Chapter 10

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The young angel shook his head slowly and continued to walk through the hallway. Now I'm hearing voices. Great. I guess I am losing my mind. He puts his hands inside his pockets and walked out; not thinking that he might not be insane.

"Dean. What was that?" At the same time at the Bunker Sam looked at Dean with crossed arms. He had the strange feeling that Dean did something without telling him. Not that this was something new. It wasn't, he did that all the time."Come on, Sammy. Is it really important?" "Yes, it is. You tell some stranger that randomly appeared here that Adam isn't here because he is doing the shopping, but meanwhile you said Cas brought Adam to another place where he is save? You're obviously lying, Dean." The older one rolled his green eyes. "Alfie is an over worried angel, that's why I said he is here." "Dean, that makes no sense. If he is over worried he will come back. And why don't you just tell me exactly what happened. You still didn't really tell me what exactly Alfie is doing now." "I think it isn't necessary." Dean shrugged while he said that. "Of ... Of course ..." Sam glared at his brother. He was clearly not in the right mood to talk about that. "I thought it wasn't necessary! ... Yeah, of course you didn't. It's not like I was the first one that recognized him. It's not like we are both related to him and might finally act like brothers. Also, if he is out, maybe Lucifer and Michael are out as well. Gosh, Dean, how can you say it's not important?!

Actually Samandriel wanted to go back home, but it didn't seem to be the best idea after all. He would just get into trouble with Naomi. Also he didn't really trust the Winchesters. Only Dean had been talking, why did the other one stay quiet? "Maybe I can look there for Adam later ... But what should I do now?" He slowly walked around; thinking about something he could do while he waits. Should I just go into a city and watch the humans? They are pretty weird but somehow also fascinating. All the different cultures, beliefs and all the other stuff I do not even know ... They are brilliant! Not in the logical way, but in the way of individuality! They are all so different ... Heaven would never allow that ... If you have a different view about something than the elders have, you'll be punished ... They changed a lot since the rebellion happened. He sighed and realized that he was at a familiar place. He looked around; yes he was right. The young angel stood in the village where Adams home had been. Well, maybe I could also visit his house. Maybe I will find out if he is really with them or not ... And he sort of hoped that the box he couldn't reach was still there.

Some minutes later Samandriel stood in front of the house he lived in for – not much more than – a day. Luckily his memory was usually very good so he had no problem finding the way back. He placed his right hand on the doorknob and heard a silent, clicking sound. Then the young angel slowly opened the door and looked into the small hallway. He felt a bit nervous since he was breaking in right now. The hallway was dark, even though it was still daytime on earth, but it wasn't much of a surprise. Adam wasn't even there. If he would be there, Samandriel would have felt that, and right now he felt nothing in this house. The brown haired angel took a step inside the hallway but hesitated. Should he really just walk in? He would be an intruder ... But before he could realize it himself, he already stood in the hallway with his entire body. My curiosity will kill me one day; I am pretty sure about that. He walked over to the stairs and started to climb them up; his aim was the ... What room was it exactly? The angel didn't even know, but the angel knew where he was so it didn't really matter.

When he was in the first floor he walked over to his right and opened the first door. Yes, his memory had been right again. The angel stood in the room with the books and the desk; the box was still standing on the shelf where he saw it the last time. He smiled a bit and took the chair from the desk, moving it over to the shelf. Then he carefully started to climb it up – hoping that he wouldn't end up on the floor, with the chair – and grabbed the box; making his way down again. "Finally ..." He murmured and sat down on the sofa, next to the shelf. This was actually the first time he took the things of someone else without any permission and it made him feel ashamed. But the feeling only lasted two seconds, and then he was excited again, because he would find out what was in there. The male angel placed the box on his lap and slowly opened it up.

Inside the box were ... photos? Samandriel tilted his head in confusion. Why would someone keep a box of photos? He took some out and started to look at them; trying to find out why he kept them. He saw an unfamiliar place and unfamiliar faces. At least that was what he thought at first, but when he took a closer look he found some similarities. The place was still unfamiliar but the faces were not. At least not one. One of the people looked quite familiar. The same dark blonde hair ... The same blue-grey eyes ... He had to face the fact that Adam was on the pictures, but in different stages of his age. And he was never alone on them. Sometimes a blonde woman would stand next to him, smiling. They both had the same hair color; again the angel tilted his head. "Is that ... His mother?" He actually forgot that Adam had a family. Well, another family than Sam and Dean. And now he was quite sure that she had to be a part of it. Then he started to look at the other pictures. Mostly other people that didn't look like they were related to him were on the other pictures. "They have to be his friends ..." Now he was even more curious and started to take the other ones out; also looking at them.

He really just sat there, looking at the pictures of the demons past, and honestly, he enjoyed it. They always seemed to be so happy ... Okay most people wouldn't take pictures when everyone is sad, but somehow they made the angel smile. Now he was holding the last picture in his and it actually made him amazed. Samandriel thought the last picture would be one within the last month or at least the last year, but it wasn't. He would say that Adam was about 18-years old. Plus, minus one year, but he really didn't understand why at first. Then he realized it. The cage! ... I guess all of the paranormal things started to happen! He looked at the picture again, this time for longer; he stopped when he started to feel a bit empty inside. Was that what human called sadness? Adam died very early ... And what happened to his friends and his mother? He probably couldn't tell them what happened. He slowly layed the photos back into the box. He had to leave his family behind ... I wouldn't know what to do without my family ... His family was weird and just an unorganized, chaotic mess but they were important to him. Even though he couldn't really tell why. Then he realized something else, what made him drop the pictures. If he has them here they have to be important to him. And he wouldn't leave them behind! Dean Winchester lied! That was something that happened quite often but Samandriel couldn't know that, and he didn't really care about it either. He layed the box down, without putting anything back. Then he looked out of the window. It was evening, so it would be a good moment to look if he could find Adam. This time he focused on the demon; hoping he would find him easily, but instead he just appeared in the bunker again.

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