Chapter 9

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Samandriel sat in his room, up there in heaven. He had been there for some time; since he brought Adam back to his brothers. Now he was pretty bored again. The day down on earth had been very refreshing, but now he was back, back in his boring everyday life that was always the same. Early in the morning? Training. Noon? Break. After that there was some time to train again. And then it was already evening. Samandriel sighed and looked through his window. Now it was night in heaven. And it was dark and silent. The young angel was bored. I wonder how many days have passed on earth ... I hope the Winchesters could make sure that Adam is save now. How is he doing? I would like to know that. Of course he won't be that happy because I told Dean and Castiel where he is, but he is save there. Family will always stick together, right? Oh okay ... I wouldn't help Michael or Lucifer, but that is something else. They are evil ... He is not. Samandriel crossed his arms and placed his head in between; watching the night sky. It looked peaceful, not like the home of several soldiers. He continued to watch the sky, until the sun rose and the sky wasn't dark blue anymore. And suddenly Samandriel jumped up. "Fuck!" He quickly covered his mouth with his hands. Luckily he was alone so he wouldn't get yelled at for swearing. Dean said Adam is evil. He probably still thinks that! I don't think that he believed me! Oh in the name of my father, no! He quickly walked out of his room, through the dark halls of heaven. I have to check if he is alright. And hopefully no one will stop me ... He jogged through the empty hallways, carefully so he wouldn't make a sound.

He was close to the exit when something stopped him. "Samandriel!" The young angel stopped immediately when he heard the familiar, female voice and turned around. Naomi walked through the hallway, the arms crossed. "What do you think you are doing?" Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Usually he wouldn't swear like that but Naomi wasn't someone that liked it if people do something on their own. And they never got along with each other that well. She took care of him for some month when he was younger, but she gave him in Hannah's care soon, because he was "too curious. I can't deal with such an annoying creature of a child. He makes me go crazy with all that questions!". Hannah had been a better "babysitter" than Naomi, even though she taught him to not ask that many questions. Well, now he was an adult and he was still as curious as he was when he was younger, but he didn't ask many questions even though he always had them. She didn't do her job that good either. "Answer me, Samandriel." "I uh- Wanted to go for a walk ..." That wasn't his best pretext, if he had to be honest. "A walk? You wanted to go for a walk at midnight?" She slowly walked closer to him. Like a predator that focused their prey. "You wanted to go for a walk at midnight on earth?" The light haired angel swallowed hard. Every time she talked to him he started to feel uncomfortable. This might sound paranoid but sometimes he even though that, if he would ever get murdered for any reason, it would be her that murders him. Or at least she would want that he dies. "U-uhm ... Yes ..." "Why, in the name of our father, lord and savior, do you want to go for a walk on earth?" Now she stood right in front of him and stared into his eyes. Her blue eyes were as cold as ice and her gaze was burning at the same time. "What is the real reason why you want to leave?" Samandriels mouth was dry and he licked over his lips that were dry as well. His eyes focused on the wall behind her. He wasn't able to look her in the eyes. I can't tell her the truth ... Oh dear ... Help, I need an excuse ... "U-uh ..." The exit was right behind him. He could just- ... No he can't ... Or could he? "I'm waiting, Samandriel." "Yeah, that's great. Please continue to do that." After these words the young angel turned around and ran away, to the exit. "Samandriel, come back!" But it was too late; he already entered the portal and thought about the bunker, where the Winchesters live.

The young angel appeared in the bunker and literally scared Sam and Dean for a second. Well, at least he guessed that he did that, because the first thing he could see was the barrel of a gun that pointed at his vessels head. Yeah, he "wore" his vessel again. He didn't really know how that happened but it did. Anyways, the gun was something more important that he should think of, because he didn't want to have a hole in his head. "Please don't shoot. It is me, Samandriel." Someone lowered the gun slowly. "Alfie? Do you mean Alfie?" Really? Come on, guys ... He rolled his light eyes. "Yes ... It's Alfie." Now the person in front of him took his gun down and he could see Sam and Dean. "What are you doing here? We told you that your job is finished." "I know but", the angel took a break for some seconds; trying to find a new reason to be there, "I was curious if Adam is fine ..." That wasn't even a lie. "Why shouldn't he?" Because you didn't seem to trust me back then and you didn't even take me serious, so I don't think that you did it when I told you he is calm. "I was just curious ... Also because of the demons ..." That was what he said out loud. Because of Michael was what he thought. "Of course he is fine. He lives with us now." "Can I- ... Can I see him?" It was hard for him to believe that he actually does that. "Not now ... He is doing the shopping." "Oh ... I can wait!" "No, you can't. We're working on a case and you distract us. So please leave." Dean placed his hand on Samandriels shoulder. "We like to work on our own ... You'll find the way out on your own, right?" "Yes, I will ..." He glared at Dean and walked out of the room. I can't believe him. He couldn't take me serious the first time we met, why should have he taken me serious about one day and a half later? Another good question would be why Samandriel seemed to care so much about someone he literally knew for a day. I can't trust him ... And I hope Michael didn't harm Adam. He walked through the hallway, concentrated on his thoughts while something suddenly interrupted him. It was a silent noise. At first he wasn't even really sure if he really heard something, but he stopped anyway. It was quiet in the bunker and the brown haired male shook his head in confusion. Now you're going crazy, Samandriel. You're hearing voices that aren't even real ...

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