Chapter 4 -Servant or Friend?

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Quick thank you to the people who have vote for and commented on the book!!! It means the whole universe to me!


He pressed the backs of my hands to his forehead and desperately told me, “I am so sorry. Over and over again it seems I hurt you or threaten you or-or- I don’t know I just…I know that I would fall apart if you quit after so long so please…stay despite everything. Everything you remember and everything you now know.”

“Loki…” I muttered for the hundredth time that day it seemed. I moved my hands so they cupped his cheeks and made him look at me, eye to eye. I saw the fear and pain of everything going on in his wet eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.” A bit of relief filled his eyes and the tears began to fall. His arms wrapped around my middle and he cried with his head under my chin. I figured that it must be hard on his spine, so I gently pulled him so he sat on the bed, which definitely helped. I placed a hand on the back of his head and the other rubbed his upper back comfortingly. “It’s okay. Shh…It’s alright. Everything will be just fine… Don’t worry… Sh…” I relaxed my head against the top of his. “I never did thank you before for taking the blame of telling the guard.  Thank you for that. It was quite kind. And I’ll let you know that Laufey is the monster, not you. You are a great prince and a better man. Never forget that.”

Chapter 4

Loki had fallen asleep against me, though it was no surprise. What was a surprise was that he wanted me to be his stuffed toy in his unconscious state. I used magic to teleport us so we were lying sideways on the bed with the covers over us. Finding no other option without waking him, I fell asleep.


I felt Loki shifting awake next to me. He jumped away slightly when he saw me, which caused a chuckled to escape my lips. I stretched a bit and smiled at him.

“Good morn.” I croaked out.

“What are you...?”

“You wouldn’t let me go after you fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake you.”

He relaxed next to me. “You’re too good to me.”

“You’re pretty good to me, too usually so I don’t mind.” I sat up and moved across the bed. “Now, let’s get you dressed for your first day as stand-in king.”


I stood at the bottom right of the stairs that led to the throne. Loki wore the same armor that he’d worn to the coronation and I didn’t think he looked at all out of place on that throne.

“All-Father, we must speak to you urgently!” Sif yelled as she walked up to the throne with the Warriors three. They hand their right arms crossed over their chests, but the arms slowly fell when they noticed it was Loki.

“My. Friends.” He said, a bit offended at their surprise and the fact they did not respect him the same way.

“Where’s Odin?” Fandral asked.

Loki feigned heart broken. “Father has fallen into the Odin sleep. Mother fears he make never awaken again.”

“We would speak with her.” Sif told him, refusing to see him as the stand-in.

“She has refused to leave my father’s bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to me.” His faced morphed to that of someone who knows their power and he stood, towering over them. “Your king.”

After several moments, Volstagg was the first the put his arm over his chest again and get to one knee. Sif followed his lead and finally Fandral and Hogun did. Sif spoke first.

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