✗Chapter 50: Energetic End✗

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"Hi Aunty Claire." You smiled, leaning against the door and seeing your aunt on the doorstep.

"How's my favourite niece?" She responded cheerfully, giving you a hug after dropping her bags.

"Pffft, you say that every time. I'm your only niece, y'know." You grinned.

"Doesn't stop me from thinking the world of you, chick. Now let's get to work." Your aunt chuckled and ruffled your hair, moving into the hallway.

"I'm just moving across the street, so you didn't have to come and help me." You left the door open as you followed her, both of you picking up boxes.

"I know, but it's not a bother. Besides, I've already finished my work for today - I might've pulled an all-nighter." Aunty Claire ruefully responded, her reply sounding very familiar to someone else.

"All-nighters are bad for your health, Aunty." You echoed your response from the past - feeling bittersweet.

"Says the one who used to do them all the time! Didn't you do it with your friend? What's her name? Grace? No, that wasn't it...Greta? Gwen?" She kept guessing whilst she crossed the street with you - carrying a box full of clothes.

"You're hopeless. You should take better care of yourself." You tried to direct her attention away from your old friend and instead turned the topic to health.

"And so should you. I visited your mother earlier, and she told me she was worried about you." Aunty Claire's tone softened - concerned for you too.

"Oh yeah?" You put down the box and unlocked the door to your new house, keeping your composure.

"Your mother told me you seemed a little depressed...like you'd lost someone recently. Are you alright, hun?" She also placed her box down and set a hand on your shoulder, stopping you from turning away.

"I'm just a bit stressed out with moving and work, that's all. So how is Mom? Has her memory improved lately?" You lied convincingly, switching the subject yet again.

"It has indeed, in fact she's calmed down considerably. They gave her medication for her anxiety among everything else, so you'll definitely see a difference when you visit her next." Aunty Claire told you happily.

"That's good." You noted as you picked up the box again; taking the box into the living room.

"So how's life? Work going well?" She started another conversation - the two of you going back and forth towards houses. It was tedious work to take all the boxes from one house to the other, but the talking kept it mildly interesting.

"Mmhm. I've got companies clamouring for my attention and trying to outbid each other. It's quite amusing." You dryly answered, making her laugh.

"I can see how that would be funny, ahaha. Have you got anyone special in your life yet?" Your Aunty questioned playfully - causing you to pause for a split second.

"Perhaps. He's not a people person though, so I doubt you'll ever meet him." You shrugged; a secret smile lining your lips.

"Aw, well I'm sure he's a real nice person. I wish you two the best." She sweetly spoke.

"Thanks, Aunty. He'll be happy to hear that." You thanked her politely, pleased by how she wasn't prying. She was the exact opposite of your mother, that was for sure.

"Need anything else after we finish moving these boxes? We're almost done, but I'd be happy to-"

"No thank you. You've already done so much. And besides, my boyfriend wants to help me." You carried the last box over the road and dumped in onto the porch, the bitter November breeze whipping at your pink cheeks.

His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader {Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now