Chapter 8

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Samandriel glared at Adam like he would like to hit him with the book in his lap, that he stopped reading. "I couldn't know what your last name was, Milligan. I already told you my name and you're still using my vessels name." "Yeah, I think it suits you, Samandriel." He used the same way to emphasize the name as Samandriel did when he said his last name. "It suits your innocent face." "How can a face be innocent?" The young angel tilted his head in confusion. He didn't understand. And Adam smirked again, because that was exactly the face he had been talking about. "If you would see yourself in the same way I do, you would understand it." Only now his gaze traveled down on the angel. "Since when are you wearing one of my shirts?" The angel looked down at his torso. "My vessels shirt got dirty when I leaned myself against the walls on the loft. I wanted to lay down but I didn't want to make your bed dirty, so I took one of your things out of the closet." "The thing you should've taken out should have been me." And again the angel looked confused and stared at the blonde male, trying to figure out what he told him. "I'm sorry but I didn't understand it." Adam shook his head slightly chuckling. "Was that something that has to do with humor? I am not very good at understanding jokes." "That wasn't a funny joke, don't worry. More like a bad pun. Be happy that you didn't because otherwise you would've probably hit me with the book. Or with all books on the shelf ..." Samandriel slowly nodded, still not really understanding what he was talking about, so he decided to change the topic.

"What are you going to do now?" "What do you mean?" "Because-", he stopped the sentence and looked around, like he thought that the archangel he was going to talk about would appear in the room right now, "Because of the things that happened with Michael. What are you going to do now? Where will you go?" The demon looked at the angel with a more casual expression now, to be honest Samandriel thought he looked way to calm, and answered him after some seconds of silence: "I won't do anything and I won't go anywhere. I'll stay here." The blueish eyes of the angel were opened wide now. He couldn't really believe that Adam said that, and that he was so calm during that. "B-but ... how can you just stay here and do nothing, while an insane but super powerful archangel wants to steal your energy?! He was already here! Don't you understand how serious the situation is? Have you seen him?" The angel's voice sounded worried and his voice was skipping from time to time, he was speaking faster than usual and he wasn't used to that. That was the reason why his voice sounded like that. "Samandriel, calm down. It's my decision, isn't it? Yeah, you might be my guardian angel, but that is my decision and I'm pretty sure that I won't change my mind. As you said: Michael is powerful. He will find me wherever I go. I would still be in danger. But, what is a better place to hide? A place I know and that feels familiar, where I already have some places that are nearly completely safe? Or do you think a hotel for example that has nothing to defend yourself would be better? I should also add that this would be more expensive and I wouldn't know good places to hide." I would still try to get away from him as good as possible ... I guess he seriously needs help. Maybe he has a death wish. He walked out to face Michael, he definitely has one. Or he is incredibly asinine ... He didn't seem to be that much of an idiot, but why would anyone stay? He needs help. I'm sure he does ... He let his eyes roam the blonde demon in front of him. Maybe I should ask his brothers for help. Or at least I should ask Castiel. "Hey, Alfie, are you still here or did you leave your vessel and I am stuck with Alfie²?" The angel slightly shook his head so he could focus again. "No, you're stuck with Samandriel." "Oh, come on. Are you serious?" "Yes. I am entirely serious. I am always serious. I have to be." The demon sighed and shook his head again. "Sarcasm, is this something you know?" "No." And I do not have time to learn what that is, I need to meet your brothers. They can probably protect you for Michael. The demon was about to open his mouth, explaining to the angel what sarcasm was, but Samandriel stopped him from doing that. "Also you look ill. Maybe you should sleep a bit." Adam raised an eyebrow and looked at the brown haired male in confusion. "But I thought you said that I have no physical illness. And I do not feel ill, if I am allowed to express my opinion on my health." "You are allowed to express your own opinion, but I might have been wrong. I guess you're having a fever." "But I don't feel hot! This is a general explanation of my self-worth, if I am completely honest." Samandriel didn't understand that sentence either and he just moved closer to the person he would watch over for the next time. "But you do look like that. Your eyes are chaotic and your gaze is unfocused. Let me just quickly check your temperature ..." of course he wouldn't check his temperature. He would make him fall asleep so he could contact the Winchesters. But he obviously couldn't tell him that because he wouldn't be that happy about it. At least that's what Samandriel thought. He and his brothers seemed to not get along with each other that well. But they would help him if he was in danger, right? They are family ... "You know that you can't correctly check someone's temperature with you bare ha-"Too late. Adam couldn't finish the sentence he just started, because the older one already placed his hand on his forehead and knocked him out. He looked at the demon for some seconds. "I know you'll be angry at me. But I just want to help you ..."

"Dean." Samandriel appeared in the Impala without any signs that could have warned the Winchester, so he was shocked when he saw him. "Holy fuck you son of a-" "Dean." Castiel interrupted the hunter before he was able to finish his curse. "Don't say that my brother is ... something like that." Samandriel sat in the backseat, Castiel was sitting on the passenger seat. "Fine." Dean rolled his eyes and looked at the young angel through the mirror. "Why are you here, Alfie?" "I want to ask you two for help." Castiel seemed to be a bit surprised, but Samandriel wasn't able to tell that since Castiel had even less face expressions than he had himself. "Is Adam that dangerous?" "No, I don't need help for myself ... He needs help. And he isn't dangerous at all. He might be a bit strange, but he seems calm if you ask me for my personal opinion on him." "So why does he need help?" If I would tell them that it is Michael that is the problem they won't help him ... They would start to hunt Michael, and that would make him even madder at Adam. I don't want that. He is weird but he saved me from him. Sorry Castiel, but I can't tell you two the truth. "He has some ... Problems with some demons that don't like it that he lives in their area ... They could harm him. He is more of a weak demon. Not high ranked in hell or anywhere at all. I would like to ask if you two were able to keep him safe? He is too proud to go away ..." Dean was silent for some seconds and Samandriel thought that he would say no, but luckily his answer was: "Fine ... We'll do it. Where does he live? Cas could fly over to him." Samandriel felt relieved and thanked the Winchester fast and told him the address right after that. "Good. So ... Your job is done, I guess." "I beg for pardon?" The young angel looked over to the Hunter in surprise. He thought that he might stay a bit longer, but it seemed like they trusted his decision. This made him somehow feel proud. "We will watch over him from now on ... You can go back. Thanks for the help, Alfie." Samandriel nodded slowly. "And its Samandriel ..." He disappeared with these words, without saying goodbye. And without thinking that Dean's sudden trust in Adam should have been a bit suspicious ...

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