Chapter 5

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Like I promised, a longer chapter! Have fun!


„Why would Michael search for you? What have you done to make him do that?" Adam looked at Samandriel in surprise. "You think I did something wrong? "Uhm ..." Samandriel watched the blonde demon that started to search for some stuff and puts it all on his bed. "I have never met him, but everybody said he was a good angel ... Yes, he is a soldier, but he never did something wrong. He always did his best to make good choices." Adam laughed, but it sounded more hysterical than happy. "What's so funny?" "He might have been a good puppet-""Why should he have been a puppet?" The young angel interrupted the words of the other ones words while he looked at him, confused. The angels never said that Michael was unfair or even horrible ... Okay Lucifer said that, but that wasn't a surprise. "Your father used him, obviously." "Why do you think that?" Adam rolled his eyes while he started to shove some things into a bag. "I've been inside his head. If a human is possessed by an angel the human can look in the angel's mind too, and I have seen all of that stuff. He was god's marionette and he will always be one and now stop talking. If we survive this I'll give you answers for every single question you'll ask." He raised the bag and grabbed Samandriels arm; pulling him out of the room, walking through the hallway, over to a door at the wall, right in front of the stairs. Why haven't I recognized the door before? It's exactly in the sight that I had when I walked up the stairs ...

Adam wanted to push Samandriel into the small hallway that was visible after he unlocked the door, but Samandriel made a step backwards. "Adam, no. I refuse to believe that this is Michael, I'm sorry." The young man looked at him in disbelieve and surprise. "You will die, Samandriel, you know that, right? Because – believe me – he's insane. And if I will lock myself up there, I won't come back down and risk my life. So, are you sure that you want to stay here?" The light haired angel nodded. "Yes. If it is Michael then he won't hurt me. He never hurts his siblings. Maybe I can solve the problem you two have." And maybe I will get more information ... The blonde one looked at him quietly for some seconds before he sighed. "Fine. Goodbye, Samandriel ..." He turned around and walked into the second hallway, closing the door behind him. Great. He finally knows my name. He was alone now. Alone in the hallway, waiting for someone he might knew.

He stood there for some time that felt like the eternity. Samandriel could feel his heart beating in his chest. Yes, he felt nervous. Very nervous. A part of his mind was cursing, wishing that he would've went away with Adam, but instead of this he stood there in an empty hallway, waiting for something. He looked around. Maybe no one would arrive. There could be the chance that Adam was just hysterical for no legit reason.
Suddenly, everything was silent. Yes, it was currently night time, but Samandriel felt like someone muted ... Everything. He swallowed when he realized how nervous he started to feel. He turned around and tried to open the door but it was locked. Don't blame him, even if you want to. It was your choice; he just made sure that he is safe. The angel started to shiver. Something arrived. Something powerful. Something he probably shouldn't mess with. Footsteps. Downstairs. His heart started to beat even faster. I have no idea who arrived but I guess Adam was right and he has also been right when he said it would be better to hide somewhere ... Samandriel, you should've believed him. Now he slowly started to walk away from the door behind him. Actually he felt the strong urge to run away. He heard the steps on the stairs and started to shiver again. Someone walked upstairs. He could slowly see the person appearing. Dark, messy hair. Probably a male. "Samandriel. Nice to see you again, this time in the real world." The voice sounded insane and slightly purring. "Michael?" Honestly, Samandriel didn't believe that it was actually the once so powerful archangel. How could someone that well known, mighty and intelligent person sound like that? Also, Michael would never harm or chase someone without a good and legit reason. It can't be him! "Aw ~ did you notice it yourself or has my little pet revealed it?" What? Samandriel was now even more surprised. "You are really ... The flaming sword of heaven?" "Of course I am."

