Chapter 11

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Well, guess the readers will hate me for that ...


The young angel looked around in confusion and surprise. It doesn't really make sense ... I don't think that he really lives with the Winchesters ... Samandriel looked around, trying to understand why he was there. Unfortunately he didn't recognize the place. His memory might be well, but the most hallways in the bunker looked quite similar. That was the reason why he didn't realize that it was the same place where he heard the voices. So he slowly walked through the hallways, carefully looking around. He felt a bit nervous or uncomfortable, he didn't know how to describe it, but it wasn't a good feeling and he hoped that it would disappear soon. But it didn't so he just tried to ignore it in the best way he could. To distract himself even more, he turned his angel vision on, to search for the Winchesters half brother. That wasn't as easy as he thought, because many paranormal creatures already walked through these halls, so he was confronted by several, different paths out of smoke. Oh, great ... That's going to be interesting ... The angel sighed and started to search for the black smoke that the demons always left. Well, there was a serious problem, because many demons were already down there and he wasn't able to find out which was the newest one. No no no ... How should I even find him? He sighed. Guess I'll have to open up every single door here ... And I can only hope that I won't find anything problematic ... He walked straight up to the next door and opened it. The room was empty. ... That's going to be a long night ...

About twenty minutes later Samandriel stood in front of a door. Okay, he walked around in a hallway that was filled with doors, so that wasn't something special or surprising. The surprising thing was that it was the first door that was locked. The young angel was curious again. There were two options he could think of, why the door was locked. Option one: They hid someone in there, and the person could be Adam, or Option two: They kept something in it. Unfortunately he never came across the idea that maybe someone was in there that might better not get out. He placed his hands on the door knob and heard a silent 'click'. Carefully he opened the door. Now, the soldier stood in a dark grey room. That was the only thing he could recognize; it was really dark in the room. There were no lights at all. The blueish eyes looked around in the darkness while his hands searched for the light switch. When his hands finally felt the plastic he turned the lights on; his eyes got bigger in shock and surprise.

He was in the right room. Adam sat in front of him on a chair; his hands were tied up to the armrests. The eyes were black and seemed to be emptier than demon eyes were usually. Was he even still alive? His head rested against the back of the chair. Samandriel wasn't able to tell if he was even breathing. "Adam!" He rushed over - during that he recognized the devils trap on the ground that was drawn around the chair - and placed his hands on the demons shoulder, shaking him lightly. "Adam? Adam, come on and talk to me!" His eyes roamed the man's body, especially his face. Knocked out or dead? That was the question that filled out the angels head. "Okay, I'm really sorry for this but ..." He interrupted himself and slapped the person in front of him. "Ouh ... That hurt ..." Okay, he was still alive. Otherwise he wouldn't complain. "Oh good you are alive!" Samandriels blue eyes lightened up and he looked relieved for some seconds until he realized that the blonde one was still bounded at the chair. So he started to untie them; looking up to Adam from time to time. "Samandriel?" He seemed to be more alive - or at least awake - now. "Yes, it's me. And you finally learned my name!" The angel smirked for a second until he continued to free the demon. "You asshole ..." "Hey!" Now he looked up at the other one; insulted. Adam's eyes were normal again and that was the reason why Samandriel only saw the blue and grey color. He didn't think that Adam already changed them back so he was a bit confused for a second; maybe for even more than a second, because he looked at them for almost ten seconds, without blinking. "Uh, Samandriel?" The voice distracted him and he blinked for several times until he could focus again. "Are you okay?" That was an interesting question if you remember that Adam was the one that sat on the chair on which the Winchesters usually tortured demons. "Yes ... I just- I like your eyes and realized that right now." He simply stated. "Uhm ... Thank you?" "No problem."

"I like your eyes too, Adam ..." Samandriel turned around quickly; feeling surprised because someone suddenly started to talk to them. The surprised feeling turned into shock when he realized that no one else than Michael stood in the doorframe. "They remind me of heaven, during rainy days ..." Michael's voice sounded sad and nostalgic, but still insane. It was a weird combination and it made Samandriel shiver. The younger ones gaze traveled to Adam. "We need to get out of here!" Was something he whispered while he leaned closer to the trapped demon. "GO AWAY FROM MY VESSEL RIGHT NOW, SAMANDRIEL!" Michael's voice was nearly hysterical. "I'm not your vessel, Michael. Go away, you're insane." While he talked to the archangel his gaze went over and met Samandriels. Then he looked at something behind the brown haired angel, and continued to do that until he turned around. Behind him was a shelf with some jars. Some were filled with things that he couldn't identify, and some were empty. The young angel turned back and looked at Adam with a confused expression; his head was tilted. 'Empty jar' was something Adam mouthed, so Michael wouldn't recognize it that easily. Samandriel raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Adam tried to tell him. 'Get one'. Why should I get an empty jar? Does he want to throw them at Michael? That won't help at all! Meanwhile the archangel leaned against the doorframe, looking up to the ceiling; rambling about something neither of them could understand. 'Just get one'. Adam looked at him with a determined expression, so Samandriel walked backwards a bit, still watching Michael. He was by the way watching the ground now, with an empty gaze. Then he walked over to the demon. The younger angel looked at Adam but he just looked back and shook his head a bit. No? What do you mean with no? His light eyes looked around but he wasn't able to understand what he tried to tell him. "Will you stop running away now?" The archangel kneeled down, in front of the chair; looking up to the blonde demon. "... Yes."

Samandriel looked at Adam in confusion while he started to feel upset. What? Are you as insane as he is now? The archangel smiled again and stood up again; supporting his hands on the armrests while he seemed to forget about Samandriel, completely. Now the brown haired male watched how the light of Michaels grace left his body and floated over to Adam's body. Samandriel watched how his older brother possessed the demon in front of him and he was unable to do something against it. He was just frozen. Adam what are you doing?! But suddenly black smoke started to leave the body, while the grace was still streaming in. And now he understood why he should get a jar. The demon possessed Adams body, but Adam himself left it. Quickly he opened up the jar and the smoke settled down. Quickly he closed it and hid it behind his back in the right moment, because a second later the oldest angel opened the eyes of his vessel. He looked calmer again; not as insane as he looked like before. The straps on the chair cracked and he slowly stood up; stretching his new body. "Finally ..." He seemed to smile and after that he suddenly disappeared. Now Samandriel was left alone in the room. Left with Michael's old vessel - that was lying lifeless on the ground and Adam's soul in the jar. He raised the jar and looked inside - through the glass - with a stressed and irritated gaze. "I hope you have a good explanation for that!" Then he lowered the object in his hand. "Samandriel he can't hear you ... You are literally talking to a glass ..." He sighed and shook his head. "Oh dear ..."

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