Prologue -Servant or Friend?

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We were all cheering as Thor walked, tossing up his Mjolnir arrogantly. I was at the very front of the crowd, laughing at Thor’s behavior. He always was a bit egotistical.

“Please.” Sif and I muttered, both hearing each other since we were only ten feet away. We smiled at one another with knowing grins. This was going to be an interesting king.

Finally, Thor made it to the front and knelt before Odin. He must have done something towards Frigga since even I could see her eyes widening in warning. Before long, Odin stood and quieted the room with one crash of the royal scepter.

Odin seemed slightly choked up, the pride beaming. “Thor Odinson, my heir…” From the corner of my eye, I saw Loki shift uncomfortably. My smile vanished- “…my first born…” -and Loki’s eyes moved from the floor to mine. I gave an apologetic smile, to which he nodded. “So long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. Its power has no equal! It’s a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. Tis a fit companion for a king.” Except that he only uses it for battle and showing off. I thought before Odin continued. “I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across my realms in the time of the great beginning. Now, my legacy will rest with you, Thor Odinson. Do you swear to guard the nine realms?"

“I swear.”

“And do you swear to preserve the peace?”

“I swear!”

“Do you swear to cast aside your selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms?”

“I SWEAR!” Thor put Mjolnir up in the air as emphasis. How conflicted I felt…On one hand, I’m so much closer to Loki and know just how much better of a king he’d be. But on the other hand…I’m also friends with Thor and he has helped me when even Loki couldn’t. Of course, I suppose that’s true of all of them…Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, even Hogun on occasion. I suppose I’ve become like a little sister to them all.

“Then on this day, I, Odin, All-Father, will proclaim you…” Odin stopped short and listened. Worry crossed his features before he muttered, “Frost giants.” He hit the scepter on the ground again so the destroyer was unleashed. “Come my sons. We must go now.”

“Yes, Father.” Thor and Loki said, though I could tell Loki was masking his excitement. Thor seemed oblivious (shocker) to the fact that he was not yet king.

Once they were gone, Frigga stood at the front of the room. “You may go back to whatever it is you were to be doing. We will finish another day.”

Everyone else began to clear out of the room, but I walked over to Sif. “Do you think that they’ll see the giants dead and all will be well?”

She smiled at my hopeful words. “I’d like to say so, but honestly? I think we’re about to go through something far worse than a small handful of Jotuns.”

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