Until now the young angel could only see his back, but now he turned around and Samandriel was paralyzed in shock and disbelieve for some seconds. The hazel-bronze eyes of the angel were wide opened; his pupils were, relatively, small. Dark circles were underneath his eyes and his expression was dead at the same time. He smiled but the only emotion Samandriel could see was rage. He never thought that it would be possible for a person to show so many different emotions at once, but he did. "Is something wrong, dear brother?" He tilted his head, which made him look like a doll. The kind of doll you don't want to own because it scares you. "N-no ..." He swallowed hard. His throat was dry. Adam hadn't lied. Michael was insane. Calm down, Samandriel ... You can't know if he'll hurt you ... "E-ehm ... No ... Of course not ..." "Good." Michael smiled at his younger brother but there was no positive emotion in it. "Anyways" Alfie hoped that his voice wouldn't sound as shaky and creeped out as he thought it did "What are you doing here?" Michal walked closer to Samandriel, the door, where Adam hid himself was behind him, now. "I want to see my vessel ... But he is always so scared ..." The voice of the archangel sounded like a whiny, little girl and he raised his head, looking up to the ceiling. "Why ... Is he scared?" Maybe Adam is a very anxious person ... What if Michael is insane but he could be cured ... Maybe he needs someone who helps him, someone that he could rely on ... I guess I should tell him where Adam is. It could be that Michael feels a spiritual connection to his vessel ... "I need his energy. His energy he uses to life, so I can become powerful and beautiful again!" Never mind. Samandriel instantly made a step backwards, while he looked at Michael's showing madness. "Will you tell me where he is?" "I- ... don't know." He didn't really know why he was lying. Maybe Adam would deserve it, for some reasons Samandriel didn't know. Maybe Adam made him go insane. He didn't know what happened in the cage but somehow he felt like it was the right thing to do. "Are you sure? Because I can smell that he was here not a long time ago ..." "I don't know where he is ... I'm sorry." "Samandriel, Samandriel, Samandriel ..." Michael walked over to the young angel, his arms crossed behind his back. "You're lying ..." With every step Michael made into his direction, he took a step backwards. "I can smell that you two touched each other lot a long time ago ..." Samandriel winced a bit when he felt something behind him. The wall. It was the wall. Crap. "Samandriel, you were such a good angel ... And now ..." He stood right in front of him "YOU DARE TO TOUCH MY VESSEL, ME PET, THE SOURCE FOR MY ENERGY?!"
Samandriel got a bit smaller then he already was when heavens oldest started to shout at him; eyes glowing in anger. "I-I'm sorry-""Do you want his souls energy for yourself?! Something like this is called backstabbing! How dare you to do that?!" "I didn't want to do that! Please, Michael, listen!" "Stop lying Samandriel!" Michael looked down at him, straight into his eyes. Samandriel could see the madness inside of him. The hate, the anger, the pain ... If he wouldn't act towards him like this he would have felt sorry for him.

Out of nowhere Michael was pulled away from him. It happened suddenly and at first the young angel wasn't really able to understand what happened; until he heard Michael's voice: "Adam!" Adam kneeled over the archangel right now, but stood up again quickly; grabbing Samandriels arm and running up the stairs behind the door where he used to hide. He closed the door instantly and locked it again. "I thought you wouldn't come out again?" The light haired angel followed the blonde demon to a room, similar to an attic, but with the difference that many symbols were painted on the walls. Samandriel knew some but surprisingly not all. "Just be happy that I did it. I could imagine what Michael would do to you." The older one nodded slowly. "Thank you." Why do the Winchesters say he's evil again? He wouldn't have done this if he was fully evil, would he? "No problem, but thank me later, if you still want to." "What do you mean?" Now the light eyed angel realized that Adam was still standing right in front of the door, where he walked out of and closed it, leaving Samandriel in the room. "Hey?!" He ran over to the door but he already heard how the demon locked the door. "Adam! Let me out!" "Sorry Alfie ..." "Adam Winchester! Let me out!" He was now screaming. What is he doing? Why did he lock me here? There is only another door between him and Michael! Did he trick me? Are Michael and Adam working together?!

He continued to hit with his hands against the door, shouting for Adam, who hasn't answered any sentence. Suddenly he felt a sharp, burning pain. It started to spread around in his full body and he sunk down on his knees, without having the control over it. It felt like someone tried to rip him apart from the inside. What the hell is happening?! The pain stayed for at least 30 seconds until it randomly stopped. Samandriel looked up in confusion, panting a bit. The strong stifling presence he felt since Michael had arrived was away ... He slowly stood up. "W-what happened?" He asked, even though he was still alone on the attic.

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