Chapter 14

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The angels grip was tight around the demons shirt and his eyes were glowing in anger. "Adam, answer me!" He started to shake him again. "Did you made a deal with Lucifer?!" "No, I didn't make a deal with Lucifer, it is an arrangement." Samandriel pushed him back into the pillows. "That's not funny! Lucifer is seriously evil! How could you do that?! What was wrong with you?" "Well, if you sit on a chair, trapped while one of your half brothers does something that could be entitled as torture and an insane archangel is searching for you, then Lucifer doesn't seem like the worst person you could make an arrangement with, Alfie." The angel was quiet for some seconds. "Touché ..." Honestly, if he thought about that, it was understandable why he chose the devil over Michael, but it was still a wrong decision.
"But Lucifer is still evil. Maybe he lies. Maybe he will manipulate you and you end up in a situation that is even worse! You can't know that!" "Lucky me then, because I have a guardian angel that seems to care about me and that is pretty clever." The dark haired one grinned while he looked up to the angel that was still sitting on top of him. Samandriel sighed. "Sometimes I want to slap you when you look at me like this ..." "Slapping? No that won't work, try something else." He winked at the older one that just tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean? I know that slapping won't work so I won't do it, but what are you talking about?" Sometimes Samandriel saw Adam as a puzzle that he wanted to solve, but at the moment he was in the beginning and there was only a pile of different pieces that didn't make sense in his opinion. "Forget it, Alfie ..." He smiled a bit. "Looks like you do not understand anything I said." "To be honest, I often do not understand things you say. That doesn't happen every time but very often. For example when you say those weird things like you did right now. I do not understand these sentences and you always seem to be pretty obvious and blunt with the things you speak out loud but I never find the meaning in those words." "Like I just said; forget it Alfie."
Adam sat up slowly and he carefully tried to get Samandriel off of him. The angel helped him there and stood up, only to sit down again, this time on the mattress. "But maybe I don't want to forget it? Maybe I want to understand the things you say? I – for example – want to know and understand why you still call me Alfie. I am pretty sure convinced that you already know my real name but refuse to call me like that. Why?" The younger one stood up. "Maybe I do that because Alfie sounds kinda cute? Never thought that his might be a reason?" "Why would it? How can a name sound cute? It is just a bunch of noises that build up a word. Anyway, why do you call me that?" The demon shrugged slightly.
"I think it fits you and your innocent, angelic face."
"And why?"
"For fucks sake, Samandriel!" The angel jumped a bit when he said that. Did I do something wrong? I did, I am pretty sure that I did something wrong! Samandriel, stop asking so many questions! Look, now you made him mad! Great job!
But Adam wasn't mad, only a bit frustrated but that was not really Samandriels fault. Somehow it was, but it was more likely to be something he caused not on purpose and he didn't provoke him with the questions. "Do you really not understand what I mean?" "N-no ..." He was nervous. The young man seemed to be upset and he didn't want to provoke him even more than he already thought he did. "I think you are cute too!" "What?" He looked up in confusion. Why would he think that? "You're adorable, gosh; sometimes you look so sweet I am even mad at you for existing:" "O-oh ..." The light haired one didn't really know what to say now. Also, Adam probably only meant his vessel, the actual Alfie. He wasn't talking about him, right?
Samandriel still felt how his cheeks heated up. Even though he probably only complimented his vessel, he still felt flustered. "Thanks ..." He murmured and looked down. He had no idea where he should look at, but he was sure that he shouldn't look at Adam. "No problem, Alfie ..." Both were silent for some time and the demon cleared his throat. It was already awkward, it shouldn't get worse. "I'll uh ... Work a bit ... You can do whatever you want to ..." "Okay, have fun ..." "Thanks, you too."

Adam left the room and walked into his office. Unfortunately Samandriel forgot about the little issue that this room was the room in which he looked at the photos and he still hasn't cleaned to room up. So Adam walked back to Samandriel, into his bedroom. "I guess you should explain something to me ..." The angel looked up, up to the hazel eyed man, in confusion. He really forgot about the photos. "Did something happen?" "Just follow me. You will understand what I mean ..." The older one stood up in confusion and followed the demon that walked back out of the bedroom. Samandriel tilted his head in curiosity. What was the thing he had to explain? He had no idea yet, but after Adam opened the door he saw the photos again. Most of them were still lying on the ground and they were a mess. "Oups ..." His face heated up in embarrassment and he looked up to Adam. "Eh ..." he laughed nervously. "I am sorry ..." Surprisingly he couldn't discern what Adam was thinking right now. Usually it was pretty easy to see if he was angry or not – at least in normal conversations; in weird ones he couldn't either – but right now his expression was empty and even cold. Oh no ... I did something really wrong ... "Why did you touch the photos?" "I-I was curious ..." "Oh, so you always look through someone else's photos only to leave them on the ground?" Adams voice was distant and Samandriel started to feel seriously nervous. He never heard the young man talk like this. "Of course not! I just – when I looked at them I realized that the Winchesters might have trapped you and I rushed over to the bunker ... I forgot to put them back ... I am really sorry." The demon looked at him for some seconds and walked into his room and closed the door, leaving Samandriel alone in the hallway. "Adam I- ..." He sighed. "Okay ... I'll leave you alone for now ... Take your time ..." He turned around and walked into the living room, downstairs.

Almost an hour has passed and Samandriel was still sitting on the sofa, in the living room. Adam hasn't left his room since he saw the mess that the angel left and he started to feel bad, maybe even guilty. He was right ... I shouldn't have left them on the ground. They seem to be important to him. I probably shouldn't have looked at them in general ... Congrats, Samandriel! He grabbed one of the pillows next to him and hit it against his own head. That was so dumb ... He fell back on his back and stared at the ceiling; not knowing what to do now. For a second he thought he heard silent footsteps and he jumped up, only to realize that he had been wrong; Adam was still up in the other room. I can try to apologize again ... I hope he understands that I didn't want to leave them like this ... The brown haired angel stood up and climbed up the stairs. But ... What if he doesn't want to see me? He started to walk slower but still continued to climb up the stairs. Maybe he is really mad at me ... I touched things that are important to him ... Now he stood in front of the door and looked at it. Maybe I should go back down ... If he would want to see me then he would have come down, right? He stared at the wooden material and suddenly Adam opened the door. He looked slightly surprised when he saw the angel but Samandriel looked even more surprised and stared at him with his blue, in shock widened, eyes. "Samandriel?" "I-I uh ... I'm sorry that I touched private things that are important to you and that I left them on the ground like they are worthless!" He nearly shouted at him and ran back down again; leaving a confused but slightly amused demon upstairs.

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