them, but a blinding pain shoots through her body. Originating where her soul is located, or at least should be located... instead, all she sees is the fading glow of her Grigori soul. She looks at it in confusion, then almost as if on cue the memories come flowing in. Black*Star, Kid they were hurt, then The Kishin... his attack... pierced her soul.

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