✰End Note✰

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Man, we've finally finished the rewrite of the His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader! It was incredibly hard to juggle writing this, the rewrite of the His Girl - Jason Voorhees x Reader, and the Horror Movie Scenarios & One Shots Book all at the same time, but I got it done for you guys<3

I'd just like to thank you, seriously. I say this over and over again; in the comment sections, chapters, and end notes in almost every book I do, but...thank you. I don't have much confidence, or courage, or self-esteem, but when I started writing, all of your kindhearted comments and sweet support really gave me a leg up. I've written countless chapters, created storylines I'd never dreamt I could finish, and gained followers who always help me whenever I need ;w;

I'm not going to beat around the bush and spout out some sentimental bullshit, nor do I want sympathy. But the real me - the one behind these books - she doesn't go out much. And that's not by choice. I get tired very easily. So most days I spend in my bed, focusing on my health so one day I can actually get out there. Again, not looking for sympathy, or even help. I know what to do. It's just the gritting your teeth and doing it part that sucks. The reason I'm being randomly truthful here, and giving you insight, is because I want you all to see how much it means to me.

That you read my work and tell me that my chapters are good enough. That you give me follows, and votes, and leave comments, and even DMs! Even lurkers, who only read - I appreciate you too! You make me feel like I'm someone special and important, even though I'm actually just a seventeen year old who can hardly leave her bed. All of you give me that confidence - the confidence that keeps me going. The flame that fights off depression. I've never been this serious and sentimental before, but there's 3.21k of you now - and I can't ignore the gratitude that needs to be shown.

So thank you, thank you so much. Thank you for giving me the emotional, therapeutic outlet that I needed, starting from 2014. Thank you for the lovely comments, and the pleasant messages - even the votes make my heart swell with pride. Thank you all❤️

SO NOW THAT THE EMOTIONAL SPEECH IS OUT OF THE WAY (Doesn't help that I'm listening to Your Lie in April Soundtrack as I'm writing this) , WE CAN GET BACK TO THE OTHER THINGS I NEEDED TO SAY.

FIRST OFF: The list of books I'm going to start/already am working on, since this one is finally reached its peak performance<3

•His Girl - Jason Voorhees x Reader {Rewrite} = is still being written, BUT will be published in three days. Let's hope I don't get writers block LOL. It's been a long time since I've published a book without it being properly finished. I hope I don't disappoint you all >.<

•Horror Movie Scenarios & One Shots Book = will be mostly on hold, but might make an occasional appearance. I want my focus on the Jason book, so I can finish it without any extended periods of waiting (I want my three days upload schedule still in effect, hopefully it will stay that way).

•RESILIENCE (Dead By Daylight One Shot Book 2) = Still on hold. I play DBD, but a lot of my fire to write about it has been put out. I'd prefer to leave it at that.

•Masquerade [Dr. Facilier x Reader] = Just a book I do when I have time...which is rarely ever LOL.

•Graphic Design Book = Currently closed, due to being on holiday and away from my Laptop+PC, but will reopen when I return.



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THIRD: Third's the one with the treasure chest💎💙 ;^)

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THIRD: Third's the one with the treasure chest💎💙 ;^)

Have a good one! 😘 -Cam xx

His Girl - Michael Myers x Reader {Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now