Chapter 1 -Servant or Friend?

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Alright, so, I just want to thank anyone who reads this. You are awesome and I'll hopefully be posting more soon. This chapter is basically to show the nature of Loki and Astrid's relationship to a fuller extent.

Loki walked into his room right as I finished setting out his usual wardrobe. He smiled and pecked the top of my head in a brotherly fashion. “You know me so well.”

“Indeed. Now give me the helmet.”

He chuckled and handed me the golden helmet with horns at least a foot high. Happily, I put it on and checked the reflection. “You always have liked that helmet.” He teased.

“Of course. It screams Asgard while still looking very much…like you.”

“Are you saying that I don’t normally hold similar styles to Asgard?”

“I’m saying that you’re different from the rest of Asgard.”


“You’ve always been different. At least, since I’ve known you. You seem more…real. Everyone else seems far too proper, but not you. I realize it’s an odd thing to say about a trickster, but…” The helmet then slipped and fell into my eyes, ruining any seriousness I could have mustered. We both tried not to laugh for a moment, but as usual, we couldn’t help it.

“Give me that.” He told me with humor in his voice before ripping the thing off my head. I could feel how much of a bird’s nest my hair had become without even looking. “That’s a gorgeous style on you.” He teased before setting the helmet on the bed and going into his bathroom.

While he was gone, I fixed my hair some before giving up and braiding it into a bun. I heard purposeful steps from outside the door and soon saw Thor marching his way to the feasting hall. I made to go after him, but thought twice of it. Loki would be far better suited.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump. Speak of the devil. “What were you looking at?”

“You should probably check on Thor.”

“He’s about to be a king. Surely he can control his temper.” There was a crashing from the feasting hall and I looked to Loki. “Perhaps not…” He sighed. “And he’s to be King…”

“If it helps, I think you’d be better as well.”

“Thank you. At least someone sees it.”

I sighed and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, standing cheek to cheek with him. “Just remember that as his brother, you will always have strong influence on him.” I let him go and nodded towards where Thor was.

“Fine. I’ll go. Feel free to listen in.” He winked before disappearing. Literally.  Not that I cared. He’d shown me how to transport as well.

“Boo.” Loki whispered behind me as I walked to my quarters late at night. I jumped and took in a quick breath before turning to the laughing prince.

“Don’t you have some councilman’s daughter to seduce?”

“No. That gets old.”

“And scaring me doesn’t?”

“You’re an entertaining person.”

“They aren’t?”

“They always act the same. You always have something new to say. A new surprise. Though I must ask…was that a hint of jealousy I caught at your first comment?”

I laughed. I laughed so hard I cried. I laughed even more at his irritated expression. I began to roll on the floor because it was just that funny of an idea.

“Yes. Laugh away. My mistake. What fool of woman would want the younger, scrawnier brother?”

“No.” I took a breath in and out. “No. I just…It’s not just you. In fact, I might laugh harder if it were Thor. I was laughing because you’ve become like a brother to me. Besides, unless it’s just to fuel your own pride, is it really that bad?”

He scoffed. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your room.”

“Only if you promise to teach me how to do the transportation magic as well.”

“Would you really like to?”

“Uh, yeah!”

“Fine then. I’ll teach you if I get to walk you back every night.”

“As long as you walk me back by my usual leaving hours, fine.”


“Good.” We stood there in a happily uncomfortable silence for a moment before I awkwardly turned. “Well, let’s go.”

I chuckled at the memory, soon finding myself by the back door of the feasting hall used specifically for servants. I put my ear to the door; wanting to be sure Loki was good.

“This was to be my day of triumph.”

“It’ll come. In time.” Loki told him. Good boy.

“What’s this?” I heard Volstagg asked, probably looking at the thing that’d made the crash. I was sure the others were with him.

I expected more from the others, but heard, “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re right. About the Frost Giants, About Laufey.” Loki…what are you thinking? “If they found a way to penetrate Asgard’s defenses once, who’s to say they won’t try again? Next time with an army.” No. No. No. I breathed in and out. I hated doing this…

Thor replied, “Exactly!” as I turned myself into energy, this time invisible, though. I passed through the door and watched from the corner.

“There’s nothing you can do without defying father.” Thor gave Loki a knowing look, a smile spread across his face. Damn you, Loki. I thought to myself. “No. No no no no no. I know that look.” Loki continued.

“It’s the only way to ensure the safety of our borders!”

“Thor, it’s madness.” Which is why you planted it in his head. What are you planning?

“Madness? What sort of madness?” Volstagg asked.

“We’re going to Jotunheim.” Thor replied like the leader he was. I knew that face on Loki. He was forcing himself to keep up his act.

“What?” Fandral asked, looking at Thor like he was insane. “This isn’t like a journey to Earth where you summon a little lightning and some thunder and the mortals worship you as God! This Jotunheim.

“My father fought him way into Jotunheim, defeated their armies and took their casket! We would just be looking for answers.”

“It is forbidden!” Sif yelled.

Thor smiled at the four. “My friends. Have you forgotten all that we have done together? Fandral, Hogun, who led you into the most glorious battles?”

Hogun smiled. “You did.”

“And Volstagg, to the delicacies so succulent you thought you’d died and gone to Valhalla?

“You did.”

“Yes! And who proved wrong all those who scoffed at the idea that a young maiden could be one of the fiercest warriors this realms has ever known?”

Sif smirked. “I did.”

“…True, but I supported you, Sif.” He looked to all of them, brushing off that moment. “My friends. We’re going to Jotunheim” Loki’s gaze drifted to mine as I glared at him. I had half a mind to beat him to a pulp already.

But, patience is a virtue.

